Greek Adventures: Start

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Ron's PoV

I took the wheels and landed the jet on a clearing. As we got out, I saw from a distance my old house, now with new residents. Jelli rested her hand on my shoulder as we gazed upon the scenic view. 

I decided to brief the group, "Jake once said that my navigator had been dormant," I told them, "I just need to power it on, hopefully, the contamination he mentioned might give this navigator extra features."

I followed the discussed procedure Jelli and I agreed upon of how to turn on the navigator. I went to the nearby creek and dipped the navigator. It's alien tech so probably it would work. As I pulled out the gadget, it began to glow a range of blue and yellow colours. I pressed the button while thinking of ancient Greece for an added bonus.

Then the whole scene shifted, the ruins from afar became full-fledged temples, the once open fields were now live cities but something was off... The structures seemed... dated. I looked back and saw that the jet was still there and the group as well. We decided to leave the jet there and walked out. 

As we got into the city, the people there wore some kind of light and loose clothes. I think it's made of either linen or wool. And I get it, I mean the weather was scorching. The people kept looking at us (probably because of our clothes).

Just then, I heard a scream. 

I looked back and saw Mally covering her eyes, "Oh I definitely saw that guy's... ew," she shouted, with a bit of shame in her voice. 

Arvin kept looking back, same with Armando. A few minutes later, I saw a group of men in uniform marching towards us. They wore linen shirts with metal armour plates on their shoulders. A bronze breastplate covered their chest and stomach. Greaves overlaid their legs. On their head were bronze helmets with a tall blue and yellow crest. They were about twelve men and they were being led by a woman in similar armour. 

She marched right in front of us. 

I pulled Jelli behind me, "Hello, I'm Kyros and these are my friends," I pointed at the group while she took off her helmet and rested it on her arm. 

"Athe," She introduced herself with a strong accent that made her voice sound deep.

She was beautiful and regal but also somewhat scary with twelve men behind her. I had a strange feeling towards her like she might plan to attack us and we have nowhere to run, hopefully, she might have answers for what just happened.

"Can you explain what happened? just moments ago, my friends and I were investigating then after a few clickity clacks, everything around us became... weird like, we time travelled or something," I nervously asked. 

She gestured for us to follow, we did and the twelve guards surrounded us like escorts.

"Well our people developed technology for time navigation, when our people escaped from the mothership, we used the technology to travel into different eras here on earth," She answered back, "Our navigators were affected by the radiation we omitted because of our connection to the source, making the navigator able to navigate through time. I used the technology to create messages like paintings with phasing images. It phases due to temporal manipulation of sorts. I hoped that someday one of us would get the message and," She looked back at us with a smile on her face, "Find their way here, I'm glad the you did."

"Our?" I asked, I was more focused on the confirmation that she could be a Scisces-Libquarius.

She nodded, "Yes, I'm a Scisces-Libquarius, actually they added the Libquarius part because of our blessing to have connections to the source," She replied, "Any other questions, feel free to ask, I'd love to explain."

Scisces-Libquarius: Aimless ActWhere stories live. Discover now