Chapter 6: Housemate

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Taehyung woke up to the smell if bacon and egg. He turns around and notices that something is missing. Jungkook. Is. Missing. He groans and stands up, looking at his reflection on the mirror across the room. He notice the red marks on his neck, his memory about last night is still blurred.

Then it hit him, He kissed Jungkook. He freaking kissed Jeon Jungkook. He groans again and head downstairs. He heard someone humming inside the kitchen. He follows the sounds and there's Jungkook, naked and only Jin's pink apron cover his body.

"Morning, babe" Jungkook turn around to place a quick peck on the elder's lips.

"M-morning. W-what happen... last night?" Taehyung blinks, still processing what's happening.

"Well, you know what happen last night." Jungkook winks, leaning in to suck on Taehyung's neck. Taehyung let out a muffled moan and close his eyes.

"Oh fuck! Kid, wake up!" A voice said. No, it's not Jungkook. He feels Jungkook's cold hand on his back, pulling him closer.

"Taehyung wake up! Did you just kiss the ground?!"

He opens his eyes and feels something-or someone-shaking him. He moans in annoyance when he realizes he fell from his bed. It's just a dream? How disappointing-oh, wait what?

He hurriedly stands up and run to his mirror, checking his neck. There's no mark. He looks around and notices Namjoon looking at him with amused smirk.


"Wet dreams, I see."

Taehyung frowns and the elder laughs at him.

"Kitchen. Breakfast ready."

Taehyung nod, finally decided to wash his face and brush his teeth. Seriously, why would he dream of Jungkook-

Drinks. Messages. Jungkook. Kiss. 

He drops his hand to his sides. Did that really happen?

He groans for the nth time as his head start to throb. Hangover. He slowly makes his way down to his kitchen. As he walk pass the living room, he notice Jimin and Yoongi sleeping together on his couch, arms wrapped around each other. He continues his journey to his kitchen when he sees him, the guy he 'accidentally' kissed last night, eating his breakfast. Their eyes meet for a moment before Taehyung look away, sitting across the younger. He lowers his head and closes his eyes.

Namjoon stop reading the newspaper and look up to see Taehyung rubbing his temple. "Hangover?"

"Yeah, any painkillers?"

Seokjin place a plate of pancakes, a cup of tea and painkillers in front of Taehyung. "Do you remember what happened last night?

Jungkook cough and almost choke on his food. Taehyung pick up his fork."I don't know what happen after... the k-kiss."

Taehyung stuff his mouth with pancakes. Namjoon chuckle and poke his boyfriend's side. Guess what? Our baby Tae has a wet dream."

This time, it's Taehyung who almost choke on his food. Jungkook stare at him with wide eyes because shit, he sleep next to Taehyung last night and he's 169% sure he hear his hyung moan and not it make sense.

Taehyung blushes and cover his face with his hands. The image of naked Jungkook keeps flashing on his mind.

"You know, I'm just joking but with your reaction, I'd say it's true."

Exactly after Namjoon spoke, Yoongi enter the kitchen with Jimin clinging to him like a koala.

"What's true?"

No one answer, so Jungkook take the lead,"Hyungs, w-wet dream."

"About what? Jungkookie?" Jimin mumbles.

Jungkook abruptly stand up and grab his plate before turning to the sink. He needs to calm his freaking heart.

"N-no...” He heard his hyung said and he feels like someone stabs his heart twenty times.

Seokjin chuckles, "Perhaps, its Taeng-"

"Yeah...” He lied in a small voice.

Jungkook's hand accidentally slips and the glass he's holding makes a loud noise, breaking the silence.

"Sorry, my hand slipped."

Seokjin, being the 'mother' of Jungkook, walks to his 'baby' and pat his shoulder. "Kookie, go take a rest. You said you can't sleep-"

"I'm fine hyung. Really."

Taehyung steal a glance on Jungkook, he definitely look troubled. And it bothers him, for some unknown reasons. And something different also bother him.


"Y-yes hyung?"

"Yesterday," he takes in the meds and drink some water before he resume, "did you use my phone?"

Jungkook blinks and he slightly opens his mouth. Taehyung's right. He bites his lower lips to hide the smile forming.

"Let's talk in my room."

Before Taehyung could stand up, Namjoon scream 'No!' saying there might be something happen more than just a kiss if they talk alone. "Oh come on Tae, Is that really important? You can't even talk about it in front of your friends."

Taehyung sigh and look back on Frozen Jungkook, "Did you?"

"I-I don't know?" Jungkook stutters and the elder think he looks so adorable. (Though he can't admit it.)

"Did you reply to her?"

"To who?"

"To Taeng- Taeyeon?"

Jungkook gulps. "N-no."

"Well guys, yesterday, Kim Taeyeon ask me if I'm free for the night. Someone reply and said-"

"Shut up hyung, I'm tired. I'll use your bed." Jungkook walk away, that adorable action make Taehyung smirk.

"Tae, what did Jungkook said?" Jimin ask, now fully awake.

"He said than I already have someone."

After Seokjin and the others 'fan girl' because of Jungkook's adorableness (Taehyung was shocked when Yoongi said there's a word "adorableness"), they finally let Taehyung go back to his room and get some more sleep. Before he even open his door, he heard Jimin said, "Don't you think Kookie like our Tae?"

He shrugs and opens his door. In his bed, a sleeping figure was found. Taehyung try hard not to flashback a photo of Taeyeon, in the same location and same position. He sighs and plops down next to him, sighing before closing his eyes and drift into his deep slumber.

When Jungkook hear his hyung's steady breathing, he slowly stand up, making sure he won't wake the later. He grab Taehyung's phone and delete Taeyeon's message. He continues to tap until a certain message pop up.

Delete this contact?
  Yes         No

He tap 'yes' and sigh in relief. It’s not like he cares a lot about his hyung, it’s just... FINE, HE CARES A FUCKING LOT ABOUT HIS HYUNG AND DON'T KNOW WHY. He went back to his position and faces his hyung. Let's just say Jungkook have a little crush on Taehyung.

The others decide to leave before lunch because they heard from the news that a storm is coming this afternoon. They left a note and some cooked food before leaving the two, not even bothering to wake them up.

Soon, 12 noon pass, Jungkook wake up quivering due to cold weather. He can hear the sounds of heavy rain. He was about to stand up to turn on the heater when he felt a hand drooping on his torso. He turns his head, just to be blinded with Taehyung's lazy smile.


Jungkook manage to nod when the elder move his body closer to him, heat radiating. He likes it. It feels so comforting.

"I woke up earlier. They left you stranded here; guess you have to stay here again." Taehyung chuckle softly. Jungkook admits, it's nice to hear.

"Why don't you just stay and live with me?"

Wait, what?

Jungkook have to blink and rub his eyes to confirm he's not dreaming.


"Stay with me." Taehyung is serious when he said it, but when he realize how weird it is, he then added, "I'm your guardian angel, right? How am I supposed to be with you if you're always far away? Just think of me as your housemate or something."

How could Taehyung hyung ask me that as if it's the most natural thing to do on earth? 

"And by the way, you even delete her number." Taehyug smirk.

How am I supposed to live when my housemate is a sexy beast?

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