Chapter Five: The Plan

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Shawn and Raven watch in horror as Kara was consumed by the flames and disappeared. " Where did she go? " Raven calls out to Shawn who couldn't see any traces left of her whatsoever " I don't know..this doesn't make sense" Shawn calls back as he continues looking over the space where Kara once stood.
" We have to get to Gabriel then. We have to make sure he is okay ". They couldnt formulate any answers as to what had happened to Kara. They weren't sure if she was alive or dead but they knew that whatever had actually happened, it wasn't good.

Gabriel and Shawn teleport to what use to be an open wasteland but is now riddled with crators. The ground had cracked and crumbled, making it extremely unstable to walk on.
They find Gabriel laying on the ground. Struggling to get back to his feet.  " Gabriel.." Shawn calls out to Gabriel who doesn't respond. The energy balls still rained down from the sky, ranging from different colors, crashing into the dirt and throwing up several tons of ground into the sky.
Gabriel, is still struggling to get up up collapses again onto the ground, this time, the ground giving way under him and Gabriel begins tumbling down into an open put. Shawn dashes foward and grabs him by his fur just in time  and teleports them back to his and Ravens home.
They place him down in one of the chairs.
He was beaten up pretty bad but he looked as though he would be fine from what Raven could determine as she looked over him, gathering some healing herbs that she placed into Gabriel's hands.
" What happened? Gabriel asked as he clutched his head that was throbbed intensly.
" We don't know. He heard a loud bang and then...the sky started to fall..." Raven explained, the relief that was he was alive only lasted so long. She knew Kara was still in danger and wasn't sure how Gabriel would take that information.
" Kara...might be in danger" Shawn says, taking over the hardship for Raven. Gabriel looks up " What happened to her?" He asked and Shawn proceeded to explain what they had witnessed. Still being very confused themselves about what they had actually seen.

" We have to find her " Gabriel points out something that they had already known. " Well, we don't know what actually happened. We aren't sure if she did that somehow unknowingly. She still has so much potential and things she can do that she hasn't even tapped into. But she also could have been taken" Shawn answers.
" But, this world isn't safe for the time being. And I think it would be best for us to go to Outworld. Perhaps my father would know something about what is going on. I can't promise it. But he knows alot of things and he might be able to lead us in the right direction " Shawn offered. This was something Raven had already been thinking about though.
" But we don't even know if she is still in the Underworld or not. If we leave, we could be leaving her in danger. We need to search everywhere" Gabriel was not about to risk leaving behind Kara if she was still there with them but lost.
" Lysette can organize search parties while we are gone. She can manage things while you are gone" Ravens idea wasn't bad but this was still an idea that Gabriel wasn't comfortable with. " Look..I'm not leaving until I know for sure. If you'd like, you can go to Outworld and I will stay behind. I will help Lysette look while you find out what is going on. The energy rain is still falling and my people are in danger. In fact, so is Kara's Kingdom. We can't just leave them behind " Gabriel adds a completely perfect point. There was no indication of when the barrage would cease and that meant that everyone was in danger.
" I can talk to my father and see if we can offer refuge for the Underworld until we get things sorted. If we can even get things sorted" Shawn explains and turns to Raven. " And you are going to stay with my parents" he knew she wanted to help but she would be in danger. And he wanted no harm to come to her, and to the baby.
" Hell no I'm not. I'm going to stay here and help organize things. Gabriel has made alot of good points" she had no intention of staying back and not being active in assisting. Despite being pregnant.
" Me and Gabeiel and Lysette will get things organized here and Shawn, you go see if your parents know anything and if they can offer refuge. And if they can't, then we will take the ones we can to Earth. Hopefully it will be temporary but I think we can manage it " Raven adds much to Shawn's dismay. " I don't think bringing them to Earth is such a good idea. You know how humans are.." Shawn knew humans could very unaccepting and the last thing they needed was a war on earth with the refugees.
" Yes, because taking them to a fucking prison full of powerful dead people seems so much safer" She snaps back to which Shawn shrugs. " I mean, powerful or not, they are dead "
Gabriel breaks up the tiny spat between Raven and Shawn with " Hoe sure are we that Vampires aren't behind this? " whilst Shawn and Raven had first considered this possibility, it didn't seem likely.
" Whatever this is..Vampires couldn't pull this off. Unless they had help. But I'm sure they are equally affected by this too

Meanwhile, at the Vampire Kingdom, the King and Queen sit still and lifeless in their thrones. The large Obsidian - like doors open in front of them and a lone Vampire steps through and steps foward before kneeling at the thrones.
" What is the report.." The king grumbles as he rubs his chin softly with his Finger.
The Vampire, answers in a nervous tone. " Energy has began raining from the skies. We are not sure as to what could have caused this. But our informants have alerted us to the Absence of Queen Kara and King Gabriel. Lysette is still in place, but the Kingdom's are vulnerable" he reports.
The Queen looks to her husband with a smirk " So it would seem we were wrong in our orginal Assessment. This is not due to the Witches" The king stares down at the lone Vampire. " Yes. But that doesn't mean Kara is completely inoccent. She has killed our Children...and it would make sense for her to launch this attack and then dissapear "
He had missed his Children greatly. It had been so many months ago that he learned of Gwen's death. And whilst he kept her at a distance, it was only another reason to want the absolute destruction of the Witches who had  taken so much from him.
" Kalivare was so weak. He could not see the true potential of our people. If he had just killed the filth when he had the chance, we would not have suffered so greatly. But no. He fell in love with one" The King snarls.
" Absolutely disgusting" The Queen agrees.
" And then...fathering that ignorant child. He disgraced our people" he hated Kalivare for several reasons and had taken his place happily when Kalivare left for the Witch Kingdom. He hated him as much as he owed him debts for giving him the perfect change to pursue his interests. " I think we will wait for now. Let us see what happens " He smiles wickedly.

Shawn teleports Gabriel, and Raven back to the Lycan where they find Lysette and inform her of their plan.
" I'm of course what I'm going to do what I can to help. Me and Raven can manage things. But should go with Shawn. If me and Raven find Kara, you'll be the first to know, I promise you " Lysette pulls Gabriel to her and hugs him tightly. " But.." Gabriel tries to Object but relents to the hug. " Don't fight with me on this Gabriel. Kara needs you. And you have to go to her " Lysette knew that he wouldn't be able to Object for Long. He would do anything for her.
" Fine. But if you both need anything -" For some reason, the energy balls falling from the sky had not touched any of the Kingdoms and this was something strange Shawn had taken notice of but he chose to not point it out. He wanted to ponder on it more.
" Be careful " Raven pulls Shawn to her and kisses him. " You know I will " Shawn responds confidently. " But you need to be careful too. If things are too difficult and you need to rest just - " Raven interrupts Shawn from the speech she had heard so many times before. Every single day he would say something to the same effect.
" We both know I'm alot more careful than you " She smiles and kisses him again gently.

Meanwhile, in a dark and lonely room. Kara found herself chained to a wall. The room was silent and she was not sure how long she had been here. The last thing she remembered was seeing and Shawn and Raven and then everything went dark.
Her body was hurting. Everything burned inside of her but the majority of the pain radiated from her hand. It hurt far worse than it had before. Kara could smell the scent of Rot and decay surrounding her. She couldn't see anything other than the chains on her wrist though. The pain made it hard for her to maintain the focus she needed to cast a spell. But she was certain that despite that, it probably would not work. She had not seen anyone so she had no idea who her capture was but that was somehow more unsettling. Not knowing who are what she was dealing with and what they even wanted from. " Gabriel"  She said lightly. " Please..find me"

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