Chapter 13: Stolen

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 Jungkook sigh as he stares outside the window. How he wish he could just stay home and sleep until his hyung return like a good wife he is. He bites back the smile when he feel a light tap on his shoulder and he turn around, Bambam staring at him as he bite his lower lip.

"What is it hyung?"

"Well, you see... I-It's not that I want to be friends with you just because you're pretty close with the kingkas or Yugyeom but-"

"No worries, I'm not thinking something like that." Jungkook smile reassuringly.

Bambam return the smile and look back in front, listening to what the teacher is saying whilst Jungkook continue to stare outside. He notices on one bench, there's a plastic bag with an empty ramen cup and water bottle. A smile slowly creeps on his face. The first time he met Taehyung was when he's planning to commit suicide. Even though he's a complete stranger to him, he bought him a ramen and a bottle of water. Jungkook will be honest, the moment Taehyung was out of sight, he quickly eats the food. He then stayed for another 2 hours before heading back to the orphanage-slash-Namjoon's second home. Namjoon's family own the orphanage where he live before, the reason Namjoon call him as a step-brother is because he's the first friend of Jeon Jungkook.

The next time he runs away from the orphanage, that's when he was bullied again. They steal his food and pick on him. He run away even it's really cold outside. He then meets again Taehyung and he blacks out. All he remembers is waking up in a warm couch, wrapped in a blanket which smells really nice, and a guy with handsome face staring at him. He was never pampered like this before and it's a strange feeling for him.

The elder’s kindness and playfulness make his heart flutter and he knew that moment he did not just admire him, but he likes him instead. AND THAT WIFEY THING MAKES ME GO INSANE.

He sighs, Jeon Jungkook he's not into you. He might flirt with you, but he like- no, scratch that-he loves Taeyeon.

He can feel his subconscious snorts at him. He sighs again. Perhaps I take the meaning of his kindness in the wrong way and he's just being nice because he pity me?

This time, he lowers his head and ignores the noise around him. He's thinking too much, maybe he just needs to take a nap.

He wakes up, feeling refreshed. He looks up and he notices the orange sky. Crap!

He was about to stand up when he notice a guy sitting next to him, of course it's Kim Taehyung. His eyes are tightly shut, lips slightly parted and his breathe is calm. He's sleeping. Jungkook's subconscious smacks his head, telling him to kiss him. But no, he fights the urge of kissing his hyung's plump and pinkish lips.

He was startled when Taehyung shift his position and lick his lips. His head is now facing Jungkook's direction. He gulps. Damn hormones. He can hear his subconscious laughing at him.

He stares again on his perfect face. Maybe when God make Taehyung, he put too much perfection and hotness? He giggles on his own thought. He then remember that this human's heart belong to someone else. And that someone else hurt him but he still loves her. He frowns, how many kisses did they share for two years? It's obvious they did something more than that. He can admit he's jealous. But they are nothing. There's no romantic relationship. Just friends. They didn't know each other's past, likes and dislikes, hobbies and even favorite stuffs. But he knows Taehyung can read him like an open book.

He stops thinking immediately when his eyes landed on his lips again. It's so tempting that he absent-mindedly licks his own lips. Maybe a quick peck won't hurt, right? He pinches his cheeks, trying to not do it. When did he start to like guys? Oh right, when he met Taehyung.

He clutches his necktie and tries to calm his breathing; he can't just ignore this opportunity. He slowly moves closer, closing the gap between them. Electricity fire through his body when their lips touch. He likes it. Jungkook likes it. His subconscious jumps up and down happily, screaming in his head. His lips stay longer than he intended to. He want him to kiss him back and he never mind staying like this forever, well that is if there's a forever.

After long 5 seconds of savoring his hyung's lips, he pulls away with flushed face, hearts fluttering and feeling the butterflies in his stomach. Stolen Kisses are the best. He smiles softly when Taehyung didn't wake up. His smile faded when he heard someone snicker from the door.

"Wow, never expect that." He turns around and it hit him, Yoongi and Jimin are standing there, watching him.

His face turn beet red. He lowers his head and bites his lower lips hard. He's caught and he's dead. He heard the couple chuckle.

"Don't worry, he'll never know that." Jimin said reassuringly. He slowly raises his head, blinking.


"Fuck yeah. Unless you tell Taehyung."

"Tell me what?" Jungkook, once again, was startled. He back away almost immediately, hitting his hips on the corner of the table. Crap! He wince in pain as he struggle to move away from Taehyung who's eyeing him with a confuse look. What am I suppose to say to him?! Jungkook, think!

Jimin and Yoongi shake their heads and laugh at the scene. Dumb Taehyung and Shy Jungkook. This will be fun. 

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