He gets jealous

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Damon: you were at a bar when a cute boy came over and began to talk to you. You felt a bit nervous as your boyfriend was prone to killing innocent people if they looked at you the "wrong way". So when he saw, he was slightly pissed off. But because he knew that killing innocents upset you, he walked over and compelled the guy to walk away. "Was that necessary?" you spluttered. "Yes. Y/N, you're my girl, not his, not Stefan's. Mine" he whispered, close enough to you to make you shiver.

Stefan: Damon was blatantly flirting with you and it made you uncomfortable. "Don't you need to stalk Elena?" Stefan asked from the door. "Relax, little brother, I've lost all interest in the Katherine look alike" Damon drawled. "Ass" you mumbled. "Well go stalk Bonnie or Rebekah" Stefan demanded. "Just stay away from y/n". Damon held up his hands, leaving the room. "I might take you up on the Bonnie half of things"

Kol: "Nik, I want her more than anything" Kol said openly. You could hear with your vampire hearing and it made you flush. "Well, I can see why, y/n is certainly a stunner" Klaus chuckled, eyeing you over. Kol looked displeased. "Nik, you're my brother and I love you but if you look at my darling like a steak again, I will tear out your heart".

Klaus: "hey, y/n, I just wanted to see if um you wanted to go out for dinner". That was Jeremy's voicemail on your phone. He rang while you were heatedly making out with a certain hybrid. And he had just taken off your shirt when he heard the voicemail. "Nik, please" you whined. He smiled. "Only for you" he said before calling Jeremy. "Hey, mate, I don't know if you've heard the latest rumours but the stunning, strong and intelligent y/n is my girl. She has the marks to prove it. In fact, she's even said it. So, I suggest you find a new girl to fawn over. I hear Caroline's available" klaus growled into the phone.

Elijah: "hello, y/n, may I say that you look good enough to eat in that ensemble?" Kol smirked from the doorway. As a human that knew about vampires, that statement made you tremble in fear. He moved next to you. "Aww, don't be scared. I do bite, but not hard. Ok, that entire statement was a lie" he chuckled and you bit your lip as he put your hand on your knee and let his face vamp out. You closed your eyes and heard a snap. Kol was on the ground and you were in Elijah's arms when you opened you eyes. "My darling, are you alright?" Elijah asked in concern. "Oh. Lijah, I'm fine" you smiled into his chest as he kissed your hair. He eyed Kol's body in distaste. "I should've known my brother would flirt with the finest girl". "Lijah, you're mine and I'm yours" you confessed, seeing his jealousy. "I love you".

Enzo: "hey, y/n " Elijah's eyes lit up happily as he saw you. Next to you, Enzo's dark eyes flashed angrily. "Hey, Lijah". You replied nervously, seeing Enzo tensed next to you. "It's always amazing to see you" Elijah smiled. "Yes, my girlfriend is amazing to be around isn't she?" Enzo taunted before pulling you into a deep kiss. Elijah looked amused. "You two can come in" he said. "You were so jealous" you giggled. "I'm sorry, y/n, I didn't behave appropriately, I know" Enzo frowned. "It's fine, it was really hot" you replied.

Matt: "sorry, y/n. You're just, like, really pretty" Kai smirked at matts anger as he flirted with you. "Yes, Malachi, my girlfriend is particularly attractive after sex isn't she?" Matt said darkly. "Matt!" You groaned. You hadn't particularly wanted that coming out. Not in front of the two other people in the room. "Sex? you're sleeping with him?" Klaus growled. "I now know my satisfaction from crushing your hand" Kol triumphed. "Stay away from my baby sister". "Now look what your testosterone started" you mumbled into your palms.

Kai: "y/n looks hot in that" Tyler mumbled, loud enough for you and Kai to hear. Kai looked at Tyler, who began to scream, clutching his head. "Kai!" You scolded. "Now his eyes are off your body, I'll stop" he said, letting Tyler sit up with a grimace. But Tyler made another comment and Kai growled, this time using his magic to expose the marks he had made on you. Tyler silenced after that.

Tyler: "you and y/n, I can't see it, Ty" Matt laughed. "Don't get me wrong, she's great. But she's...y/n and you're...you". Tyler growled. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Look, Ty, I love you. But y/n's got brains, looks, talent. Shes perfect". Tyler casually let his eyes go yellow for a second. "Don't you ever ogle my girl again, Donovan. You're my best friend but she's my universe." Matt apologised and you looked at Tyler, shocked for what he had said.

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