Chapter 17: Let's Pretend

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Hoseok shrieks when he enter Taehyung's house. He points at the abandoned clothes on the floor and look at his four friends who eyes him like he grows another head.

"Can you see what I see?"

The two couple nods.

"They are clothes." Yoongi said.

"Yes! Jungkook and Taehyung's clothes!" He picks up the black boxer on the floor and throws it to Yoongi.

Yoongi laughs and smell the underwear and said, "I think this underwear is Taehyung's. It actually smells like him. Did he wash all his clothes with his body spray?"

Jimin gasp at his boyfriend, "how did you know? Ohmy- are you cheating on me?!"

"Keep quiet please!"

They turn their head to see Taehyung walking down the stairs, wearing a bathrobe. His hair is obviously messy and there are red marks on his back, shoulder and arms. Probably because Jungkook dug his nails on his skin. Namjoon notice it first.

"Man, you do him hard."

Taehyung just smirk, not even realizing a limping Jungkook descending from the stairs, wearing Taehyung's oversized shirt and boxer. Everyone was shock when the younger turns Taehyung around to face him, snaking his arms around Taehyung's neck. He then lifts himself and wraps his legs on the other's waist.

"Let's go back to bed. I'm tired."

An idea pop on Taehyung's mind and he smirk internally.

"Why don't you walk? You're heavy."

Jungkook just clings tighter, nuzzling his nose on the crook of Taehyung's neck.

"I'm fucking sore and it really hurts when I walk, do you think I’m fine right now?" He huffs, making everyone burst out laughing.

"It's your fault after all." Jin said, picking up the abandoned clothes on the floor and taking them to the laundry room.

Taehyung then playfully slap Jungkook's butt, making him groan in pain (and pleasure).

"How dare you hyung. I hate you a lot."

Taehyung just chuckle, sitting on his couch and settling the younger on his lap. Namjoon sit next to him, Jimin on the floor in front of him and they started playing with Tae's Xbox. Hoseok and Yoongi went to the kitchen to help Jin prepare their dinner.

"Hyung?" Jungkook whisper.


"Have you... uhm, you know. Do it with T-taeyeon before?"

Taehyung look down on the guy on his lap, biting his lower lip.

"No. Actually, my first time doing it with a guy." He smiles, leaning forward to place a quick peck on the elder's lips.

Taehyung quickly capture the younger's lips again, passionately kissing him. Jungkook's hand grabs on his hair and kisses the elder back. Taehyung slowly pulls away before the kiss deepens.

"I want you to go to school tomorrow."

Jungkook nods, "What about you?"

"I'm going to settle things with Taeyeon."

Taehyung taps his finger on the table as he patiently waits for Taeyeon. He decided to settle things and move on.

The door of the fast food restaurant open, revealing the person Taehyung has been waiting for. Taeyeon gracefully walk to Taehyung, leaning in to place a kiss on the guy's cheeks but he pulled away before she kisses him.

"I have a favor to ask."

"I want you, and me, to pretend nothing happen between us. Let's pretend we never dated. Let’s pretend we don't know each other."

Taeyeon blinks, "What if I don't want to?"

Taehyung just shrug and as if on cue, a petite guy walks toward their table. He notice Taeyeon's eyes grew wider.

"Byun Baekhyun?"

The waiter blinks, "How did you know my name? Nice seeing you again, Tae."

Taehyung nods at the waiter and look at Taeyeon. "He lost his memories. Plane crash. Now, do you agree on my offer?"

Taeyeon's lips quiver as he stares at the guy standing in front of him. She nods her head and Taehyung take it as a signal to leave the two.

Once Taehyung was out, the cold breeze of winter afternoon welcome him. He slowly makes his way to the parking lot, where he left his car. He sighs and kicks the pebble in front of him. Taeyeon will stop bugging them; well that’s what he thinks. He reaches the parking lot, his head hanging low. He fishes for his keys on his pocket when he heard someone clear his (?) throat. He looks u to see Jungkook, smiling warmly at him. He smiled back and walk forward, placing his lips on the younger’s forehead.

“What’s up?”

“My teacher for my last subject for this morning is absent. We got dismissed earlier than we expected, so here I am.”

Taehyung chuckles, unlocking the door of his car and opening the door for him. “How’s your butt?”

“I can walk without limping, but I still find it hard to sit properly. Thank you very much for that.” Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, entering the elder’s car and sitting on the passenger’s seat. Taehyung runs to the other side and quickly enters, turning the engine on.

“So where do you want to eat?”

After 15 minutes, they arrive at Jin’s café. Jungkook was craving for pastas so he texted Seokjin they’ll be there to eat lunch. Once they enter, Namjoon’s face welcomes them.

“Hi! Hello! Come in, Seokjin is preparing your pastas. It’ll be done in any minute.”

Taehyung nods and walk in, Jungkook follow the elder, but not before saying ‘Thank you.’ to his hyung. They sit across to each other, both looking outside the window.


The elder raise his eyebrow, leaning forward as if telling him he’s listening.

“About Taeyeon…” The younger mumbles, fidgeting with the hem of his school uniform.

“Everything’s fine. Well, at least she won’t try to bother us.” He gently smile, which makes the younger sigh in relief and return the smile.

It’s true that Kim Taehyung is freaking straight as a ruler, but there’s a question that makes him confuse to his gender. A question that makes him afraid to know the answer the guy in front of him will say to him. A question in his mind that he can’t voice out:

Jungkook, Can I pretend that you’re mine and I’m yours?

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