Aimless Act

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Ron's PoV

The next morning I was outside of the mansion, not far from the groundwork for the garden.

Fresh off my jog, also my attempts on trying to manually turn on and off my superspeed.

I gathered myself to catch my breath then I suddenly felt a pat on my back, as I turned around, my adoptive dad was the one who smacked me. He was in a yellow jogging attire.

"So I see you're doing your training," he remarked, "Care for some sparring?"

"Sure!" I replied.

I prepared myself, I moved my clenched fist near to my chest and gestured to him to make the first strike.

He understood and charged at me with his fist.

I moved my right foot back and turned to dodge his attack. While he wasn't looking, I thrust my fist at his back. But he retaliated, without even looking, he swung his elbow and struck my jaw with it. I fell to the floor, I checked my mouth but smiled at what just happened. We both chuckled as we laid on the grass grounds.

"Aww, you guys started without me," Mally remarked as she fixed the strap of her red gym tank top.

"Well, I thought it would be a nice get-to-know activity," Our dad cheerfully replied.

"Well if you don't mind, I think I wanna spar with my little brother here," Mally told our Dad.

"I'm literally taller than you," I complained as I moved to my position.

We prepared for our fight stance.

I closed my hand to let out a flash of electricity to blind her. As she flinched, I took the chance to land a punch but she blocked it with a slap, She then ran towards me but I already got up and dodged her lunge. I took the opportunity to kick her legs so she lost her chance to steady her footing when he landed.

"No fair! You used your powers!" Mally teased.

"Alright, want a rematch?" I asked as I reached my hand to help her up.

"Nope, I don't want to do this again," she responded as she used my arm to pull herself up.

As I helped her get back up, we turned to the door of our house, "We should probably get back there," I commented, "I'm exhausted."

"Well, I'd be at the dining hall, mom said she'd cook bacon," Mally responded, "But if she isn't awake, I hope Annalie is also asleep," she then looked up to the second floor, "Do you think any of us would use the can of whipped cream at the fridge?"

"You can use them, we could just buy more," I answered, "For now... anything else you want to talk about?"

"Hey Ron," Mally called, "About last night... I was thinking about something but I wasn't able to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"What if there was a Scisces that was taken cared by a Selrius," Mally suggested, "And then another Selrius was raised by a Scisces."

"Seeing the good in both sides," I commented, "If that ever happens, perhaps it could start the peaceful end to this war."

My sister and I locked eyes and shared a gently smile at the idea. 

We entered the house and headed to the dining hall to see that it was empty. I followed Mally as we went up to Annalie's room. Come to think of it, I haven't been inside her new room, or Mally's.

My sister opened the door and revealed Annalie's room.

For what seems, she did a great job upgrading from her old room. She had installed an OLED ceiling that became the main light source of the room, I'm guessing she had it linked to her phone so she could control it, but as we looked up, it appears she had set the screen to display a  night sky filled with stars, shimmering in a splendid way, and an aura light slowed from one side to the other, the glow was a mix of Miles's yellow favourite colour, Her blue, Arvin's green, Mally's red, my orange and Armando's white. Though the colours shift, the blue would remain the biggest among them. As I set foot, I noticed the blue fur carpet, I looked around to see the sea themed wallpaper that resembled an overhead shot of the sea, there were even some whites that looked like waves and a few underwater land designs. I turned to my left to see a table made of wood filled with coloured pencils, brushes and a lampstand. I looked forward to seeing the light blue curtains covered the glass door that leads to her balcony. I wonder if that's where she placed the easel she made me buy. I then focused on Annalie's queen-sized bed. It had a drawer built into the wooden frame. I found my sister sleeping like me. While I was taking in the scenery I found Mally spraying our sister with the whipped cream she took from the kitchen. Annalie was completely covered from face to toe and she then woke up. Mally noticed and ran off. 

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