Chapter Eighteen: For Life And Death

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Kara and Kalivare arrive at Raven and Shawn's home just in time for Lysette to catch them. She notices Kara first and then Kalivare. " you here?" She had not seen him in so long, before his Sisters death. One of her oldest friends. " Lysette, that is a long story...but it is good to see you" He smiles as he walks over and places Gabriel down on the ground.
" Gabriel? " Lysette rushes to his side, shaking him feeling that he was cold to the touch. " He was trying to rescue me. But...Night slashers showed up and killed him. I am sorry.." Kara explains as Lysette continues shaking his lifeless corpse. " can't be dead " Lysette begins having tears form in her eyes. Her one and only nephew was dead. Her King was dead. " Kara.." Lysette calls but doesn't look to her whatsoever, Kara however listens.
" I think it would best if you left " She said in a cold tone, colder than Gabriel's body to Kara.
Kara was going to grant the request however he father stepped forward. " wasn't her fault. She killed the Night slashers who attacked him. We both fought against them. Gabriel didn't make it and I'm sorry but you can't blame Kara for this " he tries to approach Lysette who without turning her gaze to him, extends her hand out, clenching it into a fist and rams it deep inside the gut of Kalivare, sending him flying back through the Waterfall, with a force that rumbled and shook the objects of the house, knocking some trinkets off shelves. " How dare you come back here. Are you meaning to tell me that he gets a second chance at life and yet Gabriel doesn't? " Lysette was enraged as Raven woke to the commotion.
" What is going..." Raven notices Kara and Lysette and then notices Gabriel's body laying on the floor. Raven gets out of bed and hobbles over to his body and kneels down. Only to realize what everyone else already knew. Gabriel was dead. Kalivare enters the room, Gripping his gut in pain but  focused on Lysette. " I know it's not fair and I would change it if I could but I can't. I will find a way to bring him back, no matter what it takes " Kalivare explains as Raven looks to him, surprised to see the Vampire King had returned. " You can't bring him back. It is forbidden magic and is too unstable. There is a chance we could have a Victoria situation all over again" Raven explains which brings a tension That was even thicker over the room.
" I will find a way. I don't care about it being forbidden or not. I will find a way to bring him back. There has to be some way and I will find it " Kalivare says confidently much to the behest of everyone in the room. " Dad..stop. Just let it go..." Kara finally spoke as she looked down at Raven. They seemed to greet each other without speaking another word. " I am going to go" Kara looks to her father " Don't follow me. I understand you want to be my father but the fact of the matter is, you are not a father to me right now. And I don't know when or if I'm ever going to be ready for that. I need to be alone " and with that Kara dissappears from the room without another word.

It was at this time that Shawn appeared along with his Sisters. " Raven I'm father and mother called me home and -" Shawn notices Gabriel's body on the ground he stops mid sentence. " No..." Shawn said as he stared down at the body of his fallen brother. This somehow hurt him so much more than losing all his other brother combined. " How.." Shawn asked in a blank tone as Kalivare steps forward and proceeds to explain everything that had happened. Shawn couldn't believe it. His brothers, had attacked and killed Gabriel. Now it made sense why Kara attacked them. As much as it pained him, he could understand it. He would have done the same in her position. Raven walks over to comfort Shawn who almost doesn't seem to notice her as he just continued to stare down at Gabriel's body.

" And there is something else Raven " Raven takes Shawn by the hand and leads him to the tiny little crib that had made together and there before his eyes, lyed the tiniest and most inoccent littlest of creatures..
" This is Penelope, our beautiful daughter" Raven informs Shawn who reaches down and picks up Penelope and stares down at the most beautiful girl In the world to him. " little Penelope" who opens her eyes for the first time, staring deep into her the dark abyss that was her father's face. " No" Shawn hands Penelope to Raven who was a little surprised at this. Shawn reaches up, pulling back his hoodie to reveal his face for the first time to everyone except Raven who had seen it only once before.
He had the brightest of Blue eyes, curly locks of brown hair, his face seemed to be tightened around his skin but wasn't unpleasant on the eyes, and looked nothing like Lysette had imagined at all. He wanted Penelope, his first Child, to see his face and not the darkness he hid behind his whole life. Shawn took Penelope back in his arms and Carried her over to Gabriel and sat down beside Gabriel's body.
" Penny..I know you don't understand this yet but over there, is your Uncle. One of the greatest men I've ever known. The proudest and strongest of all the Lycans. He really wanted to get the chance to meet you..and whilst I don't know if that can happen anymore. I want you to know, he loves you just as much as we do. " Tears began streaming down Shawn's face at the thought of his lost brother. " And we all love you so much. You will never feel alone my child, I promise you this " Shawn continues crying as Raven looks on, her heart breaking at the sight. She would have given anything for Gabriel to be able to meet his Niece. And to spare Shawn of the pain he was feeling inside.
" I love you Penny " Shawn smiles and leans forward, kissing his daughter forehead as Lysette and Kalivare watched on. Their hearts breaking as well in the moment. There was no amount of comfort they could offer him. The only one who could possibly help him was Penelope.

Kara walks through her Kingdoms city. It had also been completely destroyed and Noone was in sight. She made her way up to the Palace which had taken a lot of Damage but was still standing despite missing giant portions of it. Kara walls through the throne room, down the hall, and to her bedroom and to the balcony window where she looked to the sky. Energy was still falling from the sky, as Kara stood atop the ledge. She knew she had to end this destruction, she would do whatever she could to stop it.
Her body lifted from the ledge as she floated towards the sky, soaring past the energy balls, where she finally rested atop the misty clouds. She extended both of her hands out to her side as her body became consumed in green flames. Her eyes now glowed green, and she felt her power overflowing through her body as it coursed throughout it.
And, once it had reached its peak, she released all over energy energy her body, forming an energy field across the entire Underworld, shielding it from the bombardment of the energy blasts. Kara smiled, she had managed to protect the world she had come to know as her home. Kara looked in the direction of Ravens hut as the fire began to fade slowly. " Gabriel..I miss you" She Whispers as she falls from the sky, falling for what felt like forever before crashing into the ground below.

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