Greek Adventures: A deep encounter

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Jelli's PoV

Ron stood up and ran into the woods like a creature in four legs. Hopefully, he'll grow out of that but I did find it cute. I forgot to give him his dagger since I stored it in my currently soaked bag Athe gave us, along with Maria's dagger.

Soon after Ron left, I heard a scream.

I ran back and saw a badly bruised Stag. It charged towards me and I reached for Ron's dagger. As it came close, I impaled the stag's head and it fell to the floor. I had to jump out to avoid the antlers. I wondered what would roasted radiated venison taste like?

Anyways, I ran deeper into the woods. Then I saw a trail of blue fluids. I guess Ron's since he told me of his species having blue blood. But I just hope he's okay. The blood trail shortly stopped. And I heard a growl. A nine feet tall brown bear stood up. It had blood in its mouth. Oh no, what if... no that can't be, but his blood... I got so scared of it that I dropped the dagger. I reached for a branch nearby and swung it towards the furry creature. Hopefully, it could knock it down but it just got off balance and fell to the ground. Then it regained its footing with its four legs. The creature locked its eyes on me and slowly walked towards my direction. My body began to tremble at the sight. I was scared of what part of me will it tear first. But a comforting thought was that maybe I could be with Ron in heaven. (If they have an alien afterlife anyway). 

"Ron!" I screamed. I always wanted to say that along with I love you but instead of a bear, I would say it to Ron.

The bear stopped in its tracks. Began to shake its head and fell to the ground. A few seconds later, a bolt struck from the sky. I thought maybe Ron sent the bolt but I found out something else.

Ron's PoV

When I regained my consciousness, I realized that I had attacked Jelli. I looked at myself and realized that I was a bear. I was so scared of what I might have done to her. I stopped at my tracks, thought maybe if I get charged enough or powered, I could change back. So I summoned a lightning bolt to at least charge myself up.

But the next thing I saw a dark empty surrounding. And at the centre was... Maria. She looked malnourished, her hair was more messed up, she wore the same clothes I last saw her last time and she smelled big time, like roasted something. I opened my hand to summon a lightning bolt since I didn't have my dagger to create a lightning bolt to fight her. But as I reached out, I didn't have my powers.

"Hi Ron" She greeted.

"Took you long enough to make another dream visit," I commented, "It's been a while."

"Well, I have been stuck here for a while barely had anything to survive, plus no use for powers," She replied.

"I hoped that maybe we could talk, like good friends that I thought we used to be," I softly spoke, I walked towards her, a part of me wanted to beat her down, choke her to death for all what she did to me, Jelli and everyone else who Maria had hurt. But a part of me reminded that she was still a girl, being raised with lies from the Selrius and Ligs. 

She took a deep breath, "I never got to congratulate you for beating the army I brought to defeat you," she told me. I stared her down, the once manipulative and cunning Lig was nothing more than a starving girl.

I firmly stood above her, "Since I already defeated you, can you tell me your battle plan?" I told her.

She took another deep breath, if she was okay, she would do something but for once I was the one in power, she sighed, "Well, I gathered the remaining Ligs to take you down, some chapters were a lot harder to convince than others but I was able to gather a mass great numbers," She replied, "Then they found out who they were going to fight: You. A large number tried to flee. So I slaughtered them, downsizing my army to around fifty."

A part of me got scared, I couldn't picture that the malnourished girl beside me was a mass murderer. And was a friend of mine.

Then a memory crossed my mind about the battle, "Who was that speedster?" I asked.

She took another deep sigh and a suppressed smile, "His name is Arian," she confessed, "His... your son." 

My jaws dropped, I was shocked, no wonder he called me father.

I need to know more about this. 

"How!" I asked.

Maria looked away and tapped a small scar at the lower right of my belly that I hadn't noticed before, "When you first slept at my place, I took a DNA sample from you. Sent it to a genetic lab to create Arian, making him your son," She continued.

I gathered my thoughts and thought of a question, "Then who is the mother?" I asked.

"Me," she replied, but... The speedster was a full-grown person, Maria continued, "But he was created in a test tube. I just provided the mother components to create him. We accelerated his growth and trained him to hate his father, the same advice you gave me about that dog," She had a mischievous grin on her face but was slowly weighed down probably she remembered that this wasn't a dream visit where she could intimidate me and that I already defeated her, she let out a deep sigh, "My grand plan was for the Ligs to overcome your forces, let Arian kill you. And since you already made a reputation of being a speedster hero, I would just make Arian take the mantle and he'll be your successor as the hero: Night Winds. He'll persuade the public. And who knows what mayhem we would cause," she told me.

"But stopped and defeated you," I cheaply bragged. That must have hit her ego since her eyes turned violent, she swung her fists to my face but I caught it, she gritted her teeth to the point that her eyes were shut, "You broke our link, DESTROYED EVERYTHING I WORKED FOR!" she madly screamed, her free hand landed a punch on my chest but she was too weak to even make me feel, some of her salivae landed on my face, then she fell to the floor, sobbing, I kneeled down to her, she bitterly continued, "I think we both agree that..." She paused for a moment, then she continued with a more calm tone, "You should live the life, that the war took from the both of us, a normal life with people you care about there for you, where you no longer have to be haunted in your sleep by your enemies," Maria reached out to touch my cheeks, She was right, I didn't know if she might be playing games at me and how much could a weakened girl do. But at this moment, it felt like the most genuine moment I had ever shared with her, She patted my head with the smile I used to like, "You know Ron, maybe in another lifetime, you and I would have been best friends," She suggested. 

"Maybe I would even call you manang for how much you were influential there," I added. 

"You should better go now," She told me, "Go live that life now, I'll be here accepting my punishment, a punishment worse than death that I deserve," She helped me stand up, picked up and handed me a large oversized hooded robe, "Also you'll need something to wear, since you don't have anything right now," she pointed at my lower half... she made a faint smile.

"Goodbye," I mustered my words.

As I walked away, it may be a vision or a figment of my imagination but it felt like this was a send-off I didn't know I needed. For once... we had a genuine moment. No threats, no teasing just two friends meeting for probably the last time. 

But before I could go out, she called my attention, "Ron!" She whispered, "This isn't a dream."

I nodded back, I didn't know how I got here but I remembered the last thing I did before I arrived here. Maybe if I could charge up myself, it could help me escape. I tried to summon a lightning bolt but to no avail. Then a thought jolted my head, I decided to just focus on getting out of here and return to Jelli.

I focused my thoughts of her and tried to summon another bolt. The bolt didn't cane but I could see a flash of flickering lights. 

Before I left I could hear Maria's voice: Go live happily with Jelli

Then the next thing I saw was Jelli in front of me. She immediately wrapped her arms around me, "Oh good Ron you're here," she said, she moved her hands to my face and we locked eyes, "Are you okay?"

I nodded back, "Yeah," I told her. 

She looked down at what I held in my hands. The robe Maria gave me. Jelli stepped away, "That's a Ligs robe," she addressed, "Where did you get this?"

"I found it," I replied. I didn't want to tell her about Maria since it might make Jelli insecure again. I put on the robe and tightened the lower part to cover up some parts.

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