You give him silent treatment

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Y/f/s= your favourite song

Damon: "hey, babe" Damon said in an unaffected tone as he walked through the door. Your response was to turn the music on your iPad up so you couldn't hear him through y/f/s. "Babe?" he asked, not knowing how to cheer you up. "Who did you spend the day with?" you asked in an icy tone. "Stefan and Alaric?" he asked in confusion. At his confession, you smacked the chair so hard he flinched. "Exactly! You've been ditching me for them" you pouted. "Baby, I'm so sorry you've been feeling neglected. Tomorrow is all us" he promised, sitting with you and pulling you into his lap.

Stefan: "babe, can you pick up some...ah, milk?" Stefan asked. He had turned off his emotions and you weren't sure what to do, only being a human, so you ignored him. "Have you gone deaf, I asked you to pick up milk!" You flipped a couple of pages of your book only to find yourself shoved up against wall. You whimpered, struggling against your boyfriends steel like holds. "Mm, human, that means you don't heal automatically" he said with a twisted smile. "Tell me, y/n, how much do you like walking?" you gasped as he stuck a hand up your skirt. Oh, god. You had a feeling the milk wouldn't be in your fridge that day.

Kol: Kol antagonising Elena and trying to kill her upset you immensely. To the point where you pretended to sleep when he got home (a/n: can we just say he's alive?), you pretended to sleep. "Baby doll?" he asked as he walked through he doors. You lay on your side, trying to breathe naturally. "Come now, don't pretend to sleep. I can hear that your heart beat just sped up when I spoke". He could hear that? Shit. He lifted your shirt slightly and drew patterns on your back with his finger. It caused you to shiver. "Kol..." You started. "Ah! A word! Excuse me, I must call the science people and tell them the discovery of this new thing" he said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. "Funny". He looked serious now. "What's wrong?" he asked. "You tried to kill Elena!" You protested. "During which I protected an innocent human from getting hurt" he explained. Oh. You rolled over to face him and he looked at you. "I swear, y/n, I know you hate that and I would never do anything you hate".

Klaus: the pregnancy test came back. Positive. Klaus came home soon after. Oh god, you thought, hiding the test. "Y/N!" He called. You covered your mouth. It was unnatural. A witch and a vampire-werwolf. "Love, are you alright?" he asked gently. You turned on your back, crying silently. "Y/N, princess, talk to me. I swear on my life, I could never hurt you". You turned over. "I'm pregnant". He looked shocked and joyous and excited all at once. "I love you, so much."

Elijah: Elijah and you had gotten into a fight and he called you a bitch and accused you of cheating on him with Damon. Damon! Ugh! So, for the last couple of days, you hadn't been talking to him. "Y/N...y/n", Elijah said now, putting his hands around your neck and kissing your neck. It really wasn't fair that someone who you had determine not to talk to was so...knowledgable of what made you snap. "Baby, I'm so sorry. You definitely aren't anything I called or said to you. Please, please forgive me". Elijah was begging you. Plus his kisses had reached your shoulder blade and you were trying not to whimper. "I forgive you" you said softly, whirling around and kissing him before you ended up on the counter.

Enzo: Enzo had gone on a killing spree after he found out Damon had killed his girlfriend. His passionate fury had hurt you and you felt insecure and neglected. So you had done what any normal person would do. You moved out and avoided him. And now Stefan wouldn't stop texting you. You ignored it until you recieved a particularly worrying text: SOS EMOTIONLESS VAMPIRE BOUT 2 KL C+E. Well, fabulous. You were required to save their souls again. When you arrived, there was no one there. "Gorgeous?" Oh, no. No, no, no. Stefan Salvatore would be dead. Dead. D-E-A-D. You turned to face the man that had hurt you. Enzo Lorenzo (from @colleengrier's rant book) was standing there with roses. "Damon set me up on a blind date" he said shocked. You laughed coldly. "Sorry to disappoint". He grabbed your wrist. "No, I'm relieved. I love you, I'm so sorry and you're beautiful and delicate and did I mention that I'm head over oh eels for you, gorgeous" you narrowed your eyes, measuring his honesty in that statement. "I demand the princess treatment for a year. At least" you commanded. He laughed. "Anything for you, my love"

Matt: you heard voices and hid behind a tree before seeing Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and Matt. "so, Human Boy distract y/n and Barbie distract Klaus" Damon instructed. "Why do I always have to be klaus bait?" Caroline whined. "Yeah. And that goes for y/n as well" Matt complained. What? Matt, the sweetest of them all, didn't love spending time with you? Didn't like it when you told him about Klaus's humanity and Rebekah's infuation. "Tough shit" Stefan snapped. "We need to do this." You sobbed silently before rushing out of the forest. All you knew was that nobody killed better than Originals. And hey, you're family again.

Kai: "Kai!" You screamed, struggling with Damon to bring your boyfriend back to your group. "Good riddance all of you, even you y/n" Kai spat. You felt hot tears rush to your eyes and silently turned it off as you were rushed back to the human world, letting vampires eat him and heal him and do it agin and again and again. Six months later... "Y/N, hi" Kai smiled. "Can you let me in?" You just shut the door in his face. Good riddance, Kai.

Tyler: Tyler had gotten drunk and had spent his time dithering between flirting with Caroline and talking to you about Caroline. It had hurt you. Now, you were ignoring him. He had left you alone for a day. And know you heard a knock. Curiously (it was 9:30 pm) you opened the door to see Tyler standing there with roses. "Forgive my behaviour, y/n, you don't deserve it" you looked shocked at him. "Can I come in?" he asked.

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