🗡𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫❘ 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔

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"Why're you doing this to me?" Y/N groaned out loud, seated on the stool by the bar with her face flat against the countertop

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"Why're you doing this to me?" Y/N groaned out loud, seated on the stool by the bar with her face flat against the countertop.

"Well, technically, you did this to yourself," Tony sipped on his glass.

The car chase down the roads of New York had obviously caught Secretary Ross's attention, making him grow suspicious. He assumed that she had been aiding one of the Avengers who had picked Captain America's side and had informed Tony about it, given that Rhodey still had appointments for physiotherapy.

Since Tony was attending one of the city's VIP special occasions, Y/N was forced to tag along as his plus one.

"Ross wants me to keep an eye on you," Tony reminded her.

Y/N snorted, tugging her coat over her black lace top, "Ross wants you, Tony Stark, to keep an eye on me?"

"I know how it sounds," he rolled his eyes at her, "We're like the same person, with a few differences. But you have no other choice, you're stuck with me. You're irrationally questioning, Y/N."

"I'm not irrationally questioning."

"Alright, lemme ask you something," Tony turned to face her, "Do you have any weapons on yourself?"

"Pfft!" she scoffed, brushing a strand of stray hair out of her forehead, "No. Why would I ?"

"Uh-huh?" Tony raised his eyebrows in disbelief, eyes darting to her purse on her lap.

"Okay, I'll rephrase that," she held up a finger in thought, placing her purse on the countertop, "I don't have a weapon in my hand," she did a double-take at the simple, silver ring on her middle finger, "Okay, that was also a lie," she admitted.

"There were metal detectors to this occasion. How did you get past them?"

"I coated them with Barium Sulphate," she shrugged,

"You brilliant son of a bitch," Tony shot her side smirk in a half proud and half defeated manner.

"Mr. Stark! Ms. Dmitri!"

The two Avengers turned to the side when they heard a middle-aged man call for them.

"Why don't you two join us?"

"Oh," Y/N gave him a fake polite smile, "No, I'm quite alright here. Thanks."

The man turned to Tony, "Well, Mr. Stark, Why don't you join us?"

Tony waved back at him with a nod, as though to agree to his invitation, "Please don't break anyone's face while I'm away."

"No promises," Y/N merely shrugged, earning herself a tired look from the billionaire as he walked away.

"Alright DAVID," she slipped on her glasses, turning on her stool to get a good view of the crowd, "Do we have eyes on the prize?"

The real reason that Y/N had agreed to be Tony's plus one was due to the fact that some old birds of HYDRA had been invited to the party; given the host himself was one of them. Y/N wasn't sure if Tony knew about it, but decided to not discuss it.

"Jakobe Anderson," DAVID zoomed on a short, stout, and bald man, who was striding towards the group of people that Tony was a part of, "I presume our objective is to raid his files on HYDRA."

"It's what we were here for," Y/N nodded to herself, grabbing a glass of wine, "Elizabeth's planning something big, I got this gut feeling about it."

"He's heading towards his safety vault," DAVID informed.

Immediately, Y/N slid off her seat, pushing through the crowd to follow the man and determined not to lose her eye on him.

Unknown to her, Tony noticed her slipping away from the party towards the forbidden parts of the party's venue.

☆°。• *₊°。✮。• *₊°。°☆

"DAVID," Y/N tapped the side of her glasses as she reached an intersection of the corridor she had been walking down, "How much time can you buy me?"

"3 minutes before the cameras playback live footage," the AI replied.

Jakobe stood in front of a large steel door typing his passcode on a keypad and lowered himself to get the retinal scan verification.

He frowned when he felt a presence behind him and turned around cautiously.

"Hi," Y/N gave him a bright smile, before knocking him out with a punch across his jaw.

"Do your thing, DAVID," Y/N grunted as she dragged the man on the floor next to a closet in the corner. She wrenched open the door and rolled him into it, bending his hands and legs in awkward positions to fit him in whilst DAVID had broken through the system's malware to obtain data.

With great difficulty, Y/N shut the door close, rested her palms against it to catch her breath for a second.

"Whacha doin'?"

Without thinking, Y/N spun on her heel and delivered a hard blow to the throat of the man behind her.

"Ow! Y/N!" Tony choked out, hunching forward in pain as he continued to cough.

"Oh my god," Y/N stammered, "Tony! What're you doing here?!"

"I wanted to know what shit you were up to," Tony defended, narrowing his eyes at the closet as she turned around.

"That's none of your business, Tones," she patted his cheek with a mock pout, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose with her other hand.

"The live footage will commence in 1 minute," the AI warned her.

"We're being surrounded," Y/N spoke when she heard multiple synchronized footsteps, which were undoubtedly the security's footsteps.

"Y/N, you've gotta tell me what's going on," Tony's voice now was concerned.

"Four men, two from each side of the corridor," Y/N ignored him, deducing the current situation, "Even if I take them down, they'd alert the rest," she rested her hands on her hips under her coat.

"15 seconds,"

With the gears turning in her head, Y/N turned to face a clueless Tony, finding no other way, "Kiss me."

The billionaire spluttered, eyes bulging, "Huh?!"

"10 seconds," DAVID piped up.

"Public display of affection makes people uncomfortable," Y/N explained, remembering Natasha's words.


"Damn right it does, wait— You're not with Pepper, right?"

"No, not yet," he added; his hands curled around her waist under her the coat of her suit as her palms rested on his shoulder.

"5 seconds."

Y/N placed a hand on Tony's stubbled cheek and brought their lips together in a kiss. It wasn't passionate or void of any sort of emotion, just chaste. Though when their tongues slipped past each other, their grips on the other tightened, losing themselves in the moment for just a fraction of a second.

The guards from either side came to a stop when they noticed the two Avengers lip-locked and turned away quickly, striding away to give them some privacy.

Once Y/N was sure that the guards were out of earshot, she pulled back with a disbelieving look, "Was the tongue really necessary?"

"It had to look realistic," Tony lifted and dropped his shoulders limply.

☆°。• *₊°。✮。• *₊°。°☆

(𝟮.𝟮) 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 ➣ {𝕪•𝕓} ❘ [𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝕶𝖜𝖎𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now