Good-Bye to a Friend

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Miles's PoV

It was early morning when I got texted the details of Nicholas's Funeral I changed to a black outfit for the occasion. But once I arrived, I couldn't help but sense that something seems strange like... we were being watched.

But soon after I got distracted when the group arrived., Arvin limping his way, Armando helping our friend, Annalie ran to my arms and held me close.

"Really?" Mally bitterly remarked, "Can't you just not... It's a funeral, not a PDA session."

"I'm just trying to comfort him," Annalie softly replied.

"Yeah right," Mally shot back, "And imma just go and 'comfort' Ron," she turned her head around, "Now where is he?"

"I heard my name," The familiar British voice responded. Then came in the British boy in a sleek black suit, I noticed that the upper half was more of a tailcoat.

Mally flung her fist and Ron caught it, the two nodded, "Sorry for your lose," Mally softly told my best friend.

"Thanks," Ron remarked, "I'm glad you mates made it."

I raised my head to scan the crowd, "Which reminds me, how did you guys make it here?" I asked.

Mally opened her hand, "I remembered we left an SUV when went to fight Ron's ex, so I stole it back and brought it home," she responded, "And I used it to drive the four of us here, though I had to break Arvin from his house."

"Because my parents wouldn't let me go out," Arvin explained.

"And Annalie was being a killjoy by not breaking him out like last time," Mally added, "So I texted Arvin to go out from his window and we got away."

"I was not in the mood to fight," Annalie softly responded.

"Right, because your only mood is being a killjoy or Miles's girlfriend," Mally remarked.

"Enough," Ron called out in a deep voice, "This is a funeral, not a place to fight."

He straightened his suit, walked away from the group and headed to where Omar was, along with Nicholas's family.

And after some time, we were called to enter the cathedral. I walked in, Annalie in my arms and as I glanced to take in the sight, I registered the interior.

Porcelain tiles were used as the flooring, the tiles had silver linings and at the center of each seemed to have a piece that resembled a gem, perhaps it's just a shiny stone.

Next were the clean white walls that towered over me, decorated with Christian imagery. And up the aisle was the black coffin that contained the body of my best friend.

Soon after, the ceremony started. The guest (us included) filled the seats and the hall seemed to have been a river of black.

During the eulogy, his parents spoke about the Nicholas's life, how he grew up and a few fun stories that were delivered in such a bittersweet tone, even sitting about ten meters away from where his parents spoke to the mic... I could still sense the heartbreak they had or perhaps it was mine, hurting me from the inside, being reminded that I lost someone... he was stronger than me, yet... I survived.

And speaking on behalf of Nicholas's friends was Omar, he spoke about how they met in school when they were kids. He referenced the rescue mission the Outcasts did to rescue me and Kirsten. Omar next told the story on how Nicholas broke the news that he'd transfer school due to budget reasons, A few weeks after Ron and Genna left for graduation, the 5 of us met up at Andie's beach house where Nicholas told us about the transfer, he expressed how thankful he was to us... how amazing we were, being nostalgic and all... I wished I was able to have told him how I special he was to us, most of us back then just said a teary goodbye and drifted away the following year.

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