Chapter Twenty Seven: A Lycan's Spirit

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Raven was rending over Lysette, allowing Shawn to deal with his Siblings as he saw fit. Which seemed to be yelling at them which would explain why they had been so out of control.
" I don't know who that was " Lysette groans as Raven continues waving her hand, radiating her energy through Lysettes body. Raven looks up, curious about Lysette's statement.
" That wasn't Santara. I know that girls strength and that was not her. I don't know who it was, or how they looked like her. But it wasn't her. She doesn't even have the same scent. It's close but it's not quite it " Lysette explains which leaves Raven with even more questions.
" So is it some form of magic? " Kara asked, though she knew she had never seen a magic that strong to maintain a person's likeness for longer than a few seconds at any given time. And even then, it would take more power to allow for the energy expensed during a battle.
" I am not sure but I know we need to figure it out as soon as possible " Lysette answers, worry coming over her.
" Well Kara is tracking her down so hopefully she has managed to do something with that. But I have to ask, if this was magic, why Santara and not Victoria? If someone meant Ill intent perhaps it would've been better to bring someone into the world that would have actually been more trusted " Raven knew that Santara and Gabriel had never really had a good relationship. It would have made sense for Victoria to come back.
" Well perhaps they knew that Victoria wouldn't be effective? Perhaps they felt a more aggressive approach was needed. But them again, maybe Santara is the distraction " Raven sits on the bed, listening intently to Lysette's theory. " If they wanted to come in loud, theyd use Santara, yes. But they also would have had to know that she would be overwhelmed by us. Which makes me think she is a distraction and the real game has yet to begin. There is only one card on the table and the rest is still a mystery" if what Lysette was saying was the truth, this would mean that they need to be as careful as possible and could trust Noone.

Lysette was tired and yet she couldn't rest. Her mind heavy with the thoughts of the world she once knew and the hollowed shell the world had become. Nothing seemed the same anymore to her. The smell was different, the air was different, the traditions and love for her Kingdom were different. She no longer had a Kingdom. She no longer had her beloved nephew. And that, to her was the worst of it all. Despite how much things had changed, she wished that Gabriel's fate hadn't.
" Raven.." Lysette calls to her healer who glanced over at her. " I don't know what is going to happen to this world. And I don't know what is happening to make things the way they are, but promise me that you will protect Penelope " her words carried through Ravens ears like a heavy promise but one that she would of course keep. " I will give my life for my daughter if I have too" Raven knew the concern only came from Lysette missing Gabriel. She didn't want Raven to experience the same pain that she had felt before and was now feeling all over again.
" We are going to survive Lysette. We are all going to be okay. We can't give up even if we wanted to. Gabriel would frown upon us for doing so and I refuse to disapoint him.

" I don't understand what is wrong with you all...Gabriel is someone you barely even knew. Why pick a fight with someone you who you know, is in love with him? " Shawn had been trying his best to reason with his Sisters for what felt like days. But he had been making next to no progress on it.
" Who says she gets him to herself? " Esione answers.
" Yeah, and he could've done better than her anyway " Yetemeh adds. Shawn Sighs and proceeds to explain for the hundredth time
" Gabriel..was in love with Kara. And she was in love with him. By marriage, they could have united the Underworld. Thuuuuuuuus, leading to an Underworld that would have known peace instead of pain and suffering. And though he is dead, Kara still loves him very much. And to be honest, you know damn good well this isn't the first person you've all done this with. So just let it go" Shawn had seen this so many times before. Essentially any man that they deemed attractive, they would swarm. And if the man made the mistake of picking one, they would all fight over him which would lead to them all eventually getting bored and moving on. The only reason he got involved this time was because not only was Gabriel his bestfriend, but Kara was someone he truly cared for.
" Well it's still not fair " Xilema crosses her arms and pouts" making Shawn throw his hands up in the air, giving up on ever getting through to them.

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