Unexpected Task

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Mally's PoV

A new day came, the annoying light from the sun flash straight to my face. I swore I covered with the curtain last night but now... the red fire designed curtains were at opposite ends, giving way to that annoying sunlight. As I turned, I noticed the empty space of my bed's right side, where my brother would be...

Though I wasn't much surprised, something about today made me curious, March fourth... it should ring a bell at me but... still, I forgot.

I decided to start my preparations. I rose from my bed and set my feet on the floor, the scarlet carpet softly massaged the bottom of my feet.

As I began to regain my energy to start the day, I took in the usual sight, the beige walls setting a calm impression, at the ceiling was the same colour but in a lighter tint to it, I have been meaning to have it designed but... I have no idea. Now that I had my energy, I went to my bay window, closed the curtains to cover the sun, I headed next to my closet by the right corner of my room. I took out my folded uniform, placed them on my bed, pulled out the towel that I placed at the foot of my bed. Next, I took a bath and changed into my uniform. After that, I went down to the dining room to prepare my meal. I was greeted by quite a view. The amber light cast perfectly at my siblings. The sight seemed as if they were from a fond memory. Ron setting the table while Annalie placed the plate full of rice and a bowl of food.

My siblings noticed me, "Oh hi Mally," Annalie cheerfully greeted, "Come, breakfast is ready."

"Where are mom and dad?" I asked them.

"They had to go early for work," Annalie explained, "So we prepared ahead of time."

"I'm glad the sun managed to annoy you to wake up," Ron commented.

I pulled up the spruce made chair, and set myself to dine at the wooden table along with my siblings.

We filled our plates with the meals we could finish. I placed about six spoonfuls of rice and four bacon strips. Annalie took two bacon strip and a similar amount of rice as mine. Ron took three bacon strips and also a similar amount of rice to mine.

And we began to indulge.

"So, how are we going to school?" I asked while stuffing my mouth with the meal. "Well, Annalie and I are split on whether she should just teleport us there to save time or have a car ride there," Ron answered while having a stuffed mouth.

"Well, even if we made a decision, we don't have a ride," I commented, "Our parents did bring the family car, right?"

"Actually, mom told me last night they had to go early," Annalie brought up, "So while we were asleep, I borrowed the car Ron gave back in valentine's day from Miles and brought it here."

We glanced at the window and found the car they were referring to by the parking lot. We ate our meals, finished our school preparations, locked the house and went out to the parking lot.

Ron set up the car and took the opportunity to sit at the front seat.

Annalie and I sat at the back and we directed it to take us to school.

The engine hummed to life and before we knew it, the car began to move out of the parking lot and into the road.

And so begin our ride to the place of seven cruel hours of our lives.

"Actually, I prefer to just teleport," Ron commented as he leaned back to his chair, "Saves time and gives time for Annalie to well, spend them with Miles."

"Oh come on," Annalie remarked, "It is a good chance to have some sibling bonding time."

"How do we do that?" I asked.

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