Greek Adventures: I got it!

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Arvin's PoV

The next day, we were escorted by the honour guard. Mally stayed on the ship, we 'excused' her for seasickness and bad food. I was placed at the open field while the rest of the group was on a tower that overlooked the area. 

The grass weren't cut in a while, they danced against my legs as the breeze flew through them. The trees surrounded the area. 

Meanwhile, the royal family was at the other end of the field. Both rested on golden thrones. And Hepheo stood beside them. I applied the oil and activated the gadget. The bronze bull turned around and stared at me. 

Then the fight began. The bull charged at my directon, belched out flames at it trembled the ground beneath my feet. Instead of cheers from my friends, I heard their teases about me having a girlfriend. 

The king didn't mind but Erïs was more invested in the fight. As the bull came nearer and nearer, I locked my arms around it and dragged it to the plough. I climbed aboard and did Erïs's advice. I slammed the beast over three trees, four large boulders and the tower where my friends were. The bull vibrated so violently but I held on. I then twisted the horns and kicked the head off. The creature dropped to the ground in front of the king. A smoke bellowed beneath me, a few sparks came from the open wires. 

After a moment of silence from both parties, my group began to chant my name 'ARVIN!' 'ARVIN!' they got out of the tower and ran to me. Lifted me in their shoulders, they paraded me to the King. I thanked the king and asked for us our prize. He glared at me balefully. 

Erïs had a more attractive devilish grin on her face. And I got a better look at Hepheo. He had a bushy beard that was not well controlled, his head was bald and he was ripped. He wore a blacksmith outfit, he was more in shock than impressed. Probably because I might have just destroyed one of his creations. 

The king cleared his throat, "Don't take me as a fool," he said, "I could tell you cheated so as an added bonus, you may keep Hepheo but you have to fight your way out of here." 

He snapped his fingers and legions of guards came out of from the woods. They formed ranks and encircled us. Annalie teleported along with Mally and Miles. I don't know where they went but far from here, I hoped. Ron turned into a bear and charged into the fight. He smacked them to the ground and let out a loud roar. In the chaos, I managed to meet with Erïs and Hepheo. Ron's bear form sat above some guards and I could hear some clanking noise. One of the guards tried to stab Ron but the spear bounced off his skin.

Ron bit the guard's head and threw him to nearby guards. Jelli took a spear and helped fend off the upcoming men in armoured uniform. All of us rode on Ron's back as we ran out way back. The guards weren't able to stop Ron's run. We burst out of the castle and into the city. The civilians cleared the path as we raced to the palace gates. But it was already closed. Annalie showed up and teleported us to the ship. 

We watched as the guards scrambled into their ships and loaded ballistae. 

"Go! Go! Go!" Annalie screamed. Horns blared, arrows flew over our heads from the harbour. A dozen ships were in pursuit of us. Erïs was unfazed by the attacks. I don't want to know how much dark things she has been through to be that unfazed but damn, my girl is braver than me. Hepheo threw a bunch of smoke bombs that covered our escape. 

We managed to lose most in the smoke but one ship was still on our tail. 

Erïs turned around, "If we're lucky, the ship is being commanded by my guardian's general a boy named Krios, then perhaps we could have an agreement," she told us, but the way she said "agreement" was a bit mischievous, she was definitely planning something, I just hope it's not what I think. We hid Hepheo in one of the rooms below deck. Erïs lead us to the ship with a symbol similar to her necklace and waved the flag of truce. The ship had twenty men armed with weapons galore.

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