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Arvin's PoV

After a couple more days here, we got to be more comfortable, I even felt like royalty whenever I slept in my bed. 

One day I was sat in the pool area, submerging my legs onto the soothing waters. Wearing the clothes was in for the past five days. I should probably wash the clothes I had before I stink all of them. But for now... I'll just be chilling in my tropical buttoned shirt and brown loose shorts. 

I couldn't help but feel at ease, a gentle smile rose from my lips. This was nice... 

And then Mally dropped to the pool like a meteor, causing a big splash that caused the waters to slap me in the face and sogged my hair.

"Oh hey look!" Mally screamed above, "Ron, I can swim!"

"I'm surprised you weren't injured from jumping on my balcony!" Ron yelled back.

Just then Annalie appeared beside me, "Okay, what is wrong with you two?" she asked.

"I thought we were allies Mals!" Ron shouted.

"Yeah, well I wanted to tease you!" Mally yelled back, "I forgot you still have a temper, unlike our sister."

"Are they really that serious?" I questioned.

"Since Jelli moved here, Mally had another couple to annoy. I was more surprised that Ron got my temper during the early days of grade 8," Annalie explained, she then let out a sigh, "I honestly don't know how to handle those two... so much for being close siblings."

Just then Jelli walked beside Annalie, "I'm more surprised Ron is less angry than yesterday," Jelli remarked, "Mally literally annoyed Ron the moment he woke up which was a minute ago."

The two step-siblings ended up bickering for most of the day.

I'm not sure whether it's just really bad blood or just some impulsive acts. 

Over the next few days, Ron was no longer just mad at Mally but instead, just having a bad mood all day. I'm not sure whether it's just really bad blood or just some impulsive acts. He and Jelli would often go outside every night. I don't know what they were but I once overheard in the music hall Jelli's voice singing a song with the lyrics All my life I promise to keep running home to you.

One night, Annalie's parents spent time in the swimming pool. I saw Ron and Jelli running up the stairs, carrying boxes of chocolates. Armando took the reigns at the kitchen and prepared a meal for us. He made a mountain of hotdogs, fried chicken, sizzling sisig, bacon and garlic rice. Mally even made a pitcher of chocolate shake by just blending the powdered milk from the shelves, a couple of chocolate bars, some ice and water. Armando was helped by Mally in carrying the food to the table.

"Dinner!" I announced.

Then Ron came in, "What's going on here?" questioned in a cranky tone.

"Our meals," I answered. 

"Yeah, well no one told me," he replied.

Mally stood up from her seat, "Dinner!" she yelled And she looked at Ron, "Also I saw you eat already."

"Well I'm alien," He yelled back, "So I can eat how much I want without getting fat!"

I noticed that his accent sounded a lot like American, "Ron, did you honestly think that we wouldn't invite you to a meal in your own house?" I asked.

"No," Ron replied, "But she would", he pointed at Mally, "Because I see a bunch of dishes that you know I could eat!".

"You know what," Annalie offered Ron, "Why don't you just seat down and eat with us."

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