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Ron's PoV

It may have just been a few days but me and the boys kind of agreed that Mally is definitely mad of Annalie. It was kind of obvious why but we didn't want to intervene.

It felt like it was just like the beginning of the school year, only this time, we were friends with the bullies. One day during art class, I volunteered to be the model of the class. Although I was pretty sad that I wasn't allowed to make my own work.

I looked around the room, The couples giggling with their partners, including the Millie. Annalie even did a few face paint on Miles with the colour yellow and blue. Across the room, I could see Mally glaring at the two.

"Hey hobo-boy," She called me out, "Pass me the red paint."

I picked up the bucket, "Here, Mals," I said as I reached it to her.

She stood up, taking the bucket off my hands. But instead of going back to her seat, she approached Annalie, "Hey Anni, want to see a new trick I learned?" She asked.

She picked up a paintbrush, dipped it into the bucket and proceeded to paint Annalie's face. 

There was complete silence in the room when that happened.

I signalled the boys to leave. The four of us snuck out."Who punched more, Mally or Annalie?" Armando brought up.

"Mally, have you seen her this week?" Arvin answered.

"Shouldn't we have intervened?" Miles asked.

"Like we ever could," I replied.

Just then, Cielo came from the door, "Ron, what are you doing?" she scolded, "Get back here! The class still need to finish the painting activity."

"Really?" I remarked as I raised my eyebrow.

"Not really, most of the class is hiding from the fight," Cielo awkwardly remarked, "And Mally kinda used most of the paint to..." she made a swing gesture, then she noticed that I wouldn't be persuaded to get back, "Fine, but at least call miss, she hasn't returned on her water break. I'll try to sneak the rest of our class out."

She then returned to the classroom. I turned to Arvin, "Call miss," I commanded.

Arvin didn't question or comment, he just made his way to the teacher's office.

 I didn't know what happened to the girls but I did hear the teacher scolding and sending them to the Principal's office. 

Later that dismissal, Miles chatted us to go to Annalie's place. As we approached the porch, I could hear the two girls screaming to the top of their lungs. 

We decided to enter by the window. We helped in lifting each other to the second floor.

We arrived there, "Welcome to Annalie's room," Miles greeted us.

While the girls were busy yelling at each other, we were busy holding ourselves from using Annalie's VR headset. Eventually, we were too weak and Arvin played first. I didn't know what he saw but he kept screaming and eventually tripped. The headset slammed first to the ground, cracking on all sides. We wanted to tease and blame it all on Arvin but we decided that since Annalie is busy dealing with Mally, she won't mind that we broke a thirty thousand pesos device.

As we walked down the stairs, we saw Annalie's face had a waffle coned ice cream stuck to her forehead. Making her a somewhat human unicorn.

"Hey Annalie, we kind of broke your headset but don't worry," I told her, "I'll be buying another one for replacement."

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