Time Quest: A Breakout

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Arvin's PoV

Erïs grabbed my hand, we went off the ship and to the woods while she pulled my hand as we entered into the forest. After a few more minutes later, we bumped into some. My vision became a lot clearer and managed to see the man's appearance, he was about mid-40. He wore a striped prison shirt, had a buzz cut and had several bruises in his face. He backed away and stumbled to the floor. It didn't take me a second to realize who this man was. He was an escapee. From the Jewish concentration camp here that Miles mentioned. I kneeled down and reached out my hand to help him stand.

"It's alright," I told him.

"Do you know who this guy is?" Erïs asked.

"Yes," I replied, "He is a jew, from the camp."

"Maybe he knows where the Scisces-Libquarius are being held," Erïs suggested.

"I didn't want to take advantage of the guy, plus I had a feeling he didn't want to talk or go anywhere near the camp again," I told her.

Erïs spoke to him instead.. He rambled on and on but I didn't understand what his language. After a few backs and forth, he agreed to help us. I was mostly confused of what they said but I did know that Erïs can actually speak more than one.

She noticed my confused face, "He heard some of the inmates speak a different language, he overheard some talking about inmates that were Scisces-Libquarius," she explained, "They were all kept in one section of the area. Some of the other inmates heard that they were mentally broken down to prevent some kind of problem."

"What's his name?" I asked.

Erïs called out the man, spoke his language and turned to him, "His name is Alexander Alejandrino," she replied.

My life froze, I turned to Erïs, "After this, we gotta send him somewhere safe," I said hurriedly to her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because he's my great-grandpa," I responded.

We walked near the barbed wire walls of the area. I signalled my grandpa to hide behind the roots of the tree. Now it was just my girlfriend and me. Just then Annalie and Miles showed up. Both wore pale striped pyjamas, similar to my grandpa.

"Don't you mind, explaining yourself?" Erïs demanded. "Well, We decided to go to plan D," Annalie responded, "Get caught, be imprisoned and hopefully save the Scisces-Libquarius."

"Before they were taken to the gas chambers," Miles added.

"Yeah, that won't kill them," Erïs spoke, "Us Scisces-Libquarius had a somewhat immunity to air-related harms. It is part of the protection from our powers. I'll explain to you all more later."

Then Annalie tapped Miles's shoulder, "What if we get word of inmates that survived the gas chambers," Annalie suggested, "Or talks of chambers that failed to kill inmates. If what Erïs said is true about our powers and protection then the Scisces-Libquarius could be kept somewhere."

They turned to us, "Okay, we got to go before they notice we are gone," Miles told us. Then they teleported away.

I turned to Erïs, "You never told me your powers," I said to her, "Care to show."

"Not now," she responded, she looked around the area, "We need to find a way in there."

I then looked back, "What if we ask my gramps," I suggested, "He already escaped, maybe he'll show us how he got out."

Erïs nodded and approached him. Both talk quite quickly and he led us to a hole he dug up, beside a tree. We told him to run away so he could be safe, he ran like his life depended on it. We went down the hole and into the premises.

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