005; she's seeing someone

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third person.

"okay so, say we went on tour," harper suggested, her and corbyn too far into a conversation about their music careers to focus on the time that was nearing midnight and how early they planned to be up the next morning.

"that sounds fun," corbyn nodded, "continue."

"three songs you'd avoid performing, go." she said, placing her fork down before folding her arms, "you don't need to explain the reason, but just three that you'd find difficult to perform or wouldn't like to."

"okay, um i'm a big fan of all of the songs," corbyn shrugged before glancing around the restaurant, "but maybe grey because it's slow, be myself because it's a sad kind of vibe and slow down."

"why slow down?" harper asked as a frown grew on her face, "the best song on the album."

"i just wouldn't want to," he said through a small laugh, watching the girl opposite him shake her head before picking up her fork again, "what about you?"

"me? i don't have many out yet."

"you have more than me out."

"alright, fine let me think." she smiled, "not a big fan of bad idea or wingman and i'd definitely not perform obsessed."

"fair enough," corbyn slowly nodded.

"but there is a song coming out that i'm very excited to perform," she mentioned as corbyn looked over at her, "but you can't hear it yet."

"that's unfair," he frowned, "i'm your-"

"don't pull the boyfriend card." harper interrupted him as she raised her eyebrows, "besides it isn't finished yet."

"can't i get a sneak peek?"

"no," she shook her head, "i can tell you what it's about."

"tell me what it's about then," the boy smiled slightly.

"this topic will make sense once you listen to the song," harper warned him as she took a sip of her drink, "but it's about your exes."

"oh," corbyn nodded, his smile dropping while watching her smile and shrug, "oh okay.. sounds like it'll be good."

"it doesn't bash them or.. okay it kind of does." she scratched the back of her neck as corbyn tidied up their plates into a pile and moved them to one side of the table, "but it isn't too bad."

"well i'm excited for it," the boy forced a smile onto his face before holding up his car keys, "ready to go? it's almost midnight."

"oh, yeah let's go." harper nodded, grabbing her jacket before the couple made their way out of the restaurant they were in.

once they walked over to corbyn's car and both got into it, with harper slightly upset that the boy didn't offer to open her door for her, they put on their seatbelts before the boy turned on the car engine and grabbed his phone.

"don't use your phone," harper looked at him, "not while driving."

"i'm just sending a text to see if-"

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