Chapter Twenty Five: The Ties Unraveled

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A lone figure, completely naked, makes her way to a small Shack within the woodlands. She walked with a purpose, to seek out one single man who would be able to provide her the answers she seeked.
A firm knock, echos through the small Shack as the door opens and Kalivare greets the visitor..
" Gwen? " he says in a shocked tone as he welcomes her inside and closes the door, rushing to grab a blanket to slather over her so that she could get warmth.
" What are you doing here? " Kalivare questions, having heard that she was dead and was failing to understand how she could be here with now.
" Where is Kara? " Gwen asked in a cold tone, seeming to stare straight through Kalivare.
" I don't know. I thought she was at her palace? " he answers, surprised that she would want to see his daughter and come to him for that.
" I came from there. She is not there. Noone is anymore " She responds, continuing to stair blankly through Kalivare.
" I don't know are you alive? Your father told me you had died? " Gwen's eyes widen as she launches herself across the table, leaving the blanket behind and clinching her hand tightly around Kakivare's neck, squeezing tightly as she pins him against the wall.
" If you are lying to me. I will kill you " Gwen threatens. Something was wrong with her. She had never been so violent, especially not with him. He remembered Gwen from her childhood. She had always looked up to him and his ideals. She supported him in leaving the Kingdom.
" Gwen..let me down" Kalivare pleads as Gwen drops him to the floor.
" What has gotten into you? " He asks as he rubs his through. She could have snapped his neck if she squeezed any tighter. She looked so cold and numb to everything and yet so angry all at the same time. It had scared Kalivare, he never thought he would see young, sweet and inoccent Gwen wear such a look.
" You are of no use to me then" Gwen opens the door snd steps outside back into the woodlands. Kalivare chased after her, trying to reason with her that she should come back inside but she did not respond and only continued to walk.
" What the hell is going on? "

Meanwhile Lysette had stepped out of the cave, needing a respite from Shawn's Sisters who cackled and howled with laughs and cries as they shared stories of their one experience with Gabriel. As she walked strolled her way beside the nearby creek she found herself tossing rocks into it. Casting them and making them crash into the other smooth stones cause a loud clacking sound. Lysette looked up, hearing foot steps approaching fast from across the creek. It was Santara. She was naked and running with an vengeful look in her eyes as she jumped over the creek and tackled Lysette into a giant stone that had rested behind her.
" Santara? But how? You are dead! " Lysette screams as she makes her way back to her feet and shifts into her wolf form. " Where is Gabriel? " Santara demands.
" He is dead.." Lysette Growls back as Santara charges at her again. " YOU LIE " Santara tackles Lysette again.

Kara, watches on as they sisters continue to go on and on about Gabriel. Shawn, by this point had explained what they had done to Gabriel and Kara was not exactly happy about it.
" Listen.." Kara calls out to the sisters who turn to her. " Gabriel is gone. And there is nothing we can do about it..we have to - " Valshi interrupts Kara with a smirk. " Aren't you Kara? The woman who Gabriel had pined over for so long? We never got to play with him but I bet you did" Valshi's comment has her sisters chiming in with Questions about how Gabriel was in bed? How strong was he? Did he leave marks?
" and never slept with one another. We never even got together..and so..wait..HOW IS THAT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS? " Kara barks at them but they only snicker.
" She didn't get to play with him which means we could have had a chance girls " Esione smiles.
" THAT IS NOT THE POINT. WE COULD HAVE DONE IT AT ANY POINT" Kara screams defending herself as Raven and Shawn watched on.
" Well you didn't though. And that is your loss. I bet he was an animal in bed too" Xilema and the sisters go back to their snickering and comments about Gabriel.
Kara was left feeling offended and somehow territorial.
" NOW YOU LISTEN HERE, YOU DAMN HORNY BITCHES. ME AND GABRIEL COULD HAVE HAD SEX AT ANY POINT AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, HE WOULD'VE BEEN AMAZING! " Kara was now full on screaming. Raven had thought about saying something to Kara's defense and stopping this argument but she also was proud that Kara was being open about her feelings, even in this context.
" But you didn't though. So you wouldn't know " Esione responds which had now made Kara's blood boil over. She did not like the girls throwing themselves at Gabriel. She did not like the fact that they were so concerned about sex and only sex when it came to him. And if she was honest that is also coupled with the fact that she didn't like them or anyone treating Gabriel as though he was theirs .
" I am going to make this clear to all of you, since apparently you don't seem to comprehend this " Kara steps forward, her eyes burning Green now. " Gabriel is no longer here. But even if he was, He is mine. And if you want him, you will have to go through me to get him and I'm going to be honest with you, I don't like your chances" Kara smiled, feeling her power course through her veins as the Sisters made their way over to her and surrounded her.
" Is that a threat? Are we suppose to be intimidated by the likes " Yetemeh laughs, only provoking the others to laugh and insult her. " MINE!! " Kara's body radiated her green flames as Raven stepped in finally.
" That will be enough. I'm not going to have you destroy my house and hurt my Penelope. If you are all so insistent on fighting then take this shit outside" She makes sure to pass a dissapointed look at every one of them including Kara who seemed to calm down.
Raven walks off as Valshi let off another comment to Kara " I bet I wouldn't have to wait so long for him to fuck me " And with that Kara grabbed onto Valshi and took her outside, flying through the Cave entrance, causing a cloud of thick steam as she passed through the Waterfall. Shawn and his sisters rushed outside to watch the fight.
" I dare you to say that to me again. I dare you to say those words to me again. Seriously. Try me. " Kara stared holes through Valshi's eyes. " What? Are you going to kill me like you killed our brothers? " Kara's glare was now broken by confusion. " What..? " She asked, still holding onto Valshi. " The Night slashers you killed in Outworld..those were our brothers" Kara let go of Valshi who dropped to the ground safely.
She looked down Shawn who was watched as she float down to him, her flames completely extinguished now.
" I didnt...I didn't know..I would've never.." a loud crashing noise can be heard in the distance which makes everyone turn just in time to see Lysette being throw into another giant stone.

" Lysette! " Kara screams in fear as she notices Santara walking up to the injured wolf, seeming as though she was going to land a killing blow.
" Santara? " Kara rushes over and stands in between Lysette and Santara who didn't seem phased at all by Kara's presence, who simply growls as a reply. " Where is Gabriel? Lysette says that he is dead " Santara was growling as drool dripped from under her razer sharp teeth.
" She said that because it's true. And what do you even want with him? " Kara was ready to fight. She had killed Santara and would gladly do so again if the need arises. " If you are lying to me. I would rip the flesh from your bones until there is nothing left" She growls, completely avoiding Kara's question. " I must have him. I need him " Santara snarls as she turns her attention to the Pyre, seeing that It had been charred.
Kara couldn't be sure what it was about Santara that was different but something was definitely off. From what she could tell, Santara had grown in size slightly, and her eyes were darker than before.
Kara's thoughts are stopped only by the charge of Santara who manages to latch her jaws around Kara's arm but immediately releases. Kara clutches her arm in pain, seeing that Santara was puking on the ground after having attacked her.
" What is wrong with you? You taste of filth! " Santara tries to clean her mouth by licking the ground.
Kara raises her uninjured hand and launches a cone of fire at Santara who dissappears in the flames, Kara was sure that she had disposed of Santara again. But once the flames dissipated, she saw, still standing there, an unaffected Santara.
" Not this time " Santara charges at Kara but is knocked back down to the ground by Shawn who finally intervened in the battle. Shawn motioned for Kara to help Lysette get out of the way as he raises up his scythe. " I do not know how you have returned from death but I assure you that you will not return from this " Shawn leaps into the air within the blink of an eye, and swings his scythe down, piercing deeply into Santara.
Santara did not move, she simply layed there, dead, as dead as she was the first time had ended her. " What the hell was that? " Kara asked as Raven helped Kara move Lysette into there home. Shawn removed his scythe, looking back to Santara before finally heading inside.

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