Chapter Thirty Six: Side By Side

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Kara knew she would have to fight her mother, and was more than prepared to take down the evilness that she offered. And though Aurora knew how powerful her daughter was, she did not look worried whatsoever.
" You will not fight me" Aurora says with a wicked smirk. She was confident that Kara would not kill someone inoccent. He was nothing but her puppet and this seemed to be her one advantage.
" See, that is where you have forgotten something mom" Kara smiles back. " You forgot that I am within the fates. I am going to be here until the end of my days. But as for you, you are nothing but a cliff note. And the same with father. He may be inoccent in the sense that he has been used, but I know he would rather die than to let you use him like this" Kara begins floating up to her mother's eye level. " You have put us all through hell. All of my friends. All of our emotions. The things we are destined for. Because you have always thought you were bigger than that. But you aren't. You are obscure and this world, and our people, are better off without you" Kara's words stung right through Aurora. Fate was foolish to her. She would defy it and would do as she saw fit with the world she had called home for so long. Long before Kara was even a thought.
Aurora rears back her arm and launches a tunnel of purple flames towards Kara who launches one of her own to collide with it. The sheer force of the impact was enough to make the walls crack and the windows burst out.
Gabriel and the others watched Kara and Aurora fight, almost seeming to match one another.
" How is energy coming from Kalivare? He doesn't use magic? " Lysette asks to which Shawn responds. " Well to my knowledge based off of how Raven has explained it. The magic comes from their energy itself. Which radiates the color of the energy and spirit. So whilst Aurora is in Kalivare's body..the energy coming out is coming from Aurora directly. She has full functionality of his body and she is using it to its full extent " Shawn explains as they continue to watch the battle.

" Do you think Kara can win? " Lysette asks, which Gabriel answers. " She more so than anyone else would be able to beat her mother. She is strong. And she is tough. She won't lose, she wouldn't allow herself too " Gabriel didn't know Kara's full strength but he had faith in her. He had watched her grow from being timid and not even being able to do a simple healing spell to being fully capable of battles. To some degree, even better than him. But even so, he was still watching closely in case she needed assistance.

Kara and Aurora by the point had expended alot of energy. They knew they would have to wrap the battle up quickly and were both thinking of ways to make sure it ended things for good. Aurora glances to Gabriel and launches a blast of energy towards him. " GABRIEL!! " Kara dashes through the air and swipes away the blast just in time before it hit Gabriel.
" Are you okay? " Kara asked, not taking her eyes off of Aurora but worried for Gabriel. " I'm fine. Now, go kick her ass for the both of us " Gabriel smiles, as Kara dashes forward, taking her mother and flying her through the ceiling, crashing through it, flying several hundreds of feet into the air before falling back to the ground below, Kara not letting go of her for anything.
Their bodies fall fast to the ground before crashing hard into the ground, sending chunks of the palace floor flying through the air.

Gabriel runs through the dust and dirty settling in the air and looks for Kara. " Kara? KARA? " he called out but recieved no response. Eventually, he saw a hand sticking out from the smoke and rushed to it. " Kara? " he asked as a purple flame trickled from the fingers before blasting a cone of Fire directly at Gabriel.
Kara pushes Gabriel out of the way and takes the blast of energy full on, blasting her backwards through several palace walls. Gabriel watched Kara take the blast and felt horrible. She had protected him. She had saved him twice within such a short time. " Kara..." Gabriel cries but she doesn't call back to him, making him turn his attention to Aurora who was beginning to stand up.
" My daughter is inferior to me. She will never be as powerful. And that is what I've been trying to tell you are. I am the one who can unite the Underworld. And her ignorance will cost you, your life again Gabriel. Maybe then..she will see that I am the inevitable. I am stronger than fate itself' Gabriel stood up from being pushed out of the way. His eyes glowing a bright gold.
" you still wanna protect her? That is so cute. You can't even protect yourself. What makes you think you can stand against me? " Aurora steps closer to Gabriel who shifted into his wolf form.
" Why don't you come over here and find out.." Gabriel grows as Aurora raises her hands, launching energy blast at Gabriel who nimbly dodges each one. Though that didn't stop the rain of fire that Aurora launched,finding that he was almost quicker with his reactions the longer the battle went. He knew he had to stall until Kara could recover and that is exactly what he was doing, only charging to keep her focus.
" This is why you are not good enough for her. You are weak Gabriel. Your quick, but you aren't strong. She is vastly superior " Aurora taunts which makes Gabriel only chuckle. " You haven't shown me you are worth my effort yet" he barks back to her.
" Is that so? Or are you trying to stall? " Aurora knew what this was from the beginning. But she also knew she would have dispose of them both eventually either way. And fighting one at a time would be easier than fighting fighting both simultaneously.
" You may have killed my parents but I promise, I am not then" Gabriel growls, wanting to check on Kara but also not willing to take his eyes off of Aurora and risking a blindside.
" I know you aren't. You are stronger than them but even then, they were still weak. And so are you" Aurora smiles. " I do hope she recovers soon. I want her to watch you die..again. I want her to see where her emotions have led her. To a weak, insignificant little mutt who couldn't save my daughter. You couldn't ever truly protect her. You need her far more than she needs you. And you know that" Aurora laughs, tilting her head back, mocking Gabriel.

" When are you going to learn mother? " Kara calls out as she steps through the hole in the wall, clenching her gut, she was hurt but would not quit. Not anymore.
" We may have hurt one another. But we would give our lives for one another. We will protect each other when it counts" Kara stumbles as she walks to Gabriel's side, placing her hand on his back.
" We are stronger together because of the things you've done to us. If anything, you made us unstoppable" Kara explains, running her hand through Gabriel's fur.
" Did you tell him Kara..did you tell him how you lied? " Aurora smirked, feeling as though she had a few last tricks up her sleeve.
" No. I hadn't gotten the chance. But you know what..I'm going to make it clear now. Gabriel, stand down " Kara demands which makes Gabriel back away so that Kara is now the one facing Aurora.
" Gabriel, I haven't been honest with. So here is what is going to happen.." Kara holds out both of her arms out. " I am turning my back to you. And when I turn around, after hearing this, if you aren't there. I will accept that and never talk to you again. But if you are. Then I promise we will talk about everything and I will do whatever it takes to make it right.."
Lysette and Shawn watch on as Gabriel, listens to Kara's words intently.
" When it comes to me and Pierce..we never had sex. I couldn't bring myself to do it. And despite us not being together, and it being something I could have done..I didn't. I didn't want too. I wanted my first experience like that to be with you. I didn't want anyone else but you at the time. Which means..I was not pregnant when you attacked me. I lied. I don't have a good reason for it, I really don't. At the time, I wanted you to suffer. And i can't change that. I'm sorry" Kara admits, which leaves Shawn and Lysette shocked.
" And, then I tried to move on with Gwen. I tried to let you go and because of that, me and Gwen had sex. She was my first. And..I feel horrible about it. I used Gwen to try and fix myself but I just ended up hurting her in the end. And she died, because of my mother. And I thought she was gone forever, until she came back, much like you did. She wanted to continue where we left off but I turned her down. Because something had changed in me. I fell for you, so damn fast that I didn't even realize it. And I don't care if you chose Victoria anymore. I don't care if you fucked someone else or not. Because those are just people to me. And I know that means something different to you. You are a Lycan, and it's important to your people. And that is what I realized. It mattered that you were my first, but when you didn't turn out to be. I felt spoiled, and not good enough anymore for you. But I knew that I didn't want to be with anyone else ever again because it was so important to you. It was important to your kind. And I would respect that. I guess what I'm really saying is...I love you Gabriel..I'm in love with you. And I don't want anyone else. I know you probably don't trust me..but that is okay. Because it doesn't change that I love you and that I made mistakes. I can't fix them but I would never do them again. And even if you walk away right now..I won't do it even then. Because I will always love you. And I may not be Lycan..but I agree with how they do things. And I will follow their custom. Even if you aren't my mate.." Kara confesses. The room is silent. Gabriel walks over to Kara and stands beside her. " You want to be my mate?"  Gabriel asks, almost surprised that she would want to make that commitment knowing what goes into it. " Yes. More than anything. Take every piece of me if you wish. I offer myself to you Gabriel. For now. Forever. " Kara reaches over and places her hand on the back of Gabriel's neck. " Then let us see how mates fight side by side"

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