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"—And then he just kinda, like, swooped down like a monster and picked us up—" Peter explained whilst squeezing the water out of his mask.

"—And dropped us. Must have been a thousand feet," Joanna completed vaguely, tying her curls into a makeshift pony, twisted it into a bun, shrugging at the red-and-gold metal suit (Tony's) and the black-and-grey one (Y/N's).

"What about your sonic thrusters, Jo?"  Y/N demanded, "You couldn't have used them in any way?"

"Y/N, don't encourage this,"  Tony turned to her, sounding irritated that she wasn't as alarmed as him.

"I'm not encouraging, I'm just curious," she defended, pressing the muzzle of the syringe gun to her thigh, injecting Zypine into her body.

"They're damaged," Joanna answered and the two suits turned back to her, "How'd you find us, by the way?" 

"Yeah, did you put trackers in our suits or something?" Peter added, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to warm himself up.

"We put everything in your suit,"  Tony responded, "Including these heaters."

On cue, both Joanna's and Peter's suits sizzled, indicating the activation of the microheaters weaved into it.

"Oh yeah," Joanna sighed and closed her eyes in content with a small shiver, "That's the stuff."

"Whoa, that's better, thanks," Peter spoke appreciatively and his teeth chattered together at the sudden temperature change.

"What were you two thinking?"  Y/N sighed at the wrecked condition of the two teens, "Are you out of your minds?"

"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons," Peter pointed a hand to his right to indicate, "Jo and I gotta take him down!"

"Take him down now, huh?"  Tony scoffed in wonder, "Steady Crocketts, there are people who handle this sort of thing."

"The Avengers?" Joanna prompted.

"No Merida,"  Y/N replied, raking a hand through her hair, "This is a bit below their paygrade."

"Anyway, Ms. Dmitri, Mr. Stark, you guys didn't have to come out here," Peter explained, "We got it. We're fine."

"Oh, we're not here,"  the metal faceplates of both suits opened up to show that it was empty.

"Thank god this place has Wi-fi," Tony looked around at the traditional Indian party that was in full swing around him, "Or you kids would be toast right now," he accepted the offered drink and raised it in punctuation, "Thank Ganesh while you're at it."

"Anyways," Y/N brushed it off, grabbing the duffel bag with her stuff in it, "Forget the flying vulture guy, please. Okay?" she pulled out a gauze bandage and tore the plastic cover of it with her teeth.

"Why?!" Peter and Joanna whined in frustration, wanting nothing more than to prove themselves to their mentors.

"'Why?'! Because we said so!" Tony snapped and bowed when a woman hung a flower garland around his neck, "Sorry. Teenagers. You know how they are," he added bashfully.

"Ms. Dmitri, I didn't know you had a suit like Mr. Stark," Peter pointed out curiously.

"Oh no, I don't,"  Y/N 's voice answered through the speakers of the black and grey metal suit, "This is a part of the Hulkbuster combo suit. Mainly for communications and emergencies, like right now—Fu—Shit!"  Y/N cursed as her nail accidentally scraped the bleeding wound and she bit her lip in pain.

"Are you alright?" Joanna frowned and Peter narrowed his eye at the suit as though that would help him in knowing what was going on with the ex-assassin.

"Uh-huh,"  she replied, adjusting her glasses, and continued to wrap the gauze bandage around her waist, "Just stubbed my toe," she lied fluently.

"Look,"  Tony spoke up, "Stay close to the ground. Build-up your game helping the little people, like that lady who brought you guys the churros. Can't you two just be the friendly neighborhood Spiderman and Ace?" he placed the glass of drink next to a stone sculpture.

"But— But we're ready for more than that now!" Joanna defended and Peter nodded at her statement.

"No, you're not,"  The helmet of Y/N's suit closed along with Tony's, as she stated sternly.

"That is not what you guys thought when I took on Captain America!" Peter raised his voice.

"And I fought Ms. Maximoff while none of you even came close to it," Joanna added sassily.

"Trust me, kid," Tony waved a hand, "If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would have. And as for 'Ms. Maximoff', she wasn't even using her complete abilities on you, Jo,"  he pointed out.

"And if you guys come across any of these weapons again," Y/N walked over to the table in the far end to place her duffel bag on it, "Call Happy. Alright?"

There was a 'vroom'  from Tony's suit and Peter and Joanna scrunched their faces up in confusion. "Are you driving?" Peter questioned with a weird look.

"You know, it's never too early to start thinking about college,"  Tony told, staring down at the gear of his car, "I got some pull at MIT. Leave call."

"Yeah, I guess so," Y/N agreed and limped to the chair in the middle of the room, "I'll look up and see what I come up with. Anyways, I gotta go. End call."

"Mr. Stark, we don't need colleg—" Joanna started.

"No, no, Ms. Dmitri—" Peter tried to protest.

"Mr. Stark and Ms. Dmitri are no longer connected,"  FRIDAY and DAVID replied together respectively, and the suits took off into the air. 

"Wonderful," Joanna muttered under her breath, swinging her legs back and forth with a small pout of defeat and disappointment.

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