🕷𝔰𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ❘ 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆

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Peter and Joanna were perched on the building by the coast of Staten Island, zoning out into nothing while they watched the coast guards approach the Ferry that had been pieced together

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Peter and Joanna were perched on the building by the coast of Staten Island, zoning out into nothing while they watched the coast guards approach the Ferry that had been pieced together.

"Previously on Midtown's pupils screw the Pooch," Tony came to a stop mid-air, with the help of his repulsors, "Starring Peter Parker and Joanna Sanchez."

The teens continued to scowl at the ferry in the distance, feeling a tinge of shame crawl on them at their mentors' words.

"We told you to stay out of this," Y/N joined his side, "Instead, you hacked two multimillion dollar suits, so you could sneak around our backs, doing the one thing we told you not to do," her argument with Nathan was still fresh on her mind, and this incident was just serving as a fuel to the fire of her frustration.

"Is everyone okay?" Peter mumbled.

"No thanks to you two," Tony replied.

"'No thanks to us'?" Joanna repeated, chuckling humourlessly, and jumped off the wall, striding towards her. Peter followed suit. "Those weapons were out there and we tried so hard to warn you about it, but you didn't listen!"

"I even tried to reach out to you about it, but you ignored me!" Peter waved his hand about to emphasise, "None of this would've happened if you would've just listened to us! If you two even cared, you'd actually be here," he huffed.

Metal plates shifted backward and the two suits opened up as the helmets folded back; Tony and Y/N stepped out of their respective suits with similar smug yet angered expressions.

"Crap," Joanna grumbled under her breath and took a few steps back with Peter, not expecting the two Avengers to make an appearance.

"We did listen, kid," Tony sniffed, "Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you we were the only ones who believed in you, when everyone else said we were crazy to recruit a couple of 14-year-olds."

"We're 15," Joanna corrected him in low voice, but he heard her.

"No, this is where you zip it, alright?" Tony snapped, making her wince, "The adults are talking," he pointed between himself and Y/N, she was scowling at them with crossed arms.

"What if somebody died tonight, huh?" Y/N scoffed, taking a step forward, "Different story. 'Cause that's on you. And if you two end up dead," she stopped her herself, the mere thought haunting her almost everyday, "We feel like that's on us," she whispered audibly, pointing between herself and Tony. 

Peter glanced down at his feet in guilt and Joanna fiddled with her fingers, chewing on her bottom lip.

"We don't need that on our conscience," Tony swiped his hand mid-air to gesture with a scowl.

"And I think all of us know about my history and that I have enough on my plate already," she gritted her teeth together.

"Yes ma'am," Peter spoke sincerely, guilt consumed him at her heartbroken and disappointed expression,  "I—I'm sorry."

"Oh, no that's not how it works," she smiled scornfully.

"No—I, Ms. Dmitri," Joanna stammered, "We're really sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it," Tony spoke firmly.

"We just," Peter sighed, "We just wanted to be like you two!"

Y/N dropped her arms at her sides in surprise. All the memories of her killing ruthlessly flashed in front of her eyes and it was evident in her disgusted facial expression. But the teens misinterpreted it and their faces fell when she shook her head in distaste and looked away.

"And we want you two to be better," Tony retorted. 

"We didn't want to cause any issues like this," Joanna spoke, her voice wavering, "We weren't expecting this to happen. We want you to be proud of us."

"But I'm just disappointed," Y/N retaliated, and then closed her eyes with a grimace, "God, I sound like my mom."

"Okay, it's not working out, I'm gonna need the suits back," Tony crossed his arms, "Both of them," he added.

"For how long?" Peter questioned in dread.


"No, no,"

"No, please, Mr. Stark," Joanna tried to assert.

"Yeah, that's how it works," Tony nodded sternly.

"Please, please, you don't understand," Peter added, "These suits are all we have. We're nothing without these suits."

"If you're nothing without this suit, you shouldn't have it, Okay?" Tony responded, before sighing, "God, I  sound like my dad," he added to Y/N.

"We don't have any other clothes," Joanna sighed in defeat.

"I've got that part covered," Y/N replied.

☆°。• *₊°。✮。• *₊°。°☆


"I can't believe you're selling this place," Y/N said as she got out of the car, walking into the building with Tony.

"Well," he jerked his head to the side, "Got a pretty good offer, and I took hold of it. I'm moving everything Upstate. And besides it's not our old buddies are gonna crash here, right?"

"Tony," Y/N said slowly, noticing the hint of sadness in his tone.

"No, no, don't 'Tony' me," he looked at her over his glasses, "I should be the one 'Y/N'- ing you," he emphasised on her name, just like she did with his.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, I am," she replied, "Just a little frustrated about the Ferry thing. I'm fine, really."

"Says everyone who isn't," Tony rolled his eyes, nudging her elbow with his, "Come on, Red. Talk to me. I've got nothing better to do."

"It's just—" Y/N sighed, "When Peter said that he and Joanna wanted to be like us. Like me," Y/N pursed her lips, "It struck a nerve. Definitely not a good one."

"You're scared," Tony deduced, taking in her wrecked, worried state.

"Scared? More like, terrified," she huffed a humourless chuckle, "I see myself in them, Tony. The impulsiveness, the nerve, the wanting-to-prove-themselves," she shook her head, "And it scares the shit outta me."

"When are you ever gonna stop seeing yourself for someone you were?" it broke his heart that one of his closest friends still hadn't accepted herself like the way Joanna and Peter did. They basically looked up to her, even though they knew she was a trained assassin.

"To be honest," she shook her head with a sad grin, "Never."

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