Break up

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Damon: "you know, I liked having both Salvatore's around my fingers and then your slutty ass came along and stole Damon from me" Elena snarled furiously, shoving you on the ground. "I didn't steal him, he just liked me better" you defended yourself. Elena chuckled and covered your mouth. "Shut up, slut" she smirked. Elena was humanity less. She had her hand in your chest when she was rushed up against a tree and staked in the stomach by Damon. "Get the fuck away from her" Damon said, deadly serious. "Y/N, you ok?" he helped you up. "I can't do this Damon. I'm sorry and I love you but I can't be with you" you sobbed and walked away, leaving Damon with tears in his eyes

Stefan: Stefan was a ripper and he killed Andy in front of you and Damon for shits and giggles. You weren't doing this, not anymore. "Y/N, stop running" he yelled. You turned around, and he threw you against the wall, holding you there. You gasped, eyes filling up. "Get off me" you said furiously, lashing out with your feet and successfully shoving the vampire off of you. "Y/N, I'm so so sorry" he said. The old Stefan was back. "No, Stefan, you're not. I can't be with you". You ran out with tears on your face. Stefan grabbed a drink inside but then threw the bourbon bottle at the wall, shattering it like your hearts.

Kol: "for gods sake! You care more about Silas than me!" you snap. You had been feeling neglected whilst your boyfriend went mad, strangling your friends and trying to cut poor Jeremy's arm off! "I'm sorry, y/n, that I can't put all my life on hold for you while Silas is out there!" Kol said cruelly. Your eyes filled with tears. "I can't do this, Kol, not while you're like this". You walked away and broke down outside the mikaelson house

Klaus: you looked at Bonnie's dead body, and turned to Klaus, grief stricken. "You did this" you accuse. "Y/N, calm down, love" Klaus tried. "Don't even, Niklaus! She's my friend and you killed her. I don't want to see you, hear you" you ran away, sobbing over Bonnie's demise. Klaus looked shattered. His whole life got thrown away.

Elijah: "thought I'd find you here" you said in Nola. "Pardon?" Elijah said looking up. "God, do you know how much it sucks being the one to hold a nest of original vampires together since you're not there to do it". "My dear, I had no idea they had forced..." "No. They didn't force me. Rebekah's falling apart without you. She needs a stable older brother. That would be you. But instead you chose to run. I can't be with someone like that" you said angrily, walking away and leaving Elijah miserable.

Enzo: "what the bloody fuck did you do?" you screeched. Stefan's face was bloody and Elena's stomach had a stake protruding from it. "Relax, darling, it's just necessary for information". You reached for the knot, ignoring Enzo's warnings and pleads for you not to. Your hand burnt as you touched the rope. "Vervain?" you asked with tears filling your eyes. "Yes. I'm so sorry, y/n". "Stefan didn't kill your girl. I did" you lie. Damon did. "So let them go, I'll walk out of your life for good". He did it hurriedly and you rushed away.

Matt: "I don't think this is working" Matt said as soon as he saw you. "No, Matty, don't do this" you whimpered. "Vicks got killed by a vampire, I'm dating one...I'm not acknowledging her memory." Matt admitted. You looked at him brokenly and began to run, just needing to get out of there

Kai: you overheard Kai talking to Damon and Bonnie. "I liked having your hand on my chest" he said with a smirk. "Better than y/n's hand, I'll say that". You covered your mouth, chewing on your fingers. "Hey, don't say that about my baby sister" Damon warned. "It's been good sex" Kai lied. you didn't see the regret that crossed his eyes. But he couldn't show emotion. "But that's it". You cried silently, not wanting to be on this island anymore.

Tyler: you walked into the Lockwood household to see Tyler with an attractive brunette. "Y/N, this is Hayley" he said kindly. "Oh my god. Tyler's best friend? I've heard so much about you from Ty" Hayley said happily. "Oh, that's weird. I've heard nothing about you." you said shakily. "Just dropped in to say hi, see ya Ty" you said trying not to cry. you called Caroline a mile away from the block. "How was the anniversary?" she asked excitedly. "I need you" you whimpered in reply.

An: 1.06 K?? Oh my god, I love you guys so much :)

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