Chapter 1: Who You?

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Taehyung walk alone in the dark. Stupid detention. He didn't mean to be mean but that teacher is getting on his nerves. That teacher hates him for being rich kid.

He's crossing the bridge when he notices a beautiful guy sitting on the railings. Is he planning on killing his self?

He pulls the guy's shirt which makes the latter look at him, eyes red and puffy.

"If I treat you a dinner, will you stop thinking of dying in the worst possible case? Most people jump off the bridge; you should eat first so you wouldn't get hungry when you sleep forever."

The guy just stare at Taehyung's uniform. Obviously, he's rich. Instead of answering, he just turns his head and the rich boy finally leaves. He sighs and looks down at the river. If that guy didn't come, he's already floating down there.

Taehyung on the other hand, went to the nearest convenience store and bought a cup of ramen and a bottle of water. He ask the cashier man if he could fill the cup of ramen with hot water before paying and didn't bother asking for change as he walk out of the store and go back to the beautiful man. 

He was still there, eyes closed and hands tightly gripping the railings.

He places the items below the guy and pokes his shoulder. The guy turn around and look at him again, shock and confuse expression was written all over his face. Taehyung just point at the items and put his headphone back to his ears. He flash a small smile before continue his journey to his mansion. Living alone make him glad because there's no one to yell at him for coming late or stuff. He changes his clothes and start cooking for his dinner.

The next two days, Taehyung is still in detention, making him go home late at cold evening and miss his favorite anime show. The weather is getting colder too, since winter is coming. In these two days, he didn't see the guy again. 

Taking off the hood of his jacket, he decided to buy some chips and drinks and think of having a movie night alone.

He shift awkwardly as the cashier girl keep pestering him about his day. Sure, he'll flirt back but not now. Not now that a certain guy is planning to run across the street, where cars and other vehicles are passing.

He takes his stuff and walk out of the store, exactly before the guy step his foot forward. As Taehyung's instinct order him, he pull the guy into a hug, his hand wrap tightly around the guy while the other hand still holding the plastic bag.

"Geez, are you that desperate to die? Dude, you know-"

The guy faint in his arms, forehead brushing on Taehyung's cheek and yep, he's burning with fever. He tries to look around and ask for help, or maybe hope that someone is looking for the guy in his arms. Nothing.

He carries him in bridal style and head to his house. He can't just leave him in the middle of the street with high fever.

He carefully lay him on the couch and put a pillow under his head, taking off his jacket and wraps it on the guy's body. He head to his kitchen and put his stuffs, opening two cups of Ramen, pouring some hot water on it.

He went back and saw the guy is still sleeping, a soft snore can be heard. He sighs in relief and went to his room to change. It’s not new to him, bringing a stranger inside his house. He sometimes take a girl with him to have sex- What do you expect? He's alone.

He wears a comfortable sweater and sweat pants. He takes another shirt and pants, also bringing his newly-washed blanket. 

He places the clothes on the coffee table and cover the guy's body with the blanket. Taehyung sit on the floor and stare at the guy's face. He has a pale skin with flushed face due to high fever. He has long eye lashes and pointed nose. His lips regain its pinkish color, obviously it’s soft. He's not waking anytime soon so he decided to wake him up. He needed some medicines, you know.

He went back to the kitchen to get the ramens and two spoons before heading back, placing the items on his coffee table. 

He was about to wake him up when the guy open his eyes. He suddenly stand up when he see the unfamiliar surroundings, he look down and see a guy, the guy who stop him from jumping off the bridge.

"I was about to wake you up but never mind."

Taehyung said as the other guy stare at him with disbelief.

"Who are you?"

Instead of answering, Taehyung shove him the cup of ramen and motion him to eat.


He just nod and slowly eats the ramen, conscious of Taehyung's gazes from time to time. After eating, Taehyung give him his medicines and a glass of water. When a knock was heard from the front door, at a moment, he thinks he caught a glance of the sick boy's pout but he shrug it off and fish for his phone in his pocket. When he finally unlocks his phone, he curses under his breath. He forgot, Jimin and Hoseok will be staying here tonight.

He look at the guy sitting in front of him and said, "Uhm, hey, whatever your name is-"

"It's Jungkook."

"Okay, Jungkook. Go rest on my room. I have some visitors. Change to this clothes. Do you want me to take you there?"

"N-no, it’s fine. I should leave now--"

Instead, he carry him again in bridal styles and went to the second floor to his room. He wraps tightly the blanket and his jacket so he could be warm. He also turns on his heater for him.

"Stay here."

Taehyung run back to the living room and clean up. Finally, he's standing in front of the door and unlocks it, opening them widely for his two best friends.

"Wow, I thought you're planning to get us frozen outside." Jimin said, closing the door behind him.

"Well, hello to you too." Taehyung rolls his eyes as the two males place their bags and run around his house.

"The cold never bother me anyway!" Hoseok sings out of tune. He run up the stairs and continues singing.

"Dude, do you have a girl here right now? I don't think sharing is bad."

"I just got off my detention, Jimin. And bringing a girl... once a week is enough."

Jimin open his mouth to speak but Hoseok scream and run back to them.

"Oh my jams! There's a freaking guy inside Taehyung's room! He's pale and cold and-"

"Did you went to my room?" Now, you have a bunch of things to explain, Taehyung.

As an answer, Hoseok grabs and drag them to the second floor. He point at the door of his room, slightly ajar. Jimin was about to walk and open the door when someone coughs inside.

Taehyung make his way inside his room and check on Jungkook. 

"You okay?" He said as he places his hands on his forehead, he's cold. He notices the guy already change his clothes; Jungkook's clothes were neatly placed on his night stand.

"So cold...” 

Taehyung take off his sweater when someone shrieks behind him.

"Oh my jams! Taehyung! Are you seriously going to rape this ghost guy?" 

Jungkook stare at the two new guys standing behind 'Taehyung' who is distractingly sexy. Taehyung ignore then and look at him, motioning him to sit up. He did and Taehyung give him his sweater.

"Wear this. Don't mind them, okay? Go take some rest."

Jungkook nod and wear Taehyung's sweaters. It’s really warm.

Taehyung grab another sweat shirt and wear it.

"Hoseok, did I tell you to come into my room?"

"But Taehyung! I'm your hyung! And I hear someone coughs, I thought I was hallucinating or something then I hear it again and- wait a minute, who is he?"

Taehyung groans and pushes the two out, following them and glances at Jungkook over his shoulder.

"Stay here and get some rest."

Taehyung follow the two and gently close the door. Jungkook could hear their muffled voice but can't understand what they are talking about. He lay down on Taehyung's king size bed and hug Taehyung's jacket closer. It’s soft and warm. And smell really nice.

He can't think of any reason why that rich guy is trying to save him. First, on the bridge. Second, on the streets. He falls asleep thinking about that guy.

On the other hand, Jimin and Hoseok finally settle down on the guest room, where the two spend their Friday nights. He's sitting on the bed whilst the two stand in front of him and interrogates him.

"Who is he?" 


"Why is he here?"

"I help him."


"He wants to die, actually."

"Then why did you help him?"


Hoseok look at Jimin and the two nods.

"I bet 20 bucks, Taehyung will top!"

"25 bucks, that Jungkook guy will top tonight. Jimin, you should ready your wallet."

Taehyung groans. Can someone remind him these two idiots are his friends?

"You want to sleep here or you want me to throw you out?"

The two shut up and went to get their pajamas. Jimin win the last bet and he wants Hoseok to wear pink pajamas with Elsa's face. He has the blue one with Olaf’s face. Jimin got no jams.

Taehyung stand up and was about to leave the room when he hear Hoseok said, "Use protection!"

He slams the door and sighs. I should've thrown them outside.

He went to his room and sees the sleeping figure. He went to his bathroom first to wash his face and brush his teeth. He' also wondering why did he even help that guy. He could've let him die at the first place. 

He dries his face and stares at his reflection. Why did he even bother to save that guy? Who is he by the way? He's a stranger named Jungkook.

He sighs and walks back to his room. He lay down next to Jungkook, his back facing him. He closes his eyes and tries to sleep.

Jungkook feel someone lay next to him. He can feel familiar warmth behind him. He turns around and sees the most beautiful face he has ever seen. His hair brushing on his perfect eyebrow. Eyes closed, long eye lashes are visible. Lips slightly apart, his face glistened under the moonlight.

"Done staring at me?" Taehyung give him a small smile and open his eyes.

Jungkook hold his breath, their face were dangerously close. 

"Can I..."

Taehyung blinks, "Yes, you can breathe."

Jungkook exhale, "I mean can I... hug you? I-Its cold and I can't sleep-"

Taehyung wrap his arms around him and close his eyes.

"Sleep, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"But its Saturday...”

"Extra class." Taehyung yawn.

"Why are you being nice to me, T-Taehyung?"

"Because I'm your Guardian Angel. Now sleep, I'm not Olaf who like giving warm hugs." Taehyung chuckle softly. He's tired and Jungkook can feel it.

Jungkook just nod and close his eyes, snuggling closer to his 'Guardian Angel'.

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