Chapter Thirteen: Father Or Foe

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Kara stares down her father, having trouble seeing the truth behind his words. " My father Is dead. There is no way you are him" Kara had been tricked and torn mentally by the illusions of this hell that could no longer conceed and allow herself to believe the possibilities of the world she found herself in. It had seemed that everything was out to destroy her and yet somehow rebuild her.
" Kara, you probably don't realize this. But you are in Outworld. I have been here since my death. Locked in the same Prison that you freed me from " He points to the destroyed Pyramid that Kara had just escaped from.
" If that is true. Then you are evil. Only the most evil come to Outworld from what I understand" Kara had remembered Shawn and Ravens explanations of this in the past. She remembered Gorgo from the beginning of her adventure and even he had never wanted to travel here.
" Yes that is true. But there are so many things you don't allow me to explain before you decide to kill me " he takes another step foward which warns him of again.
" This place, it is a prison world. And you are right, this is where evil comes to rot. But when I died, I was sent here" he paused sensing Kara's tension. " I begged and pleaded for a reason as to why I was sent here. And I was never given one. I still don't know why I was sent here. But I fully intend on finding out"
Kara still did not believe him though. " My mother told me of the man you once were. You were the hope that the Underworld needed. And when died, mother lost her mind. She killed Gabriel's parents in retaliation for your deaths" she explains which seemed to shock him.
" What? Aurora? She would never do something like that" he reasoned. " She was kind and loving..she wouldn't have done that. If she had..that would mean.." he stops himself. He knew that the Underworld was now in danger. He knew that if the words his daughter spoke were true, then there would be no saving his home.
" Kara...please tell you speak lies to me " Kalivare looks down at Gabriel's body. " We have to get home. We have to get him out of this place and maybe someone can help him" Kaivare panics and steps closer against Kara's warning. " HE IS FUCKING DEAD.." Kara screams, her mind twisting and contorting her thoughts as the words leave her lips.
" Kara there could still be a chance. We have to try don't we? " he asked as Shadows begin dancing around them. " What is the meaning of this. "
The shadows finally organize around Kara and Kalivare, revealing themselves to be night slashers. " Eight of you? It takes eight of you to stop us? " Kalivare questions the dark cloaked  beings.
" You will pay for what you have done here " one of the night slashers calls out.
" You will not leave here Kalivare " The night slashsers begin to charge at Kara's father with great speed.

The battle rages on between Kalivare, who manages to evade their attacks as he in turns flashes his razor sharp shark - like fangs. Managing to latch onto one and ripping off hits head. Kara watched on as this happened, being unsure as wether she should intervene or not. She could take Gabriel right now and leave. This would be the perfect distraction but something kept her from doing so.
Finally, she relents as her eyes glow Green again and she charges at the Night slashers, fighting them off along with her father who seems to be in perfect unison with her. She would blast them as he would smite them with his strength
The battle went on four an hour or so before the only ones left standing were Kara and Kalivare. They were tired but they had won. The broken and slaughtered bodies of the night slashers layed on the sand, looking as though actual shadows casted upon the red sea.

" Thank you..for coming to help me" Kalivare breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath as Kara made her way back to Gabriel. " I did it because they were going to be a problem in the long run. And I don't know how to get out of here. I need you alive to escort me out" Kara shoots a glare back at her father. " But if you double cross me. I will not be as forgiving as I was with Mother. I will cremate you where you stand " She growls as she reaches down and tries to lift Gabriel's body who was still in wolf form.
" At least let me help.." Kalivare walked over and helped Kara lift the giant wolf, placing him over his shoulder.
" Don't worry, I will keep him safe" He assures her as his body begins to fall back due to the sheer size and weight of Gabriel who he dropped back onto the sand.
" Gabriel! " Kara rushes back to his side and checks him as though to see if he was okay only to remember that he was dead. " Gabriel.." She cries at the sight of him. Her tears fall down onto Gabriel's fur again as Kalivare watched on in guilt for dropping Gabriel.
As the tears crash into Gabriel's fur, he suddenly begins to shift back into his human form. " Wha.." Kara looks down in shock. Was he still alive? How did that happen?
" What did you do?" Kalivare asks as he had seen this as well. " I don't know..I don't know what I did" She wipes the tears from her eyes.
" least he will be easier to carry now" Kalivare reasons as he leans down to pick up Gabriel again, hoisting him on his shoulders. " Okay, so I know I just broke my promise but I'm serious, I'm going to keep him safe. I won't drop him this time" he tries to crack a smile to Kara who looks at Gabriel and back to her father.
" Good. Your life depends on it. Now lets get out of here".

They continue through the desert, saying no words and only focusing on the Journey ahead. Kara didn't know what to say to her father. If that was even who he truly was. Something felt so off to her. But for the time being, she couldn't do anything about it. She would get out of Outworld and she would return Gabriel to his Kingdom and go from there. That is as far as she could think ahead at this point.
" Kara..I know you don't believe me. And I know that things don't seem right. But I do appreciate you helping me. And for what it's worth, I'm saddened by Gabriel's death too " Kalivare finally breaks the silence.
" I know I can't make up the time we lost either. I have missed out on you growing up but." He pauses, seeming to hold back tears. " I'm glad you made it back home safely" He says as he readjust Gabriel's body on his shoulder. An action that tenses Kara's body.
" I hope that when we get home, I can repair the damage that your mother caused" his thoughts trailed off to Aurora. The love of his life. The woman who had given him his first and only daughter.
" How could she have done something like this? She use to be so kind and loving..but she caused so much destruction. She had to know what would happen " Kalivare says to himself, Kara ignoring him still.
" She can't be forgiven for this..." he adds before turning his head to look back to Kara who trailed behind him slightly. " Not that you are going to tell me. But, are you okay? I know what the Night Slashers Prisons can do. If you want to talk about can " he offers but Kara ignores him.
" You can't keep it all in" he adds but Kara was in deep thought. Her heart had broken yet again, and she didn't even have the time to feel bad and shut down. She had a goal and she wouldn't rest until it was done. Until she saw Gabriel returned home.
Kalivare Sighs at his daughter's silence. He knew he would have to repair their relationship someday. He wasn't sure how he would be able to that though. She was strong, she had her own thoughts and emotions. Her own feelings and experiences. He hadn't seen her since she was an infant and he was so proud of her for how much she had grown. He only wished he had lived longer, to protect her from the harshness of the world. But he knew it was too late for that now.

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