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Alexie strode down the hallways of the prison, walking towards the part of the containment building where he had received mails from his fans and others.

"Знаменитый Красный Страж," one of the two guards behind the counter spoke as Alexie came into his view. (Translation: The famed Red Guardian)

"Когда вы ответите, скажите своим фанатам, чтобы они использовали больше масла," the other guard added, holding a desert that Alexie had received. (Translation: When you write back, tell your fans to use more butter)

"Возьми, давай," the first guard pushed a two drawer to him, which contained mails, letters and a fun-size toy of the Red Guardian. (Translation: Take it, Come on.)

Heaving a heavy sigh, Alexie collected the items in his hands and walked over to the bench to take a seat on it. He did a double take at at the Red Guardian toy.

With a reminiscent look, he pressed the star on the chest of the toy. He pulled the string on the back of the toy and released it. The head of the toy popped up, but he managed to catch it before it hit the ground.

Alexie squinted his eyes in suspicion when he noticed a ear piece stuffed in through the neck of it.

"Alexie?" Nathan whispered over, dressed in a prison guard disguise and took slow steps towards him.

"Nathan!" the elder man's eyes widened at the sight of him, "Oh my god!"

"Shh! Shh!" he silenced him with a stern look, looking around if anyone had heard him.

"It's good to see you alive," he spoke truthfully, "Did you take out the bullet from your head?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course, they took it out," Nathan gave him a confused look, "Now we gotta wait for instructions. Put that on," he nodded at the earpiece he was holding.

"Today's your lucky day, Alexei," Natasha spoke into the earpiece as she piloted the helicopter with Yelena.

All the three women were wearing similar white combat suits; Natasha had left her hair open by braiding a few strands, Yelena had braided her hair intricately and twisted it into a bun, Y/N had her hair in a half-up, half down French braid, with a few purple and H/C streaks were out of the braid, framing her face perfectly.

Y/N showed her the tablet with the map that marked the location of the earpiece they had just sent to the mentioned person, "Move to the door on the south wall, you two," she spoke into the ear piece.

The two men leaded to the side and watched the said door open automatically. Nathan stood up from the bench and walked towards it as casually as possible. He turned around when he saw Alexie grab the men through the mail counter and throw them to the ground.

(𝟮.𝟮) 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 ➣ {𝕪•𝕓} ❘ [𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝕶𝖜𝖎𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now