Chapter 11: First

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Jungkook groans and hide under the blanket. He didn't want to see his hyung, especially when he's wearing his uniform.

"Wifey, come out now. We're going to be late."

"But I don't want to go there!"

Taehyung poke the lump on his bed, sitting at the edge. "Kookie, you promised me."

Jungkook moves away from his hyung, still hiding under the blanket.

"If you don't come out there, I'm going to kiss y-"

The younger male finally stand up, dashing out of the room. He heard the elder chuckle as he run for his life.

"Jungkook, let's go!"

In forty five minutes, the first class will start. And Taehyung's worried about the younger, obviously Jungkook didn't like the idea of attending a school, a well known school to be exact. He slowly makes his way toward the front door, where Taehyung was standing, holding two backpack and being hot as usual.


"Let's go?"

"My bag..."

"Let me carry it. You might suddenly run away." Taehyung chuckles and start walking, locking the door behind them.

Jungkook manage to nod before following his hyung. Oh well, at least I can see how this kingka acts in school.

They arrive 15 minutes before first class start. Everyone's eyes are on him. He hurriedly walks toward his first class, avoiding Taehyung or the other student's gazes. He sighs as he finally reaches his first class without getting into trouble or getting lost. Sure, he'll apologize to Taehyung later but his hyung need to understand he's nobody. 

A petite kid bumps into him, he look like a baby if you ask Jungkook who stare awkwardly to the new guy.

"Uhm, Hi! I haven't seen you before. Are you a new transferee too?" The small guy smile.

Jungkook nods his head, "Yeah, you?"

"I just got here last week. My name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul. Just call me Bam Bam." The guy offers his hand which he gladly shakes.

"Jeon Jungkook." He nods and let a small smile.

"Say, why don't we enter and talk for a while? We're a bit early so..."

They enter the room and it turns out that that baby faced guy is actually months older than him. And he's also the ex-boyfriend of one of the school's kingka. (And unfortunately, they meet again.) He also found out that he's a Thai but he's pretty good in speaking Korean which makes Jungkook surprise.

Their conversation halted when the teacher finally enter the room, asking him to go in front and introduce himself, which kind of go well if you don't want to ask about the stares of the guys and girls' comments like "He's cute" and "I saw him with Taehyung oppa earlier".

Sure, this is going to be a long day.

He walks back toward his seat, frowning a bit when Bambam give him thumbs up.

"What's wrong?"

"I think it’ll be a hard year for me." Jungkook sigh.


"It feels like they'll kill me because-"

"Excuse me? I need to talk to Jeon Jungkook."

"I went to school with Taehyung...” He slowly said before he turns around towards the door after hearing the familiar voice. Everyone start whispering and Bambam's mouth slightly open when he sees who's with Kim Taehyung, Kim Yugyeom.

"W-what is it?" Ms. Choi gulps, she's stunned with the pretty guys standing there.

"I said Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung starts to walk toward Jungkook who's sweating because for heaven's sake, he's dead. Taehyung will talk to him and his fan girls will hunt him.

"I think I put my notes inside your bag." Tae shyly scratch the back of his head when Jungkook stare at him blankly.

"You what?"

"Can you check if I put it here or I left it? It's a black notebook." Jungkook pouts but he open his backpack and start fishing for Taehyung's notes.

"Do you think you put it there? You sure you didn't leave it hyung?" Yugyeom walk beside Taehyung, avoiding Bambam's eyes.

Jungkook notice a black notebook and pull it out and hand it to Taehyung who smile and pinches his cheeks. Taehyung then turn to Yugyeom and hand the black thing to him.

"Told you. I just misplaced it again. Come on, I have many stuff to finish." Yugyeom just chuckle, whispering "You mean sleeping and bothering us, right?" and walk out first, but not before he steal another glance on Bambam. Taehyung pat Jungkook's head, clearing his throat and throws a wink at the stunned teacher before leaving.

Ms. Choi clears her throat and tries to calm her student's screams, groans and curses. Bambam and Jungkook on the other hand, sigh in disbelief, wanting to slam their head on the wall.

"And that's all for today, don't forget to do your home works."

The ring bells and everyone rushes out of the room, leaving Bambam with Jungkook.

"Do you want to eat lunch together?"

Jungkook nods, "Sure, just give me a minute."

Jungkook start to put his things inside his bag when his phone vibrates. He takes it out and read the message.

Taehyung hyung~
Psst, wifey! Come here. Yugyeom said you can bring Bambam, if he wants.

He frowns when he realizes the text was 5 minutes ago.

Taehyung hyung~
Fine, I already ask someone to get you.

Jungkook starts to panic, quickly pulling his bag and Bambam's wrist and was about to run away when a group of girls and guys stop them, blocking the door. All Jungkook want to do is to run away from them and from Taehyung.

"Look who's here? It's Taehyung's pet!" The girl slap him hard, Bambam gasp when he notice Jungkook's bleeding lips.

"With his new found friend. Bambam right? I heard you're a part of Yugyeom oppa's past?" Another girl said, giggling as he walks next to them, the other guys surrounding them.

"Oh well, we forgot to say. Taehyung oppa is mine." The girl who slap Jungkook smirk, pulling Jungkook closer using his necktie. Jungkook hisses and pushes the girl, finally freeing himself. But the other guy traps him, grabbing both of his shoulder.

"Hana! You alright?" The other girl's grip tightened on Bambam's hair, making him wince.

The girl named Hana nod her head, grabbing her Swiss army knife and pointing it directly to Jungkook, eventually sliding the cold metal on Jungkook's cheeks which make him shiver.

"You're messing with the wrong person, bunny."

Hana giggles and dip the knife on his cheeks, leaving a small wound and the blood starts to drip."

"Aren't you being a bitch-"

"No he's not, now please let go of them before Taehyung snap. He's not in good mood already."

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