Chapter Thirty Seven: Now And Forever

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Kara and Gabriel charge at Aurora who does her best to avoid the claw swipes and energy blasts. But she was losing ground. They had been in almost perfect sync and she knew she couldn't keep this up forever.
Aurora was beginning to doubt herself, she had tried her mental games but they seemed to bring them together even closer. She was not landing any hits or blasts on them.
" Gabriel now! " Kara shouted as Gabriel leaped into the air, his body beginning to glow with gold markings that shined brightly through his black fur. Kara's eyes glowed even brighter with the green flames, as gold markings began appearing on her body just like Gabriel's. She launched one last fire energy blast at Aurora who deflected it right as Gabriel landed on top of Aurora, digging his claws deep into her flesh.
" What...what was that.." Aurora had never seen such markings before. Something was different about them both energy wise. It was as though they were one. Perhaps this was the destiny of which the fates spoke so long ago.
" We told you. You can't win " Kara walks over to Gabriel, resting her hand behind his neck.
" If you are going to kill me. Then you had better do it quick..or I might let another secret slip" Gabriel stares down Aurora, digging his nails deeper inside her.
" What are you talking about..? " Gabriel ask to which Aurora laughs. " Have you not noticed her hand Gabriel? She exchanged blood with Pierce. She has already mated with him.." Aurora laughs, knowing she had her one last weapon.
" What..." Gabriel growls as Kara clinches onto Gabriel's fur. " It is true. When we got married, he said that was a part of the ceremony..I didn't know what it actually was until afterwards" Kara could sense Gabriel's anger. She wasn't sure what she could say to take away the anger he was feeling. She had already done it, and couldn't take it back no matter how much she wished she could.
" Gabriel..." Kara called to him in a shaken tone. She was unclear as to what he would do but she knew that whatever it was, it would be a make or break for them.
" Kara.." Gabriel finally speaks. " We have been through so much together. We have been through so much apart. But my heart, has always truly been with you. When I was hurt, and I couldn't wake up. Santara tried to mate me with me. And I was scared. I was so scared that she would take that from me. Something that, I knew deep down I wanted to give to you. Finding a mate, means so much to my people. The existence of the mate is the reflection of the strength of the other. And that is something Vampires will never understand" Gabriel pauses.
" But whether we were are able to have that or not based off of what Pierce did. What you did. I don't care. You are my mate..for now and forever, for life and beyond that. I don't care what power goes into that...I care about you. And there is nothing in this world, that will ever take away what we are. We are here  " Gabriel's digs his claws into Aurora deeper. " We are now" he digs even deeper now. " And together, we are one " Gabriel rears his head back, ripping at the throat of Aurora, killing her within a manner of seconds.

Once she was dead, Gabriel shifts back to his human form and turns back to Kara, blood dripping down his mouth and onto his chest. He takes Kara and pulls her into his arms, staring deep within her eyes. He can see her innocence. He can the passion of life burning with her. He can see the love that she feels for him. And he knew that he never wanted to see that feeling leave her.
Gabriel reaches down, grabbing a piece of glass and cuts his hand open with it. " Take from me so that you may be filled. Take my love so that you may be whole. Take my body so that you may feel safe. I offer you my life. " Gabriel holds out his hand for Kara. " Gabriel...are you sure..I've never..I don't...what if I lose control or something" Kara was hesitant. If she was to drink the blood from him now, she wasn't sure what would happen. She knew what happened with Gwen. And Kara wanted to make sure that Gabriel was aware of what this could mean.
" If you wish to be mine. Drink" Gabriel answered. He knew what this could mean. That she could lose control. But he didn't care. He wanted this here. He wanted this now " I..." Kara looks down at his hand and see's the blood dripping down from it. She leans forward, pressing her lips softly, sliding her tongue against the cut.
Kara could feel his blood traveling though her. Her body glowed even brighter, as power coursed through her body. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Without saying another word, Kara took the glass from Gabriel..and sliced open her hand, which was now leaking blood. She knew she couldn't bleed before but now..there it was. The crimson river ran down her hand and she felt relieved. This meant that she could give Gabriel what they both wanted so badly.
Kara repeated the same phrase that Gabriel said who nodded and leaned down, kissing her hand and sliding his tongue across the cut. His body glew brighter as well as he felt power coursing through him. However, it tasted different than he would have expected. It was sweet. He thought that it would taste like typical vampire blood which was something Lycans loathing wearing on their tongue.
Both stared into each other's eyes, saying nothing as Shawn and Lysette watched on.

" They finally did it" Shawn smiled. " Took em long enough " Lysette hissed which made them both Chuckle. They were proud of them both and knew that Raven would be upset for missing out. Shawn couldn't wait to tell her the good news.

" Kara and Gabriel continued staring into one another's eyes before finally kissing deeply. They wanted one another, more than ever before and could no longer hold themselves back. They needed each other in this moment. " Gabriel picks up Kara who wraps her legs around him as they continue their kiss.

" We should probably let them have some space " Shawn turns to Lysette. " Gee, do ya fucking think? " Lysette laughs as they make their way out of the palace.

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