Time Quest: A Fear

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Arvin's PoV

As we flew to the horizon, below we saw the town's people, they waved at us and we waved back. 

Annalie, Mally and Miles gathered by the side of the ship, admiring the breeze.

"So Mally, now that our brother is gone, you don't have your partner to mess with us," Annalie teased.

"That is true," Mally noted, "There were two of us and you still have one," she faced her sister with a grin on her face before it faded, sinking her chin to her palm, "But it wouldn't be much fun now that he's not here."

"I still don't understand how you got him to go along with your mess," Annalie asked.

"Simple, I met up with him one day, suggested wanna switch things up and mess with The Millie?" Mally replied, "He was first hesitant but I pulled the  Follow what your older sister says card and after a few messing with you two, he got on board."

Annalie looked up and sucked her lips back which made her cheeks heightened, "I hope when we get back to Greece, he hadn't prepared something with Jelli to mess with us," Annalie spoke up, "All because of some long scheme plan of yours."

"Chill Anni," Mally remarked, "We threw away our plans because he chose to stay and be with Jelli. I doubt he'd have time to be messing around," she then rested her arms onto the side of the ship, "Still, I'm a bit bummed that he didn't come, who knows what we could have done," Mally then walked away.

As the two sisters separated, I walked up to Miles who was gripping his hand as if he was holding a baton.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Nothing, just thinking about what Mally said," he replied, "I'm a bit curious and scared now that Ron and Jelli aren't with us," he then let out a sigh.

I patted him in the back, "Don't worry, we'll meet him someday," I cheered, "Who knows, maybe he'd join us next time."

He smiled and I left to be with Erïs.

Eventually, after countless nights, we arrived at the pinpointed location. Miles and the others had a private talk below deck but they stationed me to keep watch, hence I wasn't invited. While they had their meeting, our ship hovered over free lush hills. I felt the winds pass through my face, not a structure in sight. 

Just pure natural beauty. But what ruined the moment was that Erïs wasn't there with me, she was at the meeting. After a while, they came out to the deck. Erïs went to the navigation room. We landed on a clearing. Erïs must have activated the time navigation technology because the scene shifted, the forest became less and less green. Not far away, we saw barbed wires that encased several metal rectangular shaped buildings. The structures were painted dull black and red. Some had smokes coming out from their chimneys that darkened the sky. It was some kind of concentration camp.

Miles gathered the group, "Okay, so Annalie and I would do some reconnaissance in the area," he announced, "No one leaves the ship." And after he said that, The Millie disappeared. 

The rest of us stayed there. All of them exchanged cautious looks towards me. Like I was somewhat involved in this, or I'm gonna be set up for another battle. After a while, Annalie and Miles returned. 

They exchanged looks, "Yeah, it's the camp," Annalie said, Then they all looked at me, "Mally, Miles, and I would take another reconnaissance. The rest of you, keep an eye on the ship." 

I stepped forward, "How come I can't go?" I grumbled. 

The Millie had discomfort in their faces, like they are trying to hide something. Then Erïs stepped in with her arms crossed, "They won't allow you to go near the area because of the whole concen-"

"I don't want the mission comprised!" Miles aggressively interrupted.

"Why would I comprise it?" I questioned.

"Because you're some kind of jew or something..." Erïs answered. 

My heart dropped and my whole body froze. "Is... this... a con...centration camp?" I asked. 

My voice began shook, my heart began to beat uncontrollably and my legs began to be unsteady. The Miles nodded, "Yes," he responded, "You might get emotional because of this."

"Emotional!" I screamed, "of course I will be! who made you the judge of being emotional!"

"I am the leader!" Miles yelled back, "Just stay here, we'll take care of this."

The three disappeared and left us. I went paced in loops, "Emotional," I grumbled, "Annalie had an emotional breakdown to be his girlfriend!"

"Plus, Scisces have to be in emotional breakdown to unlock their powers," Erïs joined in.

"And! Ron had to fight his ex, I don't need to explain how emotional that would be," Armando added, "But for now," he opened a nearby crate, "Hepheo packed us some of that drink that got us drunk," he handed the two of us a bottle each, "Why don't we let time fly while we're drunk."

Erïs raised the bottle, "I'll miss you, when you and Mally start to date and she changes you," she said to Armando. 

I chuckled a bit as she walked away. I approached Armando, "Yeah, we'll miss this you," I said to him.

We chuckled, "Now, go to your bad girl while I'll wait for mine, hopefully, I won't die trying," Armando joked.

I went to Erïs who was by the stairs to the navigation room. She chugged down her bottle to her mouth. I got competitive and chugged down my bottle. My head began to hurt but she seemed unfazed as she lowered her bottle. I sat beside her. We didn't speak, We took a couple deep gulps at our bottles. After a while, she said words in a bitter way. I think she was swearing in different languages.

Meanwhile, I got a mood swing and sunk to the floor, curling up to myself, Erïs noticed, she sat alongside me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"To be honest, I am scared of this place... of what it represents," I opened up, "It's just that when they acknowledge my connection to this... I... couldn't help but feel vulnerable."

Erïs embraced me and we kept chugging in.

The drink really made my head dizzy, after a couple of blinks and a few blackouts, the Millie and Mally returned. They dragged an unconscious man to the ship. He wore some kind of general, he had a black-ish/ dark green military uniform, hat and a swastika symbol on a band in his right arm.

Erïs and I stumbled our way to the rest of the group.

"Okay here is our plans," Miles said, Plan A: I dress up as him and infiltrate the camp. Plan B: We'll somehow trick him to let us enter as his children and Plan C:..." He glanced at the girls, "The girls would be entertainers and hopefully woo the soldiers extract info from them."

I had a feeling he just made up the idea along the way. 

Armando crossed his arms, "First off, Plan A is dumb and you'll be imprisoned in the camp. Plan B, your voices would be a red flag and same with Plan A. Plan C, I don't have to tell you how borderline wrong it is," he argued, "Especially for Mally."

"Yeah, any adult related romance is off for me," Mally added, I noticed that her voice was somewhat trembling.

"Screw it!" Miles shouted with frustration, "We'll figure something out."

He and Annalie teleported once again. I couldn't see the general's features because my vision would unfocus back and forth. All I saw was a blurry tan and green smudge on the metal-plated floor. From behind, I could hear a bottle stroke down to the ground. It created a clanking sound. Erïs clumsily rested her hands on my shoulder, "Well the bottle is all out," she said that sounded like she was about to puke, "I guess we have to find a way to kill some time," she moved her shaky head near my ear, "I know a way." 

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