Greek Adventures: Love You Goodbye

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Ron's PoV

I went back to my room and was a bit weighed down. I moved to the window to get a view. The curtains slowly slapped my face as I leaned forward. 

I took in the beautiful paint-like scenery of the sea. The waters roared to the shores below us. The winds slowly breezed through my hair. A scent of roasted beef and lemon scents reached my nose. This was too perfect, now, I have to leave it?

"You don't want to leave this place, do you?" Genna asked.

"No," I answered back. Even in my head, I could hear Genna sigh.

"Look, I know that the last time met, I denied your choice because I didn't want you to live a life where you'll be comfortable then be killed off guard one day when you could have been with me, we could have eliminated half the Selrius army before they would all team up and kill us both. We could have died as martyrs, inspired the others to ruse up and fight," She monologued, then followed by a moment of silence, probably for me to process, I braced for her to force me to join the group, I wondered what she'll do to me this time, now that she is in my head then she continued, "But you have my vote in you staying here."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you have a roof over your head, well-cooked food given to you in a literal silver platter, people to train you all in the same place. Plus if a Selrius or a group would attack you, you'll fight alongside our fellow Scisces-Libquarius," Genna replied.

"Is this just a way for you to tell me your life story after you left?" I complained. "Well, if you asked earlier we would have been straight to the point," Genna responded, "So now it is settled, you're deciding to stay here."

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Which reminds me," Genna said, "You should tell Jelli, she seems quite excited."

I agreed and went to Jelli's. I knocked at the doorless opening of her room. It was similar to mine. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Just preparing for the trip," she replied, "Which is just fixing this room before we leave."

I made an awkward sound, "About that," I muttered, "I'm staying."

She froze from her tracks and faced me. Our eyes met as if the world is ending and time had frozen. 

She approached me, I cleared my throat, "You don't have to stay with me," I offered, "You can still join the others, travel through time, have several adventures, imagine all the places you could go," I suggested with a huge smile on my face to hide the sad feeling of not seeing her soon after this.

She held my dangled hands, "It won't matter how amazing the places would be if you aren't there with me to see them," she said to me, her voice was so soothing like a slow song that becomes an earworm in my head. I wrapped my arms around her, "We should probably break the news to the others," Jelli suggested. 

We went out, we passed by the dining hall and I grabbed an apple, "For good luck," I joked.

I had a feeling the group won't agree. We went to the docks. We saw a metal plated ship with a dark sail to match the aesthetic. We arrived just in time to hear Hepheo explaining stuff to the group.

"Athe's paintings throughout time had come across at least two or more Scisces, I installed a sensor in most of the paintings, so they track the scent/essence of the Scisces they encountered," he explained, "So I collected the data from your phones and jet, integrated it to the tracker you brought and voilà you have your first destination," he took out a small metal orb that projected a map of the worlds with glowing blue and yellow lights in some areas, "The lights indicates the amount of Scisces in the area. Fun fact: the 2000s was the only time era where the Scisces wondered around instead of staying in the right place. The second biggest collection of Scisces-Libquarius is north from here. Just go to the area and use the time navigator, the essence of the Scisces would pull you through time and arrive at their time era."

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