Chapter Thirty Four: The King's Return

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Kara along with the others had been waiting for the arrival of Gabriel. They had been watching out but saw nothing. "  Is it possible you got it wrong? I mean it's not that I don't believe you, but is it possible? " Kara asked Lysette who shook her head no.
"  I know his sent, any Lycan would know his sent. He is beyond an Alpha that has ever existed. He is distinguishable from all others" Lysette explained.  Raven was also equally excited, she had informed Shawn about Lysette picking up on the scent and Shawn had brought Penelope outside so that they could great him.

" Okay but it has been hours and we still haven't seen him" Raven said impatiently. She was tired and needed rest. Shawn encouraged her to go back inside, and knew he would need to go inside as well to put Penelope to bed. This left Lysette, Kara and Shawn's sisters who were also growing impatient.
" When is he going to get here? We are getting bored" Xilema asked Lysette who completely ignored her. She had no interest in talking with them, knowing full well they were going to treat her nephew like an object.
" He will be here when he gets here. Just wait " Kara finally answered them which only made them throw some rude comments back to her.
" We didn't ask you.." Valshi growled as the other sisters joined in. " Yeah, and for your information, when he gets here. We get dibs" Yetemeh ordered which made Kara clench her fist.
" Who knows, maybe he want all four of us. And yet still not want..her" they point to Kara and laugh. Kara continued trying to hold her anger by not looking at them.
" Go inside Lysette" Kara said it angered tone. "'s not worth it..just le- " Kara spoke again " Go..inside..Lysette..please " Lysette sighed and turned, placed her hand on Kara's shoulder " Let me know when he gets here" and with that, Lysette looked back to the sisters, sizing them up before leaving to go inside.
Kara at this point turns to the sisters.
" What? You gonna fight us all? All because he is gonna choose us over you? So mad that you don't get your way so you burn everything that stands between you and him?"  Esione questions Kara who continues clenching her fist.
" I have asked you nicely, to stop bringing him up. And you persist to do so. I have told you to back off. And yet you tease. I have told you to shut up. And yet you keep talking" Kara growls as she grinds her teeth together. " I am not going to kill you..but putting you in your a whole other matter " Kara looks up from the ground and her eyes are green again, she flies towards the sisters who split off and scatter around Kara.
" Bring it on then, we will kick your ass and then take our doggie home with us" Xilema laughs as she rushes forward but is kicked in the face by Kara. The training she had done for her body with Gwen was really paying off for her.
" Stop referring to him as a dog, he is so much more than that. He is a King. And you treat him with respect" Kara yells as she launches a fireball at Valshi who dodges it just in time.
" We will call him whatever we want to call him. And when he breaks, we will get a new one" Yetemeh screams as Kara back flips over her, landing on the ground perfectly.
" He is not a toy for you to play with dammit. He has emotions. He has thoughts and feelings and - " Kara is punched in the face by Xilema who had snuck on her from the side without Kara noticing. Kara takes the punch but doesn't fall. Instead, she turns back and returns a punch to Xilema. Yetemeh and Esione charge in from behind and try to sneak attack Kara who fends them off with a few kicks making them retreat. Valshi, the eldest of the sisters, and the most well trained out of them all,  however manages to land a punch right in Kara's ribs before connecting with another into Kara's Cheek.
Kara falls to the ground as the Sisters charge in and proceed to beat and down and maul Kara. They ripped and scratched as much as they could with their nails onto Kara's skin. That was until, they heard a loud Howl coming from behind them. A gigantic black wolf, with golden eyes falls from the Skyland, and lands atop of Kara, keeping her under him whilst he growled at the sisters. Kara sees the wolf, and knows it far to well. " GABE???" She cries, as his giant fluffy tail waved over her face. He was defending her from what he perceived as attackers. He was, protecting her.

" WOOLFIE" The sisters screamed as they ran over and hugged onto Gabriel who tried to shake them off. Once they had realized who he was, they didn't care about his giant fangs being shown off towards them. " GET OFF OF ME YOU DAMN VULTURES" Gabriel screams as he flings the sisters off of him. " Gabriel..." Kara says softly as the wolf turns around to her, staring down at her from above. He was powerful, he was strong, he was beautiful, but Kara wasn't intimidated. She was more happy than words could possibly express in that moment.
" Kara.." Gabriel shifts back into his human form and then reaches down and pulls her against him, hugging her tightly, tears streaming down his face. " I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you in time. I tried. I tried so damn hard and I- " Kara stops him, assuring him that it was okay. " I'm okay now. I promise. I'm just glad you are safe. I missed yo- " Kara was interrupted by Gabriel kissing her deeply. She didn't have time to think, she didn't have time to react, all she could do was take the kiss, eventually settling into it and kissing him back just as deeply.
This was a moment, that made time stand still. This was a moment, that nothing could ever ruin. This was, passion, this was was everything that had both wanted for so long, and kept depriving themselves of. This was the entire lives coming together, all the battles, all the experiences, all colliding with one another from the locking of their lips.
" I.." Kara tries to speak but is doing her best to catch her breath. The rush of emotions filling her, made her hyperventilate. " I love you " Gabriel smiles as he reaches up to wipe away the tears that were now pouring from Kara's eyes. " I love you too. More than anything. More than anyone. More than any Kingdom or any world. I love you Gabriel so much. And I will never leave your side. I will never- " Kara is interrupted again by another kiss which she happily takes a she wrapes her arms around him. She was cut up and beaten but she didn't care, this moment was all that mattered to her right now. It was then, that Gabriel noticed the scratches and lifting Kara into his arms to carry her inside. As they walked past the sisters, Kara flicked her middle finger at them and stuck her tongue out , showing that she had won much to the dismay of the sisters who began sobbing at the sight them.

Gabriel carried Kara inside and was greeted with Shawn, Raven and Lysette who all rushed over to greet him and check on Kara.
Kara was placed down in a chair, where Gabriel sat beside her as Raven began performing the healing whilst they all catched up. Shawn and Raven explained that they had little Penelope and arranged for him to meet her the following day  when she woke up as she had been put down to sleep. They all caught up with one another as best as they could and that is where Gabriel was informed that Kara's hand was hurt.
" What happened? " Gabriel asked to which Kara explained about Pierce having mixed blood with her to perform the marriage originally. This seemed to upset Gabriel but everyone in the room got the feeling that he wouldn't want to talk about it.
" I'm glad you are safe though " Gabriel smiled to which Kara nodded.  She was so overjoyed that he had returned. She knew she still had a lot of explaining to do but she was happy nonetheless. Gabriel seemed to be happy as well, catching up and laughing with everyone and explaining how he managed to come back from death. Everyone still had their questions about how that made sense, but they knew they wouldn't be able to get the answers because Gabriel himself didn't have them. But something was definitely different within the Underworld. People were coming back that shouldn't be coming back. And whether that was good or bad, It still means that there's something wrong " Gabriel looks to the room and smiles.." So I do have to is Aurora? She was in my pocket before I died so where did you guys put her? " Gabriel needed to know her location. He didn't want her leaving his side for too long. He needed to make sure that level of destruction couldn't possibly get out again. Though everyone in the room seem puzzled.
" There..wasn't anything on you when we got your body? I prepared and checked your body myself before we put you on the Pyre" Shawn explains with Lysette chiming in. " He is right, there was nothing"
Gabriel now looked worried. " Well who had my body other than you two? " he asked and looked to Kara who he knew was the last person with him.
" Noone..all except" Kara realized that her father must've taken Aurora whilst carrying him and she just didn't notice. " Fuck..what if he tries to bring her back? " Kara worries.
" We need to find him quick before he does something stupid"  Gabriel says.

A loud explosion can be heard coming from outside which prompts everyone to head outside just in time to see a giant purple Column of fire raising out of Kara's Kingdom's direction.
" Like that.? ." Kara asks
Like that! " Gabriel answers

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