Thing he does to purposely annoy you

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Damon: be a dick to people you like. If you two fight, Damon will start calling Caroline "Blondie", Bonnie "Witchy" and Elena "Doppelgänger" all day until you two make up and he has to apologise.

Stefan: be the martyr for Damon. Yes, Damon was your best friend but he needed to learn gratitude. You don't think Stefan should endanger his life until Damon learns how to be more polite to him.

Kol: killing innocent people. You two were vampires but the one thing the two of you fought about was where you get blood. You drink from bloodbags, and occasionally a human but not to the point of death. Kol drinks from humans and leaves a stream of bodies behind him. You really think that will be you and his downfall.

Klaus: preferring hybrids to his family. You thought that he should be more considerate and not act like a bitch to his family when he couldn't make hybrids. It pissed you off to no end.

Elijah: let Katherine be a bitch to Rebekah. Yeah, it was no secret that you and Katherine weren't BFFS but you felt that Elijah should call her out when she makes fun of Bekah. After all, they did make a vow once-- always and forever.

Enzo: murder people in cold blood. You were human so it scared you when Enzo broke another neck or drained someone's blood. It made you aware or how vulnerable you were despite Enzo's assurances that no one would touch you, not while he was around.

Matt: how scathing he was of vampires. I mean, hello! What the hell were you if not a vampire? You felt like you had to constantly assure him that you wouldn't hurt anyone and it hurt that he questioned that. It stung.

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