Chapter Thirty One: The Flask

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Kalivare stands outside of the town from which he and Gwen had traveled too, overlooking the broken landscape surrounding them. The land had been almost completely destroyed and Kalivare couldn't help but feel a sadness in his heart. He remembers when he first had left this place, it was on the precipice of destruction and somehow after all this time, finally returning, it was still destroyed. Despite the best efforts he and Aurora had made to prevent it. He feeled as though he was responsible for all that had happened. If he had not died, Gabriel's parents might still be alive. Maybe he could have helped things along to ease the relationship between his daughter and her destiny. Maybe he could have an actually healthy relationship with his daughter. All things, he could not change now.
" My love.." a voice echos through his head again as the Trinket within his pocket because warm his leg. He reaches down, and removes the glowing orb from his pocket and stares down it.
" I know you want out but I don't know how to free you yet my love" He had been hearing his Queen within is head for a little while now. Calling to him, pleading to him for freedom. He knew that Kara had imprisoned her, and with good reason. Aurora had told him her side but he also knew Kara's side of things.
" I know I was wrong. I see that now. But you are back now my love..we can make things right. I can apologize and I can try to fix all of the things and damage that I caused" Aurora pleaded from within her prison.
" I want nothing more than to be reunited with you" he explained, a lone tear forming in his eye.
" I have a plan, but you have to promise me that you are willing to do whatever it takes" Aurora Whispers.
" I will do anything" Kalivare smiles down at the little green orb in his hand. If he could bring Aurora back, perhaps things could change finally. Perhaps he could have his family back. Perhaps he could finally have the things that had been taken away from him and see the Underworld finally united.

Gwen sits alone in the home, still remaining in the chair and placing her hands on her head as she begins to cry, which had been disturbed by the sound of a can falling behind her. Gwen jumps to her feet and turns to see the cause of the commotion and sees a young Ginger haired man before her.
" Who are you.." Gwen demands from the mysterious man who smiles and stumbles to her. " The name is Nate, blood sucker" he answers as he struggles to sit down in a simple chair.
" What are you doing here..?" Gwen asked, still being cautious as to his motives, despite looking rather drunk.
" Well, after your people killed mine, I had to go somewhere. I found this small town and figured this would be as good of a place as any other" he laughs he reaches into his pocket and pulls a silver flask and twist the cap before chugging its contents.
" I am sorry about your people..and about your King" Gwen apologizes which catches Nate's attention.
" My king? Gabriel? Is he.." Nate realizes what Gwen was implying which makes him take an  even bigger swig of his drink. " Seems about right. Everything is fucked up.." he responds which makes Gwen feel comfortable enough to approach him and sit down in a nearby chair beside him.
" Seems like we are all suffering here" Nate notices the saddened look on Gwen's face, seeing her eyes were red.
" I know our people have been at war for a long time. But I guess that doesn't matter now. You have all pretty much won. So why do you look so sad? " Nate was wondering why someone who had finally won a victory that had been thousands of years in the process, would have anything to be sad about.
" Because sometimes there are more important things than victory.." Gwen answers, turning her head, trying to prevent Nate from noticing anything else about her. She didn't like the fact that he could see through her ruse.
" I can drink to that" he laughs and swallow's down more of his drink.
" I figured you'd be mad that...well..since I am.." Gwen found herself struggling to speak, something about Nate made her feel unsure of herself.
" Because your people killed mine? Me getting mad about it, won't bring anyone back. If anything, I'm kind of glad the war is over. I was tired of all the fighting. I'm sad about the good people we lost, but again, what is the point in crying over it. But you.." Nate leans forward in his chair.
" There is something about you that is different. You don't seem like the common blood sucker" Nate's words caught Gwen's attention.
" So here" Nate passes the Flask to Gwen. " You look like you could use this more than me" he smiles as Gwen takes the flask in her hands,  as she brushes the hair from her eyes.
" A vampire and a Lycan..hmm" Gwen smiles, taking a sip from the flask, surprised at how good it tasted. She had never been one to partake in alcohol and yet right now, this was all the comfort that she needed.
"So are you going to tell me what happened? Why have you been crying" Nate pushes, his speech slightly slurred.
" I felt something for someone who didn't feel the same. They are in love with someone else" Gwen answered, drinking more from the flask to numb the words she had just spoken from the pain that followed them.
" Well fuck them. You don't need them. If they can't appreciate you for who you are, then don't even give them another thought. Find someone who can treat you good and not choose anyone over you. But finding you a loyal blood sucker is gonna be difficult " Gwen tries to ignore the comment from Nate, though there was truth behind his words. Vampires did not know real loyalty. That was something that she hated about her people. They could be loving but chose to care more about themselves than anything. She had only known Kalivare to share the same thoughts and feelings as her.
" Yeah well. It's not that easy " Gwen places the flask down and combs her hair again with her hand. Nate took the flask and began his drinking again.
" Well, Find you someone else then. You are really pretty so it shouldn't be too much trouble" he laughs which made Gwen turn to him with a stern look.
" I have alot more to offer than my asshole " She growls, placing her arms on her knees.
" Thats not what I meant. I'm sure you do have a lot to offer. But you are beautiful and so that brings people in. And then you have whatever else you have that I'm sure is great. And people will see that and probably be all over you " he tried to explain himself which seemed to calm down Gwen slightly who scoffs.
" I am a great warrior. I am an expert killer. I am smart, sophisticated. And..." Gwen stops herself and away but Nate wouldn't let her get away that Easily. " No No, please finish yourself" he smirks and takes another sip.
" No. Just let it go" She answers and leans back, crossing her legs and arms. " You are great in bed? Is that what you were going to say? If so, it's okay. Safe place here " he laughs which only makes Gwen scoff again.
" That is not what I was going to say " She growls back which only makes Nate laugh more with enthusiasm. " So you aren't good in bed?" He pushed which shocked Gwen. " Thats not what I said! Don't put words in my mouth dammit" She growls again, turning her head to him, making full eye contact.
" Well I mean maybe you should finish your sentences then " he jokes as Gwen stands to her feet, annoyed with his line of questioning.
"  I don't have to finish anything, dog. And for your information, I'd blow your fucking mind. Not that you are ever going to get the chance to find out the truth behind my words " Gwen swipes the flask out of Nate's hand and takes a long drink from it.
" Well for your information, you couldn't handle me. I would rip you to shreds " Nate stands up, now face to face with Gwen who was now, not going to back down. " Oh yeah? Big talk coming from a puppy" Gwen takes another sip of the drink with a smirk drawn across her face.

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