🗡𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ❘ 𝑫𝒚𝒔𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔

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The next morning, Y/N was in the convenience store of a gas station, picking up first aid materials and a few electronic wires and appliances

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The next morning, Y/N was in the convenience store of a gas station, picking up first aid materials and a few electronic wires and appliances.


Y/N looked up in front of her to see Nathan with a hopeful yet apologetic smile.

"Bye," she retorted with a sarcastic smile. She spun on her heel and walked away to the next aisle, making him groan out loud.

"Come on, Y/N," she rolled his head about, "Look, I'm sorry, alright?"

"I'm still mad at you," she replied blankly.

"And I love you too," he jogged to keep up with her, "I told you I'm sorry,"

"No," she shook her head in declination.

"What do you mean 'No'?"

"'No' as in I don't want your apology."

"Oh, come on," he tried to persuade her.

"I'm serious, Nathan. You know very well I hold grudges."


"I let you in on that piece of info because I trusted you," she scowled at him, "Not so that you could bring it up in an argument. You know very well that I was sensitive in that topic. I've never hated you more," she gave him a disgusted look, "And also; keyword: Trusted."

"Oh, you hate me now, huh?" Nathan scoffed, "Very well then, I hope you step on a Lego," he added maliciously.

Y/N gasped, turning to face him, "You take that back," she pointed a finger at him.

"No, not until you forgive me," he refused stubbornly, looking ahead.

The two glared at each other until various ripples and echoes of bullets burst through the glass of the store, making all the customers fall to the ground in fright to take cover.

Y/N took cover behind the electronic aisle, while Nathan crouched behind the aisle next to her. Both of them remained in their places until the shot ceased and peeked out of their hiding spots.

"Find them," Gregori Luchkov looked around the store, his hands in the pockets of his dark green army uniform as a few of his men held aside the other customers to one side of their shops.

Y/N watched the men in utter confusion, "What in the name of—"

"He's here for both of us," Nathan nodded along, and tossed her a gun that was strapped to his ankle over his socks, "Here."

"How do you know that?" Y/N caught it with ease, loading it instantly and holding it in position.

"How do you think I found you?!" he shot back at her, "They had enough resources to trace you and I used it to my advantage!"

She stared at him for a few moments, at a loss for words, "You bloody bastard," she snarled at him, looking as though she could breathe fire.

"Yep, that's me," he nodded grimly, getting up to his feet and started to fire his pistol at the men at his shortest range when they noticed him.

Two men were taken down, and Y/N followed suit, backing him up. She groaned when her clip emptied and used the empty pistol to jab a man's rib, kicking him by the back of his knee. Catching him the back of his coat, she rammed his head onto the top of an aisle.

Y/N ducked and took a step forward when a man came for her and kicked him behind her with her foot.

"N/N!" Nathan called her as two men forced him down to his knees, "You gonna help me out here, or not?!"

"Can't you see—" Y/N grunted, wrapping her legs around a man's neck and taking him down as she swung down and landed on her knee, "—That I'm working?!"

"Fine," he rolled his eyes, wrapping a knee around a man's ankle and tugged him down, rolling on the floor with him and pushing an aisle of items on the other.

He kicked a man back to the floor and blocked another one's blow with his forearm. Grabbing a trolley from his side, he kicked the tray onto three men, making him fall on each other.

Nathan groaned when one of the goons, kneed his groin, making him hunch forward in pain.

Y/N ducked when Luchkov pulled out his gun and aimed a shot at her. Swiping her legs under both of his, Luchkov fell on his back and the gun slipped from his grip.

Nathan grabbed a long steel bar that was broken in the fight and rammed it across his temple, knocking him out temporarily.

Y/N panted, taking a few steps back, and rested her hands on her hips to catch her breath. She noticed a piece of paper peeking out from the top pocket of his uniform and pulled it out:

40.7451° N, 73.9858° W

- E.

"Let's go," Y/N walked out of the door, twisting the sheet of paper in her hand.

Nathan was about to follow his sister, but then he saw the man who kicked his crotch lying on the floor, groaning in pain and soreness, but fully conscious.

Gritting his teeth together, Nathan kicked his groin with the pointed end of his shoe. The man yelped out in pain and rolled to his side, muttering curses in Russian.

"Ha! That's how it felt."

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