Chapter Two: Casual Visit

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Kara stormed through the castle, heading right out of of front door. She needed a break from Gooblin. He meant well but she didn't need someone trying to hold back her opinions. She strolled through the town, her people were happy and that made her happy. Though she didn't get to do so often, she loved this town. It had become a home within a home for her. Everyone was so kind and loving. Her people had been through so much but they stayed strong despite the catastrophes.
And now, they were practically independent from the Lycan Kingdom. They no longer their aid. Their warriors were strong, money flowed like the open sea and for once, things seemed like they were getting back to how they should've been. Kara had heard of a time of peace but this was long before she was even born. She liked to think that she had somehow managed to achieve the same level of prosperity.
" Kara! " An elderly man called to her from a shop doorway. " Bartholomew! " Kara smiles as she makes her way over to him. " I've told me Bart " he chuckles as he walks inside the shop and holds the door open for her. Kara follows inside behind him, closing the door behind her.
" Are you going to try and sell me something today? " Kara walked over to the counter and looked down through the glass shelf revealing a variety of trinkets. " I would but I can't take your money. It's no good here " he waves his hands. " How are you ever going to make money without actually selling anything? " Kara had seen his small business come close to closing so many times. Bart had always made exceptions for his favorite customers who just so happened to be the most frequent ones that would come in.
" I will be fine. I'll manage " he assures her as he begins wiping the glass clean with a rag that he pulled from behind the counter.
" So..." Bart smiles. " I was wondering " he was taking his sweet time with whatever he wanted to say. He wasn't nervous, just sensitive with Kara. "When are you going to let me meet him..? Bart asked seeming to wait with genuine anticipation. " Bart, we have been over this. You can't. We had an agreement" Why was everyone so curious about Gabriel? Why did it matter? Why did any of it matter? Would she ever be able to escape him?
" I'm just teasing you kiddo. I know. You've already explained it a hundred times. I just wanna see you happy " He admits as he finishes wiping the class clean. " And before you say it. Yes. I know you are already happy with how things are. But we both know that isn't true on some level" he throws the rag down behind the counter and proceeds to walk over to a shelf and begins organizing the items on it. " Bart.." Kara felt herself losing the battle.
" I know, you are strong and independent and don't need a wolf telling you what to do or how to think or how to get things done. You don't need a protector. But.." Bart walks over and places his hands on Kara's shoulders.
" When I met my wife, we spent all our time together. We lived and we laughed and we loved. We had our fights and we almost walked away from one another several times. But in the end, we always made up and found a way through it. And when she passed, life wasnt..and hasn't been the same. Without her, I feel  don't have someone nagging at me to get things done or to make money all the time except for you. But I also don't have someone holding me, and kissing me and letting me know that when things go bad..I wasn't alone. I didn't appreciate what I had until she was gone. I just don't want you making the same mistake $ he pats her shoulders as he walks back over to the shelf.
" Bart..its not like that trust me. Its not as simple as everyone wants to make it out to be. And I'm tired of explaining this honestly. Can we drop it " Kara leans back against the counter with her arms crossed.
" Fine..but let me ask you one last thing.." Bart picks up a bottle and places it back in its proper spot and continues " If Gabriel was to die right now? Would you have regrets?"

Gabriel had made his way to the his throne where he took a seat. He thought about all the things he had accomplished. He hoped he had made his parents proud. He had done everything he could to make them proud. He wished he had gotten to speak with them before they passed. He had thought of the things he would want to say. The things he would want to ask. The things he wanted to know.
Gabriel pulls out the tiny little orb that glowed green in his hands, casting a glow on his face. " See you haven't crushed that thing yet" Raven calls out to Gabriel who closes his hand places it back in his pocket. " Hey guys" Gabriel greets them and stands up. " Hey guys? That's all we get? Should we leave and come back? " Shawn jokes as Gabriel hugs Raven as gently as he can so that he would not hurt the baby. " No I'm sorry. It has just been a long day " He explains. " So, how does it feel? Your baby is coming next month and I'm sure you are both excited " Gabriel tries to change the subject. " Well, we are stressed. We are looking for a permanent home and haven't found anything to our liking yet " Raven explains. " Shawn wants us to move to Outworld but I'm hesitant. We actually just came from there. Shawn's parents said to tell you hello by the way " Gabriel looks at them both in amazement that his two friends were going to be parents soon. " Well, one of these days I will have the time to come and see them" he answers.
Raven makes her way over to the nearest chair and sits down so that she can rest. " So, how have you been? " Raven asks in a concerned tone. They hadn't really gotten the chance to talk about everything that had happened properly and she was wondering how Gabriel was holding up. " I'm doing okay. And please God don't bring her up..I hear enough from Lysette" he complains and sits down in a chair closer to them.
" Well...I am going to let you know. We are going to go see her after we leave here. You know we have to check in " She knew that Gabriel react the same way he always does. Acting as though it doesn't bother him but it does. Raven can tell.
" Okay. Well..I hope she is doing well" he responds. It was exactly as Raven had predicted. " Don't...seriously don't. I don't want to hear about it. I already know what you are going to say. And I know you are going to ask me to come with you. But I'm not going to do it and then you are going to be dissapointed in me. But it won't change my answer and it won't change her views. Not everything solely depends on me and Kara. You guys do understand that right? I did what you wanted. I told her. I got it out. And that is where it was left" Gabriel had heard this so many times and was becoming increasingly tired of this constant nagging.
" But I'm going to say this, and I really hope that it sinks through both of your heads. I do love Kara. Alot. And we agreed to seperate for now. And that is okay with me. I'm fine with it. It doesn't mean we won't ever see one another again someday" Gabriel adds.
Raven and Shawn know they weren't going to get anywhere with this conversation and decided to change the subject.

They talk for a few more hours before they finally take their leave. They had to still get to Kara and then get back to home. Raven was feeling tired and she needed her rest. Shawn would check in on Kara by himself but Raven wanted to be there for it. She wanted to see how Kara was reacting to everything. This wasn't something they had been trying to push. But none of it made sense. She cut him off so quickly and shut it down. And even if she did it for her mental health, Raven felt like there were things left unsaid. It wasn't her business but she was tired of seeing the destructive behavior. It had been so long since Gabriel and Kara had stood side by side. It felt so wrong that everything was divided now.

Kara has made her way back to the castle by this point and arrived just in time to see Shawn and Raven arrive. " Hey guys" which Perks their heads up. " What the fuck is wrong with you two today? I do have tits ya know. And not to mention, I'm freaking pregnant" Raven says in frustration. This is the second time that had happened today. " God you both are so similar" Raven groans as Kara hugs Raven and salutes Shawn. She didn't want to risk the death touch and this was how she greeted him now.
" Its really good to see you both. I'm Kind of remodeling right now so things are a bit chaotic. But as always, you guys are welcome" Kara smiles as she pulls a chair to her and sits in it in reverse. Placing her chin on the back of the chair
" So, how have you been though? " Shawn asked, getting to the question before Raven could have the chance who looks up at him with disapproval. " I'm doing fine. I'm a bit stressed but for the most part, everything has been going very well. I'm just kind of getting tired of people bringing up Gabriel every 5 seconds " She explains as Gooblin walks into the room " Stupid girl" he mutters. " SHUT UP!" Kara yells at the little Goblin as he snickers.
"Oh no...not you guys too" Kara could tell by the expressions on their faces that they wanted to investigate. " If that is what you guys are here about then please don't waste your time " Kara's demeanor changes to annoyed. " Look, you both are our friends" Kara makes a long sigh and places her forehead down on the back of the chair in disgust. " And we just want to know that you both are okay" Raven knew that Kara was upset but she still wanted to know. " Do you love him? " Kara growls under her breath. " I DONT FUCKING KNOW OKAY? HE SAID IT AND I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I told him I loved him too but I don't even know if that was true. At the time..I had feelings for Gwen and wasn't handling her death well. I'm still not. I just don't want my life to be consumed by Gabriel anymore. I just want to be happy without him. I want to know what that experience is like. I don't want to be dependent on him and..everything was so complicated. Everything ' IS' complicated. And I just don't know how I feel. And I don't want to figure that out right now. And it's not fair for everyone to be asking me to talk to him while I'm figuring myself out. Do you even fucking realize how much shit we have inside our heads that are fucked now? We have such a long and fucked up history. And it only ever gets more complicated and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of every single time, I fuck something up. Or he fucks something up. It's not okay" Kara had finally released the stress from the situation.
" I just feel like we are fucking toxic. And I don't know how to fix that. It's neither of our faults and yet it is at the same time. But it doesn't change that it's there. And to honest, I don't think I ever want to pursue me and him ever again. It doesn't make sense for us to do that now.." Raven listened but her mind was racing a million miles a minute.
" GABRIEL IS A VIRGIN " She screams.

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