Not Anymore.

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Taehyung groans, his head hurts a lot. He shift from his position and tries to block the light. He heard the door open, foot steps getting louder.

"Hoseok go home. I'm sleepy." He grumble, throwing the blanket over his head. He expect Hoseok to jump on his bed and bug the hell out of him. But no. So maybe it's Jimin? If it's Jimin, he should've pull off Taehyung's blanket and push him off the bed. But instead, the person hug him and soft giggles emit from the room.

"Babe, wake up."

He flinch, standing up to see Jaehee wearing his shirt. "W-what are you doing here?!"

"It's my hotel room, remember? By the way, I have fun last night." She winks, skipping towards the bathroom. Then it hit him. Last night. Party. Drinks. Hotel Room.

"What happen?!"

"Oh you know. Just like what I thought, you're into hardcore se-"

"Get away from me, bitch!"

"Nope, it's all over the news. You and me, getting married." Taehyung furrow his eyebrows, "I'm pregnant Taehyung."

"No fucking way!" He grip on his hair and grab his phone, quickly dialing Jungkook's number. After three rings, he answered and Taehyung let out a sob.

"Kookie, I-I'm sorry--"

Jungkook ends the call. He tries to dial again but it seems like Jungkook turn off his phone. 

"What? Your 'wifey' won't answer your calls?" Jaehee giggles. He slipped off the bed and find his jacket.

He needs to clears this mess.


It's already late evening when Jungkook heard a knock on the door, a faint voice calling him.

"Jungkook? It's me."

Jungkook hesitate at first but he found himself unlocking his door and letting his mom on her wheelchair walk in his room, patting his bed. He close the door behind him and sit beside his mom. She pass him a plate with food, probably for his breakfast, lunch and dinner he missed. 

"Jungkook, I heard what happen..." She whisper softly.

"I-I don't want to talk about it." He mumbles, he can feels his cheeks starting to feel wet again. He place the plate on the night stand and he can feel his mother's eyes on him, but when he look at her, Worried and sad look was etched on her face.

"Jungkook, Taehyung is here earlier." Jungkook can't help but flinch. Her mother continue, "He said he won't leave untli we let him talk to you. His friends came to fetch him."

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