Understanding The Reveal

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Mally's Pov

After the trial, we requested to be lead to my sister although I did refer to her as our captor. We were lead to the east side of town and into a building that looked similar to the concentration camps. Now it was in America and it had barred rooms.

"Are you sure you won't be locked back to her spell?" One of the guards asked.

"No, I think we scared that and her off," I replied.

Then we met up with our witch friend that was locked behind bars. We asked the guards to leave us privacy and they complied. Now it was just in a near-empty hall and an imprisoned Annalie.

"Any intel?" Miles asked.

Annalie stood up, I still can't get over the fact that I called her a princess.

Annalie just sat on the floor that had a couple of hay resting were spread throughout, "Before I was transferred here, I was in another holding cell, along with other accused people," she informed, "I got word that earlier this week four girls were found in the woods, the townsfolk described it as a practice of witchcraft since the three of the girls were fighting a so-called 'crazy woman'. After the battle was stopped, the crazy woman accused the three girls of casting a spell on her to go insane, so the town imprisoned all four of them," Annalie stood up and approached us, "Soon after, the crazy woman accused eight other kids for witchcraft, all of whom were in their teens. And get this, the three girls she first accused were the same ones from earlier."

"And the town's folk believed the crazy woman?" I asked.

"She told them that she was blessed by God to see the wicked or... something," she replied awkwardly.

"We should have told them that you were a wizard," I suggested, "It would have been cooler, maybe they'll think of you as a higher being or something."

"Look, can we focus on this crazy woman for now," Annalie pleaded, "Even if they're not Scisces-Libquarius, at least we should do something to prove that the ones accused are innocent."

Miles nodded and step forward, "Annalie, you'll be executed tomorrow," he said with dread in his voice.

Annalie sent him a flying kiss, "I could take care of that, just promise me what I asked," she said.

"You have my word," Miles promised.

We sent our commands and paid the guards a few gold coins from the pouch in my garter.

We were taken to the other side of town, and into another near-empty room. It really sent off the creepy vibes. We noticed the crazy woman that was imprisoned in the cell on our left. She was in a ragged gown, had dark hair, and a body that seemed to have not eaten anything, not to mention her nails.

"A Selrius?" Erïs exclaimed in a surprised tone, "How?"

"Oh good, another Scisces," the Selrius said as she gripped the bars to her cage.

"I thought those only hunted your kind down in the 2000s," Armando asked.

"How are you here?" Erïs asked the Selrius.

The Selrius glanced at all of us and shit a mischievous glare at me, "I came from a bloodline that has been in this planet for a long time," she said, and even smiled at our faces, the Selrius leaned forward towards Erïs and me, "As your myths were told, it was never decided what the fates of the friend and Sel were, some having filled in the parts a bit, some had just different retelling. But in actuality, the aftermath of their confrontation led to them and their armies somehow arriving here," The Selrius quickly grabbed the metal bars of her cage that let out a rumbling sound, "And now, I'm sending Scisces to their deaths, which was not much trouble, all I did was lie and accuse the three girls who was fighting me with their powers to be witches. The towns folk's stupidity in this hysteria made it even the easier to lie and accuse the Scisces. Now I have about eleven innocent Scisces falsely accused and hopefully sent to their deaths." Then the Selrius let out manaically laughed that echoed.

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