You get hurt part one

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Damon: "what the hell happened?" Damon yelled the minute Stefan carried you through the door. "Tyler bit her". Stefan admitted. "Snapped necks kill werewolves, right?" Damon said darkly. " stabbing" you groaned. You had another hallucination, this one being that Elena had seen Stefan's proximity and had ripped your heart out. That woman was violent when it came to the Salvatore's. "No, no, sweetie, Shh" Damon soothed. "Stefan, call Klaus. Now, or it's your head". Stefan was on the phone with the hybrid in seconds while Damon touched your hair and kissed your forehead. "Don't leave me, y/n, I don't think I could take it. Please, sweetheart. Hold on. For me. I love you. so goddamn much" he whispered, crying slightly.

Stefan: you fell on a walk, cutting yourself. Stefan rushed back, holding you in his arms and making sure you were safe. "Y/n, oh my god, I am so sorry" he said, close to tears. "Stef, it's fine" you assured him, putting your head in his neck. "No it's not, y/n, I was there and you got hurt" he said. "That's not your fault. That's my goddamn clumsiness" you said with a smirk. He laughed. "True". You gasped in mock offence, smacking his chest before relaxing in his arms.

Klaus: one of his enemies had kidnapped you. He decided to torture you the whole day until Klaus came. It was enough for you to consider ripping your boyfriends throat out. Well, until he tore out the hearts of his enemies and carried you out, healing you with his blood. "I'm sorry, y/n, it is all my fault, my love" Klaus whimpered, kissing your head. "Damn fucking straight it is. But you saved me so...I guess...I'll forgive you". You trailed off and he laughed sadly.

Kol: you fell out of bed. Quite literally. And despite bruising yourself, your asshat original of a boyfriend could quite literally not stop laughing. "It's not funny" you whined. "Actually, darling, you're right. It's hilarious" Kol broke down in giggles again before rushing off the bed and putting you back on. "There, darling, are you most satisfied?" He hwispered in your ear before kissing the spot on your spine which you hit.

Elijah: Klaus drained you of some blood. "Niklaus, I happen to know that hybrids cannot live without a heart so, god spare me, if you ever go near my love, I will rip your heart out" Elijah growled, feeding you blood and touching your hair. "I'm so sorry" he whispered. "I enraged him".

Enzo: an emotionless Caroline was forcing you to turn off your emotions. Enzo burst in as Caroline staked you through the back but not through your heart. "No!" he yelled. You couldn't let anyone else get hurt. So while a horrified Enzo and a smirking Caroline watched, you let all emotions go.

Matt: Matt snuck into the room and saw the coffin, opening it to see you with a dagger in your heart, skin grey and rotted. "Y/N," he whispered, pulling out the dagger and placing you on the couch with many blood bags near you, to young your hair anxiously.

Kai: it was really quite embarrassing. You didn't like to tell anyone, but you fell down the stairs. Yes, fell down stairs. Kai heard you squeal and rushed over to make sure you weren't hurt before hurting himself from laughing too hard. It was humility at its worse.

Tyler: you were playing y/f/s and someone tripped you over and you cut your leg. Horrified at the pain on your face, Tyler sat with you the whole time, tending to your every whim.

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