Chapter 5: 'Accident'

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"Hyung! It's blurred!"


"Shush, little kid. They'll wake up soon."


"Babe, you should send that to me later."


"Sure babe."




Taehyung groans and open his eyes, in front of him is Namjoon standing with a camera in his hand, Jimin beside him. He tries to shift but there's something heavy. He looks down and sees Jungkook, gripping tightly on his shirt as soft snores can be heard.

"Aww, you two look adorable~ Jungkook looks like a baby while sleeping." Seokjin comes out from the kitchen, wearing a pink apron.

"Why are you here- I mean, how did you come in?" Taehyung ask, changing his position so Jungkook can lay his head on Taehyung's lap.

"We called you earlier but there's no answer. We thought you attempt suicide or some shit so I kick your door open. By the way, nice wallpaper." Namjoon smirk, walking toward his boyfriend to show the pictures.

Taehyung blink twice and pick up his phone. 27 missed calls and 53 unread messages. He unlocks the gadget and mentally slaps his face. I changed my wallpaper.

"By the way, earlier I met my friend, Yoongi. I invited him over so you guys could meet him. He already knows Hoseok since they are both underground rapper."

"Is he hot?" Jimin ask, playing with his phone.

"More likely adorable." Namjoon chuckled and Taehyung blinks when he read one of his messages.

you free tonight?

To: Taengoo~
No. I have someone.

He scratches his neck, he didn't remember reading a message like this earlier, and absolutely he didn't remember replying to this message. He notice the time he receive it. 4:15 p.m.?

At that time he's still sleeping and so does Jungkook. It might be one of his friends who send it, right? But they are not here that time.

Who will text his ex? It might be him but...

He was about to ask his hyungs when Jungkook sit up, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, sleepy head."

"M-morning, hyung." He replies, not even bothering to face his hyung.

"Oh, good. Jin hyung! Your baby Kookie is awake!" Jimin shout, eyes still glued to his phone's screen.

Jin emerges from the kitchen, still wearing the pink apron. "Aww, Kookie~ Are you hungry? Just wait a little, it’s going to be done soon-"


"I'll get it!" Namjoon stand up and walk toward the front door, opening it. Then, a human being (Which is a perfect replica of Olaf and female version of Snow white) enter the house with two plastic bags of soju and beer. Jimin stare in awe because it's the first time he saw an adorable person whose skin is white as snow. He hurriedly focuses on his phone, trying to avoid the new person's gaze.

"Guys, this is Min Yoongi. That's my boyfriend, Seokjin. The two adorable puppies on the couch are Taehyung, the owner of the house, and Jungkook, his qoute-unqoute "wife". That guy playing with his phone and didn't even dare to look up is Jimin."

"Hey guys. Nice to meet you." Yoongi said with his voice a little husky due to the cold weather, and Jimin finally look up. What Namjoon said is true. He's fucking adorable!

"I asked him to bring some drinks, Taehyung. You wouldn't mind if we drink this tonight?"

Taehyung nod his head and get up, taking the plastic bags from Yoongi. "I think Jungkook is not allowed to drink."

Namjoon nod, "He's too young. Plus, you need someone to help you when you sober up. You have a low tolerance when it comes to drinks"

Jungkook laughs that make Taehyung scowl.

After eating dinner and blackmailing Taehyung, He finally agreed to let them drink in his living room. They even bring their own chips and snacks and share it to others.

"Can't I drink with you guys?" Jungkook pouts as he watch Taehyung drink the soju in his glass in one shot.

"No, you're not allowed baby." Jin said, eating some chips before drinking some beer.

"I'm not a baby!" He scowls and kicks Namjoon's feet under the table.

"Yeah right, he read some of my porn magazines." He scoffs and Taehyung almost spit his drink.

"He what?"

"I read porn magazines, I even watch some if Namjoon's not around now give me that." He snatches Taehyung's glass and fills it with soju, drinking them in one shot. He coughs after he place the glass down, feeling the burning sensation down his throat.

Taehyung snatch the glass and pour it with soju, drinking it before speaking, "That's enough, got it?"

Jungkook manage to nod. He's starting to get dizzy and he feels his stomach turning upside down. It's his first time and he didn't even take it slow. 

"Aww, Tae's face is now red. Are you drunk now?" Jimin sighs and 'accidentally' bump Yoongi's hand. He pulls away and murmur an apology, Yoongi just smile which make the younger stun for a moment.

On the other side of the room, Namjoon start cuddling with Jin. They keep on whispering to each other and Jin giggles like a high school girl who met her bias.

Jungkook stare at his hyung. He notices he's reading a text message, which seems familiar to him.

you free tonight?

To: Taengoo~
No. I have someone.

Taehyung stare directly to his phone. Who texted this to her? It's possible that it's Jungkook but...

He felt someone poke his shoulder and he look around to see Jungkook pouting, "Hyung, I'm sleepy."

Taehyung nod his head and stand up, almost tripping on Najoon's foot. Jungkook also stand up and lost his balance, landing on Taehyung. Taehyung let out an 'omf!' sound as his back hit his couch. He felt something heavy and he open his eyes to see Jungkook's face, their lips touching.

Jungkook felt something weird in his stomach. They stare at each other, no one dare to move. It feels like time stop for them. And Taehyung admit, he can feel warm tingly feelings. The feeling he felt for Taeyeon few years ago.

They heard something, like a sound of camera, but they didn't pull away. Not until Taehyung's vision black out.

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