Chapter Thirty Two: The Scent Of Fate

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Gabriel takes a deep breath, and steps forward, finding himself within a hallway. He could tell that he was within the Witch Kingdom. He made his way down the halls, realizing that he was all alone.
He steps into the city to see that it was empty as well. And he could not help but feel a sense of doom. He noticed that the energy falling from the skies had ceased so on some level, this had to be a good sign.
" I hope Kara made it back safely"  he thinks to himself as he makes his way out of the kingdom. He had no idea where to look for his friends, and so he would have to do his best to rely on their scent. And so he shifts into his wolf form, seeking out  out his allies.

Meanwhile, Kalivare had since left the town and Gwen behind and began making way his way to his Queen's former home. Aurora had been speaking to him. Informing him of all the things he would need to do to return her to life and Kalivare had agreed to this. He was far beyond desperate at this time. He wanted things to go back to the way they were before and was willing to take the actions necessary to accomplish that.
This would be difficult but if it worked, the Underworld would finally know peace. He knew fully well that the world, as it currently stood, could not continue. It would continuing destroying itself until there was nothing left. Even his own people, the Vampires, would eventually be consumed by this inevitable destruction. There was no escaping it, their options were limited but with Aurora's return, perhaps it would be possible.

" FUUUUUCK" Kara screams as Raven had tried another method to heal her hand. She had been pouring her eyes over hundreds of books and notes and thought she had developed a proper solution, but apparently this was an incorrect assessment.
" I am sorry Kara. I really am trying my best..I'm still trying to recover from the pregnancy and I'm exhausted from Lysette and I just..-"  Kara stops Raven mid sentence.
" Raven. You shouldn't even be worried about me. You should be focused on your baby. I'm going to be okay. I'll deal with this somehow " Kara knew Raven deserved rest and felt awful she was going through so much just on Kara's behalf.
" No. I'm going to help. I just don't know how to make this happen" Raven assures Kara. " I just don't understand enough about Vampires to know what he truly did. I mean, you would think that with you being half Vampire, it wouldn't be affecting you so bad " Raven says as she begins looking through more books. " Yeah " Kara says as she holds her own hand, staring down at the mark that still rested upon it. " I'm surprised I'm not out there sucking blood or some shit " Kara laughs. " I mean when I bled before, Gwen kind of got entranced and it made her go almost animalistic" Kara explained as Raven flipped through pages. " Well, Gwen is full vampire. And I imagine that has something to do with her interest in blood. But with you being a half Vampire, considering that has never really existed before..maybe things work differently. " Raven closes one book and grabs another, flipping through the pages rapidly.
" Hm. Well, I guess that makes sense. But if there has never been anything like me before. Then it's unlikely you'll find anything on it. There would be no point of reference " Kara watches as Raven busily reads. " Yes but there have been hybrids before with other creatures and that is a place to start"
Lysette walks into the room, groaning and stretching. " Well it took some time but I feel alot better. Thank you Raven " to which Raven waves her off, being lost in in the books.
" I'm glad to see you are back and at it" Kara smiles at Lysette who pats her on the shoulder and pulls up a chair" And I'm glad to see you made it back safe and sound"
" Well, I could handle Santara. She isn't as much of a threat as she thinks she is" Kara says as she crosses her arms.
" She was always way to impatient. She picked fights with vastly more capable foes and would always end up getting her ass handed to her. That doesn't take away that she was a proud warrior and a remarkable Lycan. But she differed from Victoria in so many ways. I have always hated comparing them but when it comes down to it, Santara tried so hard to stand out from Victoria's shadow that somehow her efforts pushed her further behind it" Lysette remembered the times in which she had tried to reason with Santara back when she was a child. But she had been so troubled. If she had only ever listened, things would have been vastly different for her.

As Lysette reminisced, Kara took notice of a book shelf on which a rather large Black book rested. It had a small emblem on it, that seemed to resemble two Golden mountains on it. For some reason, Kara felt drawn to this book and couldn't take her eyes away from it. " What is that book?" Kara asked Raven who looked up and smiled. " That is the fate book" she explained and looked back down to the book she was reading.
" The fate book? " Kara asked as she stood up and walked over to the bookshelf and retrieved the book from the shelf.
" Yes" Raven explained. " Its a very old book. Alot of it isn't even a modern language. It talks of two people uniting the Kingdoms of the Underworld together as well as the other worlds. And it is believed that, the book, is what inspired the idea for you and Gabriel's fate to be intertwined. And not to sound like like too much of a critic here..but it seems a bit like a crock of shit. It doesn't really explain any of the stuff that is going to happen, only that two people would Unite everything together. Two friends who would turn to lovers, destined by the fates. Everything else seems like it talks more about the past than the future" Raven puts down the book she was holding to replace it with another.
" I mean it does really help detail the past and such. But for a book on fate, you'd think it would give you the actual future" Raven grumbles, annoyed at seeming to find none of the answers she was looking for.
" Okay. I want to try something" Raven says as she stands up and heads out of the room for a second, returning with a knife and a cup.
" I want to draw some blood and see what is really going on" Raven says as she places the cup down on the table. Kara was hesitant at first but knew that this would satisfy Ravens curiosity for the time being so she walked over and extended her hand out as Raven dragged the blade across it, taking Kara's hand to hold it over the cup.
After some time though, no blood fell from the new cut.
" What in the.." Raven said, looking confused at the dry wound. " There should be blood. Why isn't there any blood? " She continued asking herself. Kara looked on, confused herself as to how she would have no blood.
" I feel like I should be really concerned about this.." Kara continued looking down at her hand as Raven squeezed it gently.
" Whilst I don't know a whole bunch about Vampires. This doesn't seem normal at all" Raven and Kara were puzzled by this development as Lysette lifted her head. " Wait.." She says which makes Kara and Raven turn to her, wondering what was wrong.
" Gabriel...I have his would.." Lysette stands up and runs outside, followed by Kara, Raven and Shawn's sisters who had been listening in on the conversation. " You have his scent? " Kara asks, her focus leaving her hand and completely on Lysette.
" Yes. And he is near" She answers as she looks around but see's nothing.
" But how would he be back? I mean..Santara and Gwen are back..but how did he make it through to? " with Gabriel returning, this would mean that Raven and Lysette's theory about what had been going on within the Underworld was wrong.
" He is alive. And at this point, I don't care how that is true" Lysette says, excited at the chance to see her nephew again.
" If you are right Lysette...then I truly think things are going to be okay for once..." Kara smiles, at the thought and promise of seeing Gabriel again, despite the anxiety that was filling within her all at once. She had so many things she needed to say to him. So many things to confess and she just hoped that he would be able to to hear her out first.

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