Mansion Return

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Mally's PoV

After some time of travelling through time and spent roaming around the world to rescue from whatever mess they landed on. Honestly, I have no idea how long, all I know is it's been long enough to be bored of seeing a beautiful sunrise, occasionally mistaking the sunset for a sunrise.

After our trip to Egypt, we had gathered a large number of Scisces-Libquarius. Miles ordered a meeting at the quarter deck.

"Look, the Scisces-Libquarius had crowded the ship, we need to place them somewhere so they won't drag the ship down," Miles said.

"What if we leave them at the Mansion," I suggested.

"Sure!" Annalie argued, "The slaughter hotspot era! Did you forget what Athe said?! That was the era where most Scisces-Libquarius got killed!"

"Come down sis!" I screamed at her, "The place is in lockdown, if any Selrius would try to walk towards the in the streets to get to the Scisces-Libquarius, they'll be noticed."

We eventually agreed then we chart a course to Philippines.

"But their essence won't be strong enough to draw us in," Arvin argued.

"You could just do it manually," Erïs recommended.

We then went to the navigation room and Erïs pulled out a second layer of navigation to chart our destination. It projected a hologram and Erïs began type in the destination. 

"August 27 2021?" Miles asked, "Couldn't we just travel to the moment we left in May? Annalie's parents wouldn't have to worry about us."

"It doesn't work like that," Erïs responded, Then she left the room, we followed behind, we had a feeling she had a bit of explanation to do, When we got out, we all stared at Erïs, "Athe had a visualiser once," she murmured, then cleared her throat and looked at us, "As you remember, the Scisces-Libquarius were spread in different eras, their essence creates a certain connection for us to use. So in best and the easiest representation of the time stream is that it is like a multi-layered structure," Erïs spread her arms, "Each era is a floor, the older the era, the deeper the floor is. Our navigation technology is like an elevator, we just head to a certain floor and ting! we have arrived at our floor."

"But does that have to do with us not being able to travel back in time and even probably prevent some from being killed?" Miles asked.

"I'm getting to it!" Erïs answered, "Athe later developed a theory that the different eras flow through time somewhat simultaneously thanks to the connection. That'll explain how Zayn remembered saving your friend Ron two years ago and how of all across time in Greece you arrived at my time, my era."

"But what about us preventing Scisces-Libquarius from being killed?" Arvin asked.

"We tried that," Erïs replied, I noticed that her voice began to sound a bit of discomfort, she continued, "Athe tried to prevent a Scisces-Libquarius who sacrificed for us so that we could arrive safely at a museum to place the paintings, but when we tried traveling back, it instead spread us across time. I luckily ended up back in Greece, during my time with Athe, we argued a lot, so I decided to not rejoin her quest and stayed back with my guardian, and I don't want to risk us being spread thin throughout time, it'll be alot harder."

The group eventually agreed and we head our way back to home. I went to my room to sleep for the ride.

My dream was nice: I was in a picnic at a bright clearing, all of us were there, my step parents, Annalie, Ron, Erïs, Miles, Jelli, Arvin, Armando, all of whom had matching clothes with their significant other, even Armando's matched my step parent's clothes. But a part of me felt like Erïs and Arvin would be behind the wardrobe of Armando.

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