Chapter 8: Angelic Voice

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It's already 6 in the evening; Jungkook is sitting alone in Taehyung's couch. After the encounter earlier, Taehyung never leave the room again and Jungkook feel so lonely. He sighs and hugs his knees closer, it's been raining nonstop and it makes him so sad for some reasons. He puffs his cheeks and closes his eyes, slowly falling asleep.

The twelve years old Jungkook is sitting alone, watching the other children play. He's not friendly. He avoided people. He's living in an orphanage. His parents left him there when he was just 2 months old and who knows where they are. He's been bullied by other children, mistreated by others. He watches as the sky turn gray and the rain start pouring. The other children ran back and he's left alone. He stayed there, not knowing what to do if the others bully him again tonight.

"Look what we got here."

Jungkook turn around to the source of the voice and notice 4 big men staring down on him.

"Are you lost, little bunny?"

He stands up and ready to sprint when one of the guy grab his shoulder, restraining him to move.

"Oh, don't you want to play with us?"

Tears started to form on his face; he yelled but another man cover his mouth with his mind.

"Shut up and be a good boy. Now, remove his clothes!" The guy with a scar on his left cheeks said.

The others start ripping his clothes off as the other pin him down, the man with a scar start undressing himself. He slowly walks toward the younger and lick his jaw.

"It will hurt a little, but you'll like it."

After almost 3 hours of sitting, Taehyung is finally done. He stands up and yawns, rubbing his lower back. All he has to do is bring them on Saturday for another meeting. He then decided to check on Jungkook and found him on the couch, hugging his knees as he sleep. He walks toward the kitchen to prepare dinner when he hears the younger sob. Taehyung thought he's just hearing things when he heard the younger starts saying 'No!' and 'don’t touch me!’ He's having a nightmare.

He walks back and sit next to him, tapping the younger's shoulder. No response. He starts shaking him and calling his name, he notice the tears running down the younger's face. The younger suddenly open his eyes and throw his body on the elder, hugging his tightly as he sob on his chest. Taehyung let the other cry as he stroke Jungkook's hair and rub his back.

"Hyung, I'm scared!" The younger cry out.

"Shhh, it's just a nightmare. I'm here." 

They stay on their current position until Jungkook calm down. He immediately notice their position, him on Taehyung's lap and hugging him tightly while the elder's arms wrapped around him, rubbing his back.

"S-Sorry." He slowly moves away, only to be pulled back to his previous position.

"Don't move." Jungkook nod his head and start to relax. He closes his eyes and let out a shaky breath. It's been a while since he has that nightmare.

Taehyung close his eyes as he place his face near the younger's ear. He keeps on saying the words 'I'm here' and 'its okay' to make the other relax, and luckily, he did.

"Haruman neowa naega hamkkehal su itdamyeon,
Haruman neowa naega sonjabeul su itdamyeon,
Haruman neowa naega hamkkehal su itdamyeon,
Haruman neowa naega sonjabeul su itdamyeon,
Haruman, Neowa naega hamkkehal su itdamyeon."

Taehyung unconsciously cup the younger's face and start wiping his tears as he sing. He didn't mind doing that at all, but the younger seems so bother.

Hyung stopped singing because it reminds him of Taeyeon but... Why is he singing? Why my heart is starts to beat faster? Why is he looking at me like that?

Taehyung frown and pulls his hand away, Jungkook already miss the warm hands on his face.

"Something wrong?"

"No hyung, just-"

"Shhh, its okay. Are you hungry? I'll prepare the dinner so stay here." Taehyung finally let him move as he stand up and head to the kitchen.

Jungkook watch Taehyung's back as he walk away. Should I ask Seokjin hyung?

"So, what is it?" Seokjin ask as he sits on the counter.

It's not raining too hard today and Taehyung insist on attending school, he said he'll submit his project. Seokjin decided to pay his baby a visit, he need to know what happen yesterday after they leave them.

"Last night, Taehyung-"

"Oh, yeah! What's with the weird questions yesterday?"

"I-It's nothing, hyung." Jungkook's cheeks flashes visible blush, "So last night, I heard Taehyung hyung sing."

Seokjin take a sip on his coffee and said, "He's good, right?"

"You said-"

"WAIT, DID YOU SAY YOU HEARD TAEHYUNG SING? KIM TAEHYUNG? HE DID WHAT?" Seokjin coughs and almost spit the coffee.

"Well, yeah. He sang 'Just One Day' yesterday."

"WHY? HOW? Oh my gee, this is impossible!"

"I was crying last night. Nightmares. Then he sang to me..." Jungkook blush harder as he remember Taehyung's warm body pressed against him, trying his best to calm him down.

"Then what happen? He kissed you? Or something more than just a kiss?"

"Nothing happen!" He pouts as the other laugh at him.

Jungkook sigh and continue, "By the way hyung, Taehyung ask me to live with him."

"Oh, we know. Actually, it's mine and Namjoon's idea. Did you say yes?"

"I haven't answered him but yesterday, he keeps calling me... uhm..."

Seokjin squint his eyes as he notice Jungkook lower his head, fidgeting.


"He keeps calling me..."

"Yes, kookie?"

"He keeps calling..."

"Jungkook, tell me." The elder whines.

"He keeps calling me-"

"Housewife, I'm home!"

Seokjin's eyes almost pop out from his head when a certain person enter the room.

"Kim Taehyung, did you just call my baby your 'housewife'?!"

Taehyung gulps. Why is Seokjin hyung here? 

"Mind to explain?"

Poker face, Taehyung. Poker face. "Explain what?"

"Housewife? Seriously?"

"What's wrong with that?" Jungkook flinches and look up to look on his "husband". The said man continues, "You should be happy I'm taking care of your baby." Jungkook frowns and Taehyung notice it. He didn't mean to be offensive, trust me.

"Seokjin hyung... I...”

"Hyung wait here; let's talk about the company later. Jungkook, let's go to our room."

Seokjin and Jungkook stare at each other, still processing what Taehyung say.

Jungkook, let's go to our room.

Jungkook, let's go to our room.

Jungkook, let's go to our room.

Jungkook, let's go to our-


"Y-yeah, I'm coming." 

He follows behind Taehyung. Jungkook really like it when he's wearing his school uniform. It reminds him of how they met. They enter Taehyung (and Jungkook's) room. Jungkook sit at the end of the bed as Taehyung immediately remove his bag and his blazer, throwing them somewhere. He then turns on the television, playing the reruns of dramas yesterday since there's a storm and electricity was out. Taehyung sit next to him.

"Hey. Can you stay here for a while? I'll talk to Seokjin about work."

Jungkook nods, lying down and motion Taehyung to leave.

"Seokjin hyung's waiting."

Taehyung stand up and let out a soft chuckle. "I'll be back soon, wifey."

Before Jungkook complain, the door's already closed. He sighed, tossing and turning. He's annoyed because he think Taehyung take care of him just because Seokjin and Namjoon told him. But nevertheless, he's feeling for him will never change. He groans and continues tossing and turning until he spotted his phone. He takes it and unlocks his phone, revealing the photo of him and Taehyung. It's true that it seems like they're a couple, but they're just friends. Jungkook wish Taehyung has the same feelings for him, forgetting the fact that the elder still love another person.

"So Mr. President, how are you coping with the company?"

"Mr. Vice President, we're actually not going to talk about work."

"I'm guessing it's about Jungkook."

Taehyung nod his head, biting his lower lip. Seokjin continue, "Jungkook might be thinking that you're taking care of him just because we told you."

Taehyung hums in response.

"Tae, he likes you."

"I know."

"And he's hurting. You act careless sometimes. Tae, he's not Taeyeon-"

"Don't compare him to Taeyeon!" Taehyung hisses.

"I know, but he's more fragile. Have you ever thought why he wanted to die?"

Taehyung lower his head. He never asks him why. He's being careless.

"Now tell me, why did you agree to let him stay with you? Why did you save him before? He's not that special for you right? Right, Kim Taehyung?"

"Don't ever think I'm lying when I told you he's important. It's just..."

Seokjin sigh and pat his cousin's shoulder, giving him a motherly smile, "I know, Give it a time, you'll see how better he is than anyone."

Taehyung chuckle and smile, "I know, he even deletes Taeyeon's number while I'm sleeping. I think it's adorable."

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