Chapter 22: Crazy in Love [M]

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[A/N: Mature content ahead. Read it if you want me to ruin your life. c:]

"Hyung!" Jungkook whines as he tug at the elder's shirt. They arrived at Jejudo 15 minutes ago and they place their belongings in their hotel room then head back outside to meet the others, though Jungkook have another plan.

"Hm?" Taehyung just hums as he turn around to meet Jungkook's pouty face. He's fully aware about the little attention he give to Jungkook and he's fully aware of how Jungkook reacts every time he do something that surely makes the younger jealous. And everything was just a part of his plan.

"Are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Please don't ignore me." The younger's vision gets blurry and he knows for sure, a tear will escape his eyes soon.

Taehyung bite his lip, No this isn't supposed to happen "No, baby. Of course not." He cups the younger's cheeks and pecks his lips. He quickly wipe the tear and place a promising kiss on his nose.

"I love you, hyung."

Taehyung blinks. Once, then twice. This is the first time Jungkook told him he loves him, and that makes Taehyung giddy because Jungkook never really voice out his feeling to his hyung. He's not that kind of person, anyway.

So instead of screaming 'I love you too' on his face, he quickly capture the younger's lips. A long passionate kiss. Jungkook pulls away first, breathless. Taehyung smile reassuringly as he place one last kiss and drag the younger out of their hotel room.

"So Taehyung, what's up?"

"Nothing much." He shrug as he watch his lover play in the pool with Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok. Taeyeon and Baekhyun disappear to gather some towels for them.

Yoongi sigh as he watch his Jimin laughs, "Damn, I never knew you have a friend who look so innocent but really kinky in bed."

Seokjin chokes on the strawberry cake he's eating, "P-pardon?"

Yoongi shrugs, "Jimin. He's freaking kinky."

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "Can someone tell me what is the perfect gift for someone?"

Yoongi and Seokjin share a look before answering at the same time. "Sex."

Taehyung's face heat up, "W-what?"

The pale man roll his eyes and lay down the towel spread on the ground, "It's not like you guys did it before, besides, It's been one month and I know you guys need it. Hormones, I mean,"

"No! Tae and Kookie are my babies and they are too young-" Yoogi stuff Jin's mouth with his cake.

On the other hand, Taeyeon and Baekhyung arrived, handing them the fresh towels. Taeyeon hands Jungkook a towel and he mumbles a 'Thanks' in return.

"You know? I'm very stupid to follow Taehyung around and try to get his attention."

Well, at least you know. "Yeah?"

"And I just want to say sorry for all the trouble I made. I know true love never die so I tried to grab my chance, but when you walk into his lfe, I'm pretty sure he'll get confused with his feelings."

Jungkook lowers his head. What is she saying?

"There was one time I tried to do it with him but he refused, saying he needs to walk you home since it's your first day and you might get in trouble again. He left me hanging just to come back to school for you. That moment, I know you win."

Jungkook remember this. His first day of school.When he stole a kiss from his hyung.

"And 'm sorry for being such a bitch, so please. Don't leave him like I did before. He deserve to be love." She smiled sweetly and hugs him tightly. Jungkook can't say anything so he just hug her back. A few seconds later, she pulls away and point at his left.

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