Aimless Act with Annalie

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Annalie's PoV

My brother and I stopped by the ending of episode 10, took the opportunity to go downstairs and get more food.

We arrived at the kitchen where Ron pulled out a gallon of ice cream, I didn't what flavour it was but what sister would I be if I wouldn't let my brother enjoy a nice gallon of ice cream... for breakfast? 

Ron closed the fridge's door, "You know sis," he spoke, "Despite seeing her as a mastermind, I'm surprised Maria planned to framed me for murder like what DeVoe did to Barry," he opened the lid and took a big scoop of the pink coloured ice cream. 

I made a quick glance at the lid that said it was strawberry, I remembered Ron mentioned something about Maria, "But why would she?" I noted, "You mentioned she prefers doing a grand fight, so what is the use of imprisoning you?"

"What are you two doing?" Mally's voice asked. We turned and found her by the door and she was in a red one-piece suit (The third piece to the three suit line-up me and my brother are wearing now). And compared to our suits, Mally's has more designed. Above her bangs, Mally had a scarlet headband that resembled a crown and a hairpin to her left. The upper part of the suit had a V-cut that reached her belly button, the accented red-white pattern around the suit resembled a fire design, she had puffy shoulder pads, her sleeves weren't connected with the pads, it was ruffled out into scarlet and coloured white, which have the sides of the shoulders cut out, held by a piece of clothing that bridged the two sides of the V-cut, despite not being linked, the two capes embroidered in shades of red attached at her back were linked with a scarlet leather bracelet by her wrist. As for her lower half, she had a royal red pleated knee-length skirt with an assortment of designs, displaying gold accents and small white rose patterns. Beneath her skirt were red leggings that covered her legs that had a similar sun pattern placed as my crescent moon design. 

I was completely focused on Mally's dress.

"Just discussing some ideas," Ron answered and helped me zoned back.

"I heard," Mally commented, she walked closer and took a spoon to scoop up of ice that she immediately shoved to her mouth, "So what made you think of you being sent to prisons?"

"Annalie and I were watching The Flash and I wondered why Maria didn't do something like what DeVoe did, they're basically masterminds," Ron replied, "We're gonna continue watching, we just went here to get some snacks to see what happens."

"And that's what you two are gonna do for the rest of the day?" Mally teased, chuckling.

"About you going to prisons," I spoke up, "Maybe there's no use... like Maria probably had plans throughout the city to mess or scare you," I then paused, recollected a memory, and I glanced at my brother, remembering that one plan where he got me involved so we could go get a package for Maria but ended up him leaving me, but that wasn't a fun thing to bring up, "So that wouldn't be fun for her to just imprison you until you two had to fight."

Mally took another scoop, "Either way, if you have gotten to prison Ron, I'd find my way to join you," Mally cheerfully told him, "It'd have been a much more fun time than going to school. I imagine it," she flung her arms to the air, pointing ahead, "Us beating up prisoners, getting thrown into solitary confinement," my sister clapped her hands while my brother had a mesmerized look, "And when we are brought out by Maria for her fight, we'd just beat a crap out of her." 

After she said that, the two did their signature high five. I mean what's with that? they didn't even have a special complex handshake, they just slap their palms if one of them says something funny.

"Okay, you know what, my brother and I still have a series to finish," I hurriedly brought up, "So..." I picked up the ice cream they were eating from, "Ron let's go?"

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