🗡𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 ❘ 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑺𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈

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"Hap-py," Y/N pounded her fist on the window, leaning on it

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"Hap-py," Y/N pounded her fist on the window, leaning on it. Blood patches splattered from her hand as she did so, "Ha-Happy!"

"What the—" Happy stuttered, opening the door of the passenger seat for her hastily with wide eyes, "What happened?!"

"No time to explain," she gasped, and only then did his eyes fall on her badly injured upper arm.

The two of them ducked when multiple gunshots were fired at their car, making the glass break with a shatter and fall on their laps.

"Now!" Y/N grunted at him, pulling out her gun from the bottom of the seat.

Without another question, Happy flattened the accelerator, making the car tear through the road. "Oh my god, what's going on ?!" he started to panic.

"Wish I knew," Y/N removed her jacket and tied it on her injury with a strangled grunt of pain.

He slammed the breaks when a black sluggish goop shot into the car in front of them, melting it into a puddle instantly.

"Oh, fuck!" Y/N muttered with wide eyes.

"What the hell is that?!" Happy shrieked with wide eyes.

"Icopenum," she gulped a bit in terror, "Highly dangerous. Can turn you into a little puddle in a single contact."

"How do you know that?!"

"Because I created it," she sounded almost unbothered.

"Why would you create it in the first place if it was 'highly dangerous'?!" he shouted, anxiety started to flow through his body.

"Because I was an idiot!" She yelled back at him, starting to lose her patience, "Now drive! Unless you wanna die!"

After resuming their drive, they hadn't progressed far until a couple of vehicles started to tail them, commencing to fire.

"Do we have a plan?" Happy slid down on his seat to avoid the bullets.

"Not yet," Y/N grumbled, blowing the hair out of her face and leaned out of the window, holding out her pistol at the car behind her.

Closing one eye for a better aim, Y/N pulled the trigger; the bullet shot towards the wheel of the car. The tire flattened immediately and the man at the driver's seat lost all control as the car went skidding on the road. It rammed into a streetlight and another car crashed into it, spinning mid-road to a swift halt.

"Yes!" Y/N muttered to herself in victory, getting back in and leaning back on her seat. She did a double-take at Happy, "You know what, I'll take the wheel." 

"But you're in no condition to," he gave her a worried look.

"I can manage," she adjusted her aching arm, "Hey, Hap. Can you swim?" Y/N asked when he swerved a left.

"Can I swim? uh, yes!" he answered after a second, gripping onto the steering wheel for dear life.

"Open the door!" Y/N stated as she saw a water fountain in the far end on his side of the road.


"Open the door!"

He complied and turned to her with confusion written all over his face.

"I'll text you the location, meet me up there, alright?"

Happy stuttered for a moment, "Location? Wait what—what do you mean?" 

"I'm really sorry about this," Leaning to the side, she kicked Happy out of the car, just in time, and he fell on his back into the large circle of the water fountain. Luckily, it was late at night and there weren't many people in the street to watch the ruckus that was going on. But the gunshots and screeching tires certainly did earn a little attention.

Y/N crawled over to the driver's seat, making sure he was alright after seeing him gasp out of the water, drenched from head to toe, "DAVID, on a scale of 1-10, how bad is my current situation?" she closed the door of the seat.

"I would say 11," the AI replied. 

"Fair enough," she agreed in amusement, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. She jumped in her seat when a large jeep rammed to the back of the car she was driving. Applying pressure on the accelerator, Y/N gained speed, only managing to move a little distance.

"You're losing a lot of blood, Ms. Dmitri. The laceration on your arm is significantly deep. You should be going into hypovolemic shock in about 10-15 minutes."

"Don't tell me what that is," she pursed her lips at the uncomfortable feeling of dried blood mixing with the new one that kept oozing out of her wound, "The name sounds terrifying enough," she took the turn on the road that would lead them to a bridge in the city with the city's backwaters flowing under it. 

"Okay, Tony," Y/N removed her glasses with a grimace, "I'm trusting you on this. DAVID," she removed her glasses and held them with her bloody hands over her uninjured wrist, "Activate Recluse Sling."

At this command, the corners of the glasses folded inwards and elongated with a shift of the plates on it. Y/N rested it on her wrist and it curled itself around her skin. The top part of the, now modified, device had a square uplifted crevice on it with the 'Red Recluse' symbol.

Taking one last look over her shoulder at the speeding vehicle behind her, Y/N turned the steering wheel abruptly, making it skid and break into the side of the bridge.

The car jerked forward and Y/N fell forward from her seat, breaking out of the glass of the class. She started to plummet towards the water; stretching out her hand at the bottom of the bridge, a grappling hook shot out of the Recluse Sling on her wrist and it attached to the underside of the bridge.

She swung forward as the car collapsed into the water behind her. The string lowered itself, extending in length, and she fell onto a boat that was passing under the bridge, on the uninjured side of her body.

Y/N rolled over to her back, taking deep sharp breaths, letting her eyes droop as her body slumped against the floor of the boat in depletion.

☆°。• *₊°。✮。• *₊°。°☆

(𝟮.𝟮) 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 ➣ {𝕪•𝕓} ❘ [𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝕶𝖜𝖎𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now