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After making sure that they had lost the tail of the Taskmaster and Red Room assassins, Y/N, Natasha, Nathan, and Yelena escaped the vents and travelled to the edge of the city through foot where there was a gas station with a convenience store

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After making sure that they had lost the tail of the Taskmaster and Red Room assassins, Y/N, Natasha, Nathan, and Yelena escaped the vents and travelled to the edge of the city through foot where there was a gas station with a convenience store.

Finding themselves in short of supplies, the quartet decided to stop there to get the required materials.

"I ran into the Taskmaster while I was handling Elizabeth. Pierce," Y/N narrated to the sisters, receiving a look of recognition from the redhead at the mention of surname, "She was being controlled. I knew it was something bigger. I tapped into her Widow's bite bracelet and the signal bounced off Budapest. Exactly the place where you were," she pointed at Natasha.

"So, the Red Room is still active," Natasha deduced, turning to her sister, "Where is it?"

"I have no idea," Yelena walked into the store, "He moves location constantly. And every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security."

"I'm just finding it hard to believe that he could stay off our radar."

"Well, it's not smart to attack Avengers if you want to stay hidden," Nathan spoke from the aisle where all sorts of candies and confectioneries were kept.

"I mean, the clue is in the name," Yelena continued, "Dreykov kills you, one of the big ones comes to avenge you."

"Wait, what are the big ones?" Y/N frowned.

"Well, I doubt the god of space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight," she replied, "Where did you think I was all this time?"

Y/N was taken aback at this, "I, um, I thought you got out and were living a quiet life. At the edge of the city, or something," she managed to put together and walked back to her brother.

Natasha stayed quiet and the blonde turned to her, "And you just never made contact again?"

"Honestly, we thought you didn't wanna see me," Natasha walked past her to wash her hands on the basin in the corner of the room.

"Bullshit," Yelena muttered with a sarcastic scoff, "You just didn't want your baby sister to tag along whilst you saved the world with the cool kids.

"Well, you're not really my sister," Natasha strode past her to the cashier, leaving her sister speechless.

Silence filled the store, and Yelena tried to brush off what Natasha had just said. True, they were related by blood, but after growing up together as sisters, bonding and sticking together in the Red Room, and fighting together as such, she might've changed that point of view.

"And the Avengers aren't really your family," Yelena stated aloud, stepping towards her, and placed the things on the counter for billing, "Why do you two always do that thing?" she questioned the two Avengers.

"Do what?" Y/N turned to her, resting a hand on her hip while the other rested on the edge of the cashier counter.

"The thing you do when your fighting," Yelena continued. "The—like the—" she bent one knee while the other was stretched out, raising her right arm in the air as she placed her other hand on the ground, "This thing that you do when you whip your hair when you're fighting with the arm and the hair," she moved her head up and down for the effect, "Y/N, you blow your hair out of your face, but it's more or less the same, "You guys do like a fighting pose."

Y/N and Natasha stared cluelessly without any expression, not catching the joke.

Nathan joined the ladies after dumping a pile of confectionaries on the counter that earned him a glance of disbelief from his sister.

"It's a fighting pose," Yelena laughed at them, "You're both total posers,"

"We don't pose," Natasha turned to Y/N, who only agreed with her with a nod of her head.

"Oh yeah, she does!" Nathan pointed at Y/N in excitement, finally glad that someone shared the same views as him, "I've seen it. It's like she thinks everyone's looking at her. Like the spotlight's on her. And it's her turn on the runway," he faked a hair flip.

"Exactly," Yelena snapped her fingers in appreciation, getting up from the ground, and chuckled when he fake-flipped his hair.

"No, we don't," Natasha defended.

"There are nice poses."

"Yeah," Nathan nodded, "Like Captain America holding his shield against his chest, Ironman holding out his hand," he mimicked each pose, "Admit it. You guys are posers. All Avengers are. No need to feel bad about it."

"All that time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused," Natasha looked from "Trying to be more than just a trained killer."

"Well, then you were fooling yourselves because pain and suffering is every day and we are all still trained killers," Yelena stated, "Except I'm not the one that's on the cover of a magazine. I'm not the killer that little girls call their heroes."

Y/N and Natasha shared a look at this, feeling themselves not able to reply to her. Once again, silence filled the store and the four of them stayed quiet.

"Doesn't change the fact that you're both posers," Nathan brought it up again enthusiastically.

"Yeah," Yelena grinned.

"Ugh, god," Y/N grumbled under her breath, turning around to take the bag from the counter which contained the items they had purchased, "Younger siblings are such a pain in the ass,"

"Tell me about it," Natasha joined her.

They both shared an annoyed look and rolled their eyes in sync when they heard Nathan and Yelena make fun of them behind and laugh together.

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