First kiss

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Damon: you and Damon were fighting over the remote when he suddenly kissed you. You were shocked and forgot about the remote, kissing just as heatedly back. "I won" he whispered, grabbing the remote from behind you. "Oh, are we even watching anymore?" you asked and kissed him again.

Stefan: you were talking to Caroline and Bonnie about Stefan. "And I don't know wether it's because he doesn't actually like me or not" you whined over the fact that last night, on your date, Stefan had kissed your cheek. Not your lips and gawd, you wanted him to. After the duo left, Stefan pushed you against the wall, finally kissing you

Kol: you and the Mikaelsons were having family night and Klaus kept flirting with you and annoying Kol. It got to the point where Kol kissed you passionately, pulling you onto his lap before rushing over to Klaus and breaking his neck.

Klaus: Caroline and Klaus danced and he got a smile. You looked jealously over at them before walking over and pressing your lips to his. "Love, I didn't expect that" Klaus smiled. "But I liked it" he kissed you again and you smiled

Elijah: "what does Katerina mean to you?" you ask in a bout of insecurity. "Nothing more than a friend, my darling" Elijah said to reassure you before kissing you on the lips to hush your complaints.

Enzo: Enzo had just gotten out of Augustine with your help. "Drink. You need it" you said, holding out your wrist. He drank a little but not too much, he didn't want to hurt you. "Thank you, beautiful" he said softly, touching your cheek. "No problem, handsome" you winked back. He laughed and kissed you gently.

Matt: "I'm not leaving, y/n". Matt sat in the room while you felt your face change. "You're hurt. I'm not leaving you". "Dammit, Matt, I don't wanna hurt you" you yelled. Matt stood up and kissed you. Somehow, you, an original vampire, ended up against the wall while Matt, a human, pressed you there.

Kai: Kai looked at your hand on his chest and backed you against the wall. You were a bit scared but got all of your strength, ready to fling him against the other wall if he turned your blood to acid. Surprisingly, he kissed you. You lost all strength and clung to him, kissing him back. He then used his magic to carve a K in your cheek. "Ow" you whined. "There" he said, satisfied. "Now anyone who sees knows you belong to me". You gasped as he kissed you again, stifling any complaints.

Tyler: Tyler was dressed in a suit and mask. You walked in, wearing a dress in y/f/c and a mask in y/f/s. "Miss y/n" Tyler said, walking up to you and pressing his lips on your hand. "Shall we dance?" You curtsied with a chuckle. "I'd like that, mister Lockwood". You two danced and at the end of the song he kissed you, playing with your hair

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