Chapter 4: Stupidity 'n Crush

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After the bone-crushing hug that Jungkook really like, they decided to say goodbye to Seokjin, who secretly filmed everything because he secretly ship the two boys. They are currently sitting inside Taehyung's black Audi R8. Talk about rich kid.

"Kookie? What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Jungkook blinks, is he really asking me that? 

"Anything is fine, hyung."

"How about chicken? Tonight, Seokjin hyung will cook for us."

Jungkook nods. He's too shy to even look at him. It feels like even if he just stares at the elder, he'll blush or something.



"What took you so... l-long earlier?" Jungkook bite his lower lips. It’s not that he's worried or something but-

"I played basketball with my friends. Why? Missed me?"

"No!" Jungkook face palm, he answer too quick, Taehyung might think he's lying. Taehyug just chuckle at the younger's behavior. Cute.


Taehyung hums in response.

"Can we buy gummy bears later?" Jungkook blushes when he heard his hyung chuckle.

"Sure, just for Kookie."

"Hyung! Do we need some mayo?"


"Because Jimin hyung and Hoseok hyung use all the mayo earlier."

"Sure, could you please get that?"

Jungkook nods as he walks to the other aisle. Taehyung insisted he'll push the cart and he's currently putting random ingredients inside it. He looks around and finally found the aisle with mayo. He grabs one mayo and he knows he saw someone familiar in his peripheral view.

He follows where the figure went and there she is. Kim Taeyeon. Hyung shouldn't see her!

He hurriedly searches for his hyung, who's currently looking for Jungkook's gummy bear.

"Oh Kookie! You're back! What do you want, this one or this one?" He asks, pointing at the two objects.

"Anything hyung. Can we please eat lunch now? I'm starving." Jungkook pouts.  Taehyung gives him an apologetic smile and whisper 'sorry'.

"Come on; let's pay for this then we're going to eat. You must be really hungry?"

Jungkook nods as he follows his hyung to the counter. We need to get out of here. 

Luckily, there are not many people and in a few minutes, Taehyung’s taking out his credit card and paying. They carry the groceries and Jungkook thought they are leaving when Taehyung grab his arm and said, "I think I forgot something."

"No hyung, I'm here, you didn't forgot me." Jungkook frowns when he saw Taeyeon behind Taehyung, already in the counter and eyeing them.

Taehyung chuckles and slung his arms around Jungkook's shoulder as they walk out. Right then, Jungkook realize what he said and blush so hard.

Jungkook's still blushing and can't move on yet blush harder when the elder said, "You know, I like you."


"I mean, you're cool and not stupid like Hoseok and Jimin-"

Jungkook almost trip when he realize what his hyung mean. Oh, Like as in friends.

"Never mind, you're kind of stupid." Jungkook sulks. It's not that I'm expecting for something but still, he said I'm stupid.

They arrive at a restaurant, not too far away from the grocery store. Jungkook is still sulking when Taehyung place a plate full of chicken and fries.

"Now, don't sulk. I'm sorry, okay?"

"I forgive you hyung, just because you bought me this." Jungkook start to stuff his mouth with chicken.


He looks up and notices Taehyung holding his phone with his adorable grin.

"Mif myou jush shake ahm shicture omf me?"

"What? Don't talk when your mouth is full, Kookie."

Jungkook pout and start chewing his food, drinking the cola afterwards.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

Taehyung nods his head and show him his picture. Honestly, he looks like a kid. He groans and tries to snatch the phone but Taehyung pulls away and shove the phone back to his pocket, still grinning.

"It's cute. Don't argue, you are cute."

Jungkook felt his cheeks getting warm and his heart is beating so freaking fast. Wow, I think I should go to a cardiologist soon.

They continue eating and Taehyung will tease him from time to time, It's not like he hate it but Jungkook just want to eat.

Fast forward, after eating lunch, they went home and they are currently sitting in front of Tae's TV. with the empty box of cookies and two empty cans of root beer in front of them. They are watching a horror movie and guess what? Taehyung is the one who shrieks every time something appears, and Jungkook found it adorable.

The younger absent-mindedly leaning his body to Taehyung and the later notice this, wrapping his arms around his shoulder and pulling him closer.

"If you're tired, you can sleep. I don't want you to get sick again, No one's going to look after you- OHMYGLOVES! YOU FREAKING GHOST! GO AWAY!" Taehyung shrieks and Jungkook just smile, leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder and close his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

After some moment, Taehyung turn off the TV. and sigh, playing with the younger's hair. First of all, he didn't expect to see Taeyeon after a year. And now, he met Jungkook and it's like déjà vu. But this time, he's not the one who needs some caring. It's the guy sleeping next to him. It's not him who attempt suicide, it’s Jungkook.

His phone vibrates and he takes out his phone, showing a message from his hyung.

Seokjin hyung
be there in 2 hours. Hoseok can't attend, family business.

He types a reply and decided to open his gallery. He immediately delete the file named 'Taengoo~♥', he then tap on another file and stare at the recent photo of Jungkook. He smile automatically and use the photo as his wallpaper. Cute.

He places it on the coffee table and lean his head on Jungkook's, closing his eyes in the process. Two hours. He still has two hours before the apocalypse. He might as well take this moment as an advantage.

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