Chapter Thirty: Lending A Hand

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Raven, to the best of her abilities had finally healed Lysette. She had been working hard at it despite the screaming from Shawn's Sisters. And just as Raven sat down, Kara appeared in the room, seemingly unharmed all except for her hand.
" Well it's good to see that you are okay. Did you handle Santara? Did you find out anything? "
Kara confesses that she hadn't. " But something did happen though " Kara explained.
" Whilst fighting her, Gwen showed up. Along with my father" she still wasn't sure the connection between her father and Gwen but it was something that Kara found herself thinking more and more about.
" Gwen? She is alive? " Raven asked, surprised but also slightly half expecting this to be a possibility.
" I don't know how she is alive and apparently she doesn't either. And neither did Santara for that matter. She killed Santara but I am not sure if it actually worked though since apparently death is not permanent nowadays " Kara was both happy and frustrated by this fact. She could have second chances but also enemies that she would prefer to avoid at this point. Kara decided to not inform Raven as to what happened between her and Gwen. She knew it was going to be complicated and Raven would be persistent with questions that Kara really didn't feel like answering..
" Well at some point we have to figure this out. Me and Lysette are worried that it could be someone using them against us. We just don't know the motive right now" Raven explained to which Kara nodded.
" Where is Shawn by the way?" Kara asked,having noticed his absence in the room.
" I think he went outside but if you are going out there can you please tell him to come back inside. I need help with Penny" Raven requested to which Kara nodded with a smile.

Kara made her way outside, walking past Shawn's sisters and trying to ignore their giggles, to find that Shawn was standing in front of Gabriel's Pyre. She walked over to him and took a place beside him.
" I can't believe he is gone.." Kara said,slightly  hoping to get Shawn to open up.
" Yeah. I miss him already" Shawn answered. " He would give anything to be here with us, and he would probably want us to not cry for him but yet, sadness is all I can really feel" Shawn sighed as continued staring at the charred wood mixed with Ashes.
" I know. I feel the same. We all do. But we have to keep going. Especially you. You have a daughter now " Kara smiles and keeps focused on Shawn, trying to avoid looking at the Pyre.
" I do. And I'm happy to have her. She is going to be a wild one but, that isn't any different than what we are use too " Shawn finally chuckles.
" So, I wanted to ask" Shawn turns his head to Kara.  " Are you okay? I know you are going to play this off as being strong. But I know you miss him. And I know there are things you wanted to say to him" Shawn, despite feeling his own pain,  wanted Kara to talk. He knew she wouldn't if he didn't push. Something he had learned from Raven.
" I'm not okay if I'm honest. I miss him. And I hate myself for not getting to him sooner. And I hate myself for not really expressing how I felt. I told him i loved him, but I know It came off more like a response than an actual confession. But...I'm in love with him Shawn. I love him so fucking much that it hurt. I would be with him if I could" She thought about their conversation in the white room and what had happened with Gwen. And perhaps because he was Gabriel's closest friend, she wanted to confess to him.
" Gwen is alive again. Somehow. Like Santara. She interrupted my fight with Santara and killed her but God knows how long that will last. And before you ask, I don't know how she is alive right now. What I do know though is, she wanted to pick up where we left off. And I turned her away" Kara felt good being able to get this out but Shawn looked puzzled.
" Why? Gabriel is gone and - " Kara interrupts Shawn. " Because everytime I'm with someone, I feel guilty. I feel horrible. I feel disgusting. Though, I didn't get the chance with Gabriel that I would've liked to have.. I would have loved for it to be with him. Him and only him. " She explains. " I did stuff with Gwen that felt so good..and at the time, it made me excited and feel wanted. But, it didn't change how I felt. I still loved Gabriel. And I couldn't put Gwen through that again. I have no intention of being with anyone ever again if it means that I'm going to hurt them by not being able to give myself completely to them. And honestly.. it's not all about them" Kara paused and then continued, finally turning her head to look at the Pyre.
" Noone can replace him for me. And I know we made a lot of mistakes..and we hurt one another. But I would have loved to have been his. On any given day, at any time, if he wanted me, I would be there. I didn't really see that before as much as I thought I did. I didn't even know myself as much as I thought I did. But yet,I know it now. After he is gone and there is nothing I can do about it" Kara stared into the Ashes.
" Gwen couldn't stay. She wants me to find a way to bring Gabriel back and wants me to be with him. But..I don't think it's possible to bring him back" Kara Sighs as Shawn chuckles. " Well with everyone else coming back, maybe it's possible"
" Yeah..maybe it's possible" and then Kara remembers " Oh yeah, Raven needs you back inside to help with Penny "
" Okay. And you need to get your hand looked at too " he motions for her to follow him as they make their way back into the home.

As they make their way back inside, they can hear Penelope crying and so Shawn heads over to help Raven whilst Kara stands in the doorway. Kara see's Shawn's sisters giggling and looking at her direction and so she decided to confront them.

" Okay so listen to me. I know you don't like me. And I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't like you either. But right now, we are allies. And we can sit here all day and dispute what Gabriel deserved and who he would choose. But that doesn't really get us anywhere, does it? So how about this. We keep our opinions about Gabriel to ourselves and agree to disagree" the girls just stare Kara down, their smiles change to more serious natured ones. " And for what it's worth. I am sorry about your brothers. But they killed Gabriel and so on some level, they deserved it" Kara steps foward, a smile on her face that grows wider with each step towards the sisters. " And just in case you were wondering, I might be here to make peace with you. But I won't hesitate to turn your ass's to charcoal" and with that Kara walks over to Raven who had just passed Penelope off to Shawn. " Shawn said you should look at my hand.." She explains, Raven pulls Kara off to the side and begins looking over it. " It doesn't seem broken. It is something that I can heal for the most part but I'm limited considering I have used alot of my power on Lysette" Raven explains. " Whatever you can do is more than enough " Kara smiles as Raven begins healing her hand. However, as she waves her hand over Kara, Kara begins to feel an intense burning sensation " OWW" Kara shouts with sharp needle like pains coursing through her. " Are you okay? What im doing shouldn't be hurting you? " Raven is concerned that she may have had less power than she originally thought and could possibly be making it worse.
" It burns..alot " Kara explains to which Raven grabs her hand and flips it over.
" Is that the mark that Pierce gave you? " Raven asks to which Kara nods.
Raven inspects the marking closely. " Though it is a part of the Vampire wedding shit..I'm wondering if there was something in Pierce's blood that isn't reacting properly to yours She theorizes. " How long has it been like this? " Raven asks to which Kara explains that it had started she went to save Gabriel.
" This could be a bad sign. I don't want to do anything with it until I know for certain what we are dealing with here. When it burns..does anything feel different".
Kara shakes her head no, which makes Raven ponder even more so on what this could mean. " I'm gonna research into this more before I do anything. Just give me some time " Raven says as she stands back up and heads over to a book shelf, removing a book from it and begins reading it profusely.
Kara Sighs. She knew that this was going to take a while and she wasn't sure how long she would be able to hold out from the pain. If Pierce had poisoned her with his blood somehow, then Kara wasn't too worried. She knew that Raven could find the solution and be able to help. But if the cause is unknown, then she may have bigger problems.

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